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Another shardblade question

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It has been stated that if a person bonds several shard blades they would have to summon each blade individually, with each blade requiring its own set of 10 heartbeats. However, I saw this quote:



Is there a limit to how many Shardblades one person can have?


Theoretically, not really. There are some things that can limit bound that.. I can imagine people have many. In the original draft of The Way of Kings Prime, Amaram had two. And so, it's definitely possible to have multiples, and I had not thought about someone trying to bond every Shardblade.


So that means you can be bonded to more than one spren?


Well, those Shardblades are...


Dead ones.


Yes. So, can you be bonded