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Destiny 2


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This franchise is in epic jeopardy now. It’s their own rusting fault to. The shade that’s been unfolding the past 2 months along with the undisputed worst DLC in series history have been enough to tank them. They went backwards going into D2 on many things they only finally just got right in the last year of D1 and now having to bring back in damage control mode. Idiots. This stuff shouldn’t even be an issue.

its going to take a whole lot to get me to pay more $ past DLC2.

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What truly kills me is how much I down right enjoyed the campaign and I thought we were really in for a treat based on that. Gaul has so much more flesh (in game) then every villain put together in D1. The end game fails though. The lack of random weapon rolls kills almost any need to grind which made D1 the king of looter shooters. The dumbed down powers and down right lazy lack of customization on lvling up is a high crime. Look how in-depth D1 was on this compared to 2. It takes away the chase to get that perfect build for PvP and makes everyone basically the same. It’s horrible. Don’t even get me started on how insulting Curse of Ostupid was. 1st DLC in which I have no desire to complete on all 3 toons.. 1 was enough!!

I think the entire management team on 2 should step aside or be canned honestly. They tanked themselves and quite likely the entire franchise. So many YouTubers and steamers just dropped this game over the last 2 months. This should be alarming and yet it doesn’t seem like it’s sinking in them. Giving us D1 features isn’t the answer as it should have been there all along after 3 yrs of tweaking D1. Expand on them don’t just throw them away for what was essentially D1.5 and not a proper sequel(imo anyway).

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And more not to get me started on... 4v4! This was so horrible to decide on. Now they are giving us 6v6 again. 

Iron Banner just being regular Crucible. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!?? Iron Banner is supposed to be sweaty and induce the chase to become more powerful. What we have in D2 is NOT IB by any means. It’s an insult to that glorious D1 activity that made me sink 9-12 hrs of my day in to get that slow power increase each day.


annnd making sniping and shotguns meaningless. I used to get so many praise or straight up hate messages after matches in D1 with my sniping skills. I would be so rusty right now if I loaded up D1...

bottomline D2 is game that required time to pass before we really could see exactly how far the game/franchise sunk.

Edited by Briar King
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  • 2 weeks later...

1) I like Destiny 2.  Never played the first-pc gamer here.  There is definitely room for improvement.  

2) I'm not a nice person in online games...let me make this clear.  When I started online gaming 3 years ago I found this out about myself.  I have 2 classes I like and it's because they annoy other players...which I find funny.  I'm demented...I know.  I like Titan striker in PVE...and I also like to carry a wardcliff coil...I am the jerk that when a chest drops in world events , I rush it or use the wardcliff coil to make it fly...occasionally of the cliff in Nessus, or the dock on titan

I like my void warlock in PVP...with port jump and heal...first PVP match I had I just basically port punch and heal...it was fun for me and annoying to other players. 

3.  I'm not certain you would want me to join Lol.  


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