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Salt Lake Comic Con 2017


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Here's the audio for the first day's signing. I've only listened to about 3-4 minutes of it - mostly to make sure you could hear the Q&A over the loud floor crowd.  You can hear Brandon pretty well, but sometimes the people in line are harder to hear. 

Like I mentioned above, I don't have time in the foreseeable future to transcribe this, so I'll see if anyone volunteers...at least transcribing the relevant/good WoBs.

Question for you more experienced sharders: Is this the place to upload? Should I upload all 3 days worth of stuff at once place? 


Edited by Lurcher
Deleted large audio file. :)
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5 minutes ago, Lurcher said:

Here's the audio for the first day's signing. I've only listened to about 3-4 minutes of it - mostly to make sure you could hear the Q&A over the loud floor crowd.  You can hear Brandon pretty well, but sometimes the people in line are harder to hear. 

Like I mentioned above, I don't have time in the foreseeable future to transcribe this, so I'll see if anyone volunteers...at least transcribing the relevant/good WoBs.

Question for you more experienced sharders: Is this the place to upload? Should I upload all 3 days worth of stuff at once place? 


Oh, you managed to upload it here? Huh. Usually we upload big files like this to a cloud server (Google Drive, Dropbox, pick your poison), make sure it's publicly visible, and then just share a link. I suspect the staff wouldn't want too many large files eating up the storage (not that you are in trouble or anything). 

As for uploading the rest - my recommendation is a cloud server again.

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6 hours ago, Argent said:

Oh, you managed to upload it here? Huh. Usually we upload big files like this to a cloud server (Google Drive, Dropbox, pick your poison), make sure it's publicly visible, and then just share a link. I suspect the staff wouldn't want too many large files eating up the storage (not that you are in trouble or anything). 

As for uploading the rest - my recommendation is a cloud server again.


Ok. Understandable and no problem. I just deleted the attachment in case of storage issues. 

Here's the shared google drive link:


Edited by Chaos
Temporary removal
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As I just put down the recorder for the second signing, Brandon asked that the transcription (when done) be sent to @PeterAhlstrom

...so he can review/edit it for anything inaccurate or too spoilerly I assume. :huh:

For now, just to make sure I'm following proper protocol I've disabled public access to that Google Drive link. Once I get the go-ahead I'll make it available again. 

Peter: What's the MO with this type of thing? Can I make the audio available? Or just limit it to a few? Any other tips?  Thanks! 

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Yeah. The more I'm thinking about it I wonder if he was talking about the audio recorded last night rather than future recordings. I wonder if he said something he wished he hadn't last night.

I'm in line now for the signing  and will clarify with him.

 In other news I'm a little worried I might miss him again before they kick him out as I believe Dan Wells needs the booth after. I had to lose my place in line as to go drop off my phone to record. :mellow:


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12 minutes ago, Lurcher said:

Yeah. The more I'm thinking about it I wonder if he was talking about the audio recorded last night rather than future recordings. I wonder if he said something he wished he hadn't last night.

I'm in line now for the signing  and will clarify with him.

 In other news I'm a little worried I might miss him again before they kick him out as I believe Dan Wells needs the booth after. I had to lose my place in line as to go drop off my phone to record. :mellow:


You are good people. Sucks about the spot in the line, events that don't have numbered tickets can be annoying like that...

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Got in and was able to ask my questions. :D

Regarding the transcriptions he said that he just wants to start looping Peter in on these to just verify that he's not giving bogus answers. He mentioned he thought he was inaccurate on an answer he gave last night,but couldn't remember the answer.  


As  far as my questions, I don't think there were any groundbreaking answers, but I thought they were interesting. I'll  give more detail when I have time after the con. 

I'll turn the audio files back to being available now that I know there wasn't anything super secret that he let slip. 

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Great! I'm glad I can make some people happy. I'm in the middle of getting the audio from today's signing ready to go, though I probably won't get it up until tomorrow. Plus I'm waiting on the mod's response to how I should handle the audio. To tide you over, as promised, here's my paraphrased answers that he gave to the questions I asked. (Bonus: No RAFOs!)

EDIT 9/25: I've edited the answers with the transcribed text directly from the audio.

In the battle of the Tower, Eshonai fights Dalinar and when she recognizes him she tries to speak with him, possibly to negotiate. What would have happened if Kaladin hadn't arrived then to 'save' him?

A: There's a chance they would have worked it out. Not a really good one... but there's a chance.

What information would Hoid have given Vin if Kelsier didn't scare her away from him (Hoid) in HoA?

A: So, he would not have revealed terribly much of use to her. He was there trying to find out things for him.

What would have the Lord Ruler done with the power at the well if Vin hadn't killed him? Would he have been able to fix the problems he initially caused for Scadrial?

