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Hello everyone! Since I started reading and received the Mistborn trilogy on my birthday last year, and my birthday this year is in five days, I thought I'd finally join 17th Shard. I've read both Mistborn Era 1 and 2, The Way of Kings and Words of Radiance, the Reckoners, Elantris, Warbreaker, the Rithmatist, and Arcanum Unbounded in the year I've been a Sanderfan. I haven't read Alcatraz or White Sand yet, but I'm sure I'll read them sometime after I'm done rereading the two Stormlight Archive books and obsessively counting down the days until Oathbringer. 

My favorite book so far is definitely The Way of Kings, and my favorite cosmere character is Kaladin, Lightsong being a close second.

Anyways, I'm excited to finally be able to discuss the books I love with other fans like me. I’ve tried converting a lot of my classmates to the cosmere fandom, but I only get weird looks and told I’m crazy. It’ll be nice to have other people around who understand my love for my favorite author.

(I'm also a huge Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fan, so you might occasionally find me making bad puns based on them in the forums :P)

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