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Get To Know The Staff - Shivertongue ^^


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You know, I was looking through the boards, and I realized that none of the staff have properly introduced ourselves to the forums at large. Yes, you know we're here, obviously, but I can't help but feel like a poor host for not introducing myself.

<---- (By the way, this is BunnySkull. Respect the bunny, and he won't gnaw the flesh from your bones.)

I'm Will, also known, obviously, as Shivertongue. It's short for Shivertongue von Slamdance, High Priest, Cleric, and Occasional Pope of the Paratheoanametamystikhood of Eris Esoteric. I'm a graphic design student and aspiring writer, as well as voracious reader. I also know the words to entire Beauty and the Beast soundtrack by heart.

Take a look at the banner at the top - the one with the incredibly gorgeous shard logo - and the background as well. I made those. I'm the Art Director (read: Graphics Monkey) of 17th Shard. I made the banner, the logo, the background, a bunch of stuff you guys haven't seen yet, and every other graphic that will eventually grace our humble corner of the intertubes. Y'all have me to thank for making this place look pretty. ;)

I'm also in charge of Fanart, apparently, which is an easy gig considering there's nothing in there yet.

As a global moderator, I have a fair bit of power at my disposal. Never fear, however, because the others have made me promise not to abuse it. Spoilsports. One day, though...

I made a blog for the heck of it. Go there, I guess: Clicketey-clack!

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