A: By that point in the Lord Ruler's life, he probably would not have. He would like the world where it is, and he was not 100% cognizant of how far he had fallen from his original ideals. So, it would not have been, I think, a good thing. It may have been not as bad as the disaster that followed, in fact I know it would not have been, but in the end, Scadrial needed to go through that eventually. So it would have just delayed that.
He would have done something with it (the power). Maybe with the Southern Continent or something. But he wouldn't have fixed anything, he probably would have made things a little worse.

Can you burn a metal wrapped in another metal if both are allomantic metals? example, If I got a ball of bronze and wrapped it or coated it in steel, could I burn the bronze? What about a non-allomantic metal?

A: No, you're gonna have to work your way through the outer one.
It's gonna depend on how thick it is, and stuff. But I would say, if you wrap it in a non-Allomantic metal, that's not good for getting to the metal. It's viable, but it just depends on how thick it is, and things like that. Like, sometimes things have been plated to keep the access to the metal off, but usually you would want to do that in aluminum, to make sure.

What happens when a Reshi Island dies? What do they people do? What happens to the corpse? What happens to the gemheart?

A.So, it becomes that big old shell, and eventually... shells, they last a long time, but people are gonna move off of it.And, yes, people will try to get the gemheart.

How does the cognitive realm seemingly have it's own flora and fauna?

A. You'll see, there's actual... there's an actual ecosystem in Shadesmar.Yeah. Well, think about it this way. The places people are thinking about will create landscape that this stuff can grow on. Where they're not thinking about it, there's just not going to be anything there, so nothing is going to grow.

Note: Apologies for this one, I had posted what I *thought* I heard Brandon say (which was "the places people aren't thinking of will create a landscape").   Thank goodness for audio.

Edited by Lurcher
Updating answers from accurate transcription
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16 minutes ago, Lurcher said:


How does the cognitive realm seemingly have it's own flora and fauna?

A. Shadesmar has it's own full-blown ecosystem. Things tend to "pop up" in areas where there's not much thought in the physical realm- that's where you can find most of the flora and fauna.

It is mostly the same concept of "Investiture If left alone (without a mind to direct It) would develop a mind".

Maybe there is a correlation as Shadesmar would similar develop without Minds affecting it

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Here's what we have for our transcription. Spoiler'd for size.


[Transcription temporarily unavailable.]

@Lurcher, you may want to copy this and edit this into your original post at the beginning of this topic, if you get a chance. It's nice to collect all transcriptions right there at the beginning, so we don't need to hunt for it.


So, this obviously wasn't done in a Google Doc, as we've done it in the past. Argent and I tag-teamed this using the new software; we uploaded the audio to it, and then Argent and I both started going through and tagging relevant sections. Then, I stopped listening to the audio and started transcribing the sections we had identified, while Argent finished up finding good bits. It let us transcribe this 3-hour over the span of about 5 hours. And more betas could have been involved (if they weren't so lazy or asleep or getting married) to speed it up even more. It was pretty gratifying to see the new system in action.

For now, that means we can't do the usual checks, where people will comment corrections to the transcription in that Google Doc. The actual transcription is hidden in the new archive, which is not public yet. So, once the audio comes back up, if you see any corrections, make sure you post about it and tag me, so I can go update things. In the first question and the last question, specifically, I had a hard time making out some of the words, so I could use some help on them.


Also, I like the WoB about Intents. It suggests that Intents were not of the Vessels, but all came from Adonalsium.


EDIT: Oh, and I believe @PeterAhlstrom would like to see this? To track down a question Brandon may have answered incorrectly?

Edited by Pagerunner
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55 minutes ago, Sunchicken said:

So I made it to Brandon's signing today by a happy accident but didn't get any WoBs besides "Hey! I know you!"


For real though, that sucks. I mean, not the part where he recognized you - that's always a cool feeling. Didn't have time to ask, or?

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Okay, on a different note, we hit a bit of a snag. Turns out I and @Pagerunner didn't fully understand @Lurcher (I am not a native speaker, Page, what's your excuse?!) - we thought we had green light to post the transcript, and that was not entirely true. So both of us have (temporarily) removed the Thursday signing line transcription while Lurcher sends it to Peter and hears back from him. We'll probably need to do something similar with the Friday recording (which we have and will work on over the weekend) and the Saturday one (if it's available). 

So, hold on to your pants, we may need to wait a few days until information becomes available (again). 

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Oh btw if any of y'all want cards (business card size) about the Kaladin Kickstarter, I have a big stack leftover from when they were being handed out in Brandon's signing line today. I'll be Harry Dresden tomorrow: fedora, long black coat, Splatter Con tee-shirt, plain wooden staff.

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2 hours ago, Sunchicken said:

Oh btw if any of y'all want cards (business card size) about the Kaladin Kickstarter, I have a big stack leftover from when they were being handed out in Brandon's signing line today. I'll be Harry Dresden tomorrow: fedora, long black coat, Splatter Con tee-shirt, plain wooden staff.

why did you get a stack xD

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