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What is an infinity mind



In secret history right before preservation dies he tells kelsier that he can't take the power he doesn't have an infinity mind. (I don't have the quote so that about as goo as I can do) That was after kel had jumped into the well so his soul had expanded. But not his mind? so what is this infinity mind and how do I get one. Clearly the shards have one or at least eventually got one after having there shard for so long. Does a coper mind ferochemist have one. What would happen to some one in the physical realm with an infinity mind does it let them focus on everything or just remember. Could you locate some one with an infinity mind or even better does it let you world hop? 

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Er...youre slightly off on a few points. Preservation tells Kel he needs an "infinite mind" in order to see into the spiritual realm in a meaningful way. The context of the statement is basically Leras telling Kel that, without tremendously more Investiture than Kel could ever hope to accumulate, he can't possibly hope to see the future clearly enough to be able to save the world from Ruin, and attempting to do so will kill him or drive him insane.

I'm not aware of any reference to an "infinity mind"

I'm searching the book in its native English, are you perhaps reading a translation?

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Well, when the cosmere cinematic universe begins, each film will introduce a super-powerful artifact called an Infinity Mind. It will later be revealed that Adonalsium was a feruchemist, and the Infinity Minds (of which there are six) are Adonalsium's own metalminds. And whoever wears all six of them will wield godlike power. And should a villain attain such power, then it would take all the heroes of the cosmere working together to stop him. But only after they've teamed up on at least two previous occasions. 


If it's not clear, I'm joking. I think Hwiles has the right answer.


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@Generalbacon74 Regarding the "infinite mind" thing and the Spiritual Raelm that Hwiles mentioned: The Spiritual Realm is everywhere and nowhere at once, a place where there is no time or place, where one can glimpse the future and possibly the past. When a person takes up a Shard, their mind is expanded to be able to handle all that extra information. Us normal humans can't take that, which is why Kelsier started to burn up when Leras allowed him a glimpse into the SR.

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