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Nightblood- possible spoilers


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So, we all know that Nightblood appears at the end of WoR and is given to Szeth by Nin/Nale/Darkness

I think Nightblood first shows up in WoK with the Madman/Taln and Hoid is there waiting for him.

So are there any theories to how Nightblood passes from Hoid to Nin? I'm assuming Hoid took the sword as it's a regular shard blade that Dalinar recovers from his guards. I've checked all the WoB about Nightblood but can't find anything that also includes Hoid.

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Nightblood first appeared in Warbreaker, so the real question is how nightblood passed on from Vasher to Nale.

I understand why you might have thought they were the same blade(they are both long, narrow and straight) However Nightblood is black, which is pretty distinctive.


Edited by StormblessDave
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22 minutes ago, Lemonelon said:

The description of the blade the madman had is long like a pike and silver- like a sheathed Nightblood.


Sheathed shardblades are very unusual, it's unlikely Taln's was.


And then a bright silvery blade rammed between the massive doors, slicing upward, cutting the bar that held them closed. A Shardblade.

More or less confirms it wasn't sheathed.

Edited by StormblessDave
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4 minutes ago, Lemonelon said:

There is a WoB that says the swords were swapped somehow. The description of the blade Dalinar has doesn't match that of the blade the madman had when he was found

Fair point I forgot about that, but the fact that it wasn't black and wasn't sheathed more or less confirms it wasn't nightblood.

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31 minutes ago, Lemonelon said:

There is a WoB that says the swords were swapped somehow. The description of the blade Dalinar has doesn't match that of the blade the madman had when he was found

Thats been a point of contention at the 17th shard for a long time. We have a WoB that the blades were swapped since WoK and WoR, but the only thing further we know is that it wasn't Hoid. The blade in WoR was a normal Shardblade, the one in WoK we don't know. The only half-possible theory I have read is  that it could have been swapped by the Stone Shamans, but even that had some holes in the theory. I will try to find the WoBs in question, but I'm really bad at it, so no promises.

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There's quite a few 



Would it be safe to assume that Kaladin is also carrying the Honorblade? Because that makes the most sense to me.


Which Honorblade?


The one from Szeth.


That is... He's not.


That surprises me, because to me that would be the best- That would make the most sense.


That would be sneaky of me. But that's not the case.


So he actually has an Honorblade, since you asked which one.


He took Szeth's. So he has that one. Oh! I thought you meant Taln's, I thought. He does not have Taln's. He has Szeth's.. Yes he has Szeth’s.


I'm assuming he found that one, because that made the most sense to keep it safe


He’s got Szeth’s, that is true. ... Sorry, I assumed you meant Taln's. Taln's is gone.


Yeah. Taln's vanished off the face of the planet! I'm assuming Hoid grabbed that one, actually.


That is one of the prevailing theories and not one that is unreasonable.


Well, considering. That was the one, because you had mentioned last time you were here that you could have both, and I was like, "okay, so that means he’s got Szeth's sword."



If the spren that bond people scream when they touch a Shardblade, but then at the end of Words of Radiance Kaladin holds Szeth's honorblade and they do not have a problem with that, why does the Stormfather force Dalinar to get rid of his Honorblade at the end of Words of Radiance?


So... He does not have an Honorblade at the end of Words of Radiance.


He does not. Oh, I thought he got it from... [Taln]


Yes, that's what the assumption is. If you look very closely, the blade that you think he ends up with is described differently from the one that he actually does.



The Shardblade that Dalinar had at the end of Words of Radiance, was that the Honorblade?


The Shardblade that Dalinar had at the end of Words of Radiance that he gave up?


Yeah, that he gave up.


No it was not.


It was not? So what happened to the Honorblade that the Herald had?


Nobody kno- Well, somebody knows, but it is not known to the main characters.


Can I ask if uh, Hoid-


If Hoid knows?




Hoid did not take it, but I’m not answering whether he knows.


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3 hours ago, StormblessDave said:

Nightblood first appeared in Warbreaker, so the real question is how nightblood passed on from Vasher to Nale.


I wonder if the Nightwatcher could have had a hand in this.  Maybe Vasher's boon was the ability to breath in Stormlight, but his curse was losing Nightblood?

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3 hours ago, anna said:

I wonder if the Nightwatcher could have had a hand in this.  Maybe Vasher's boon was the ability to breath in Stormlight, but his curse was losing Nightblood?

I read a WoB that said Vasher came to Roshar because it was easier to get his investiture as Stormlight than it was to get Breaths. Vasher and Nightblood has a falling out after they arrived on Roshar which is why they are separated. 

I think I've done a bit too much research on Nightblood...

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4 hours ago, anna said:

I wonder if the Nightwatcher could have had a hand in this.  Maybe Vasher's boon was the ability to breath in Stormlight, but his curse was losing Nightblood?

In addition to what @Lemonelon said, which is as much as we know of how Vasher and Nightblood were separated, the Nightwatcher's curses that we know of are all neurological in nature. 




Nightwatcher's curses all appear to be neurological in effect, are the boons limited in any particular manner?



We have no evidence that Vasher has been to the Nightwatcher, and even if he had his curse would not be something physical. 

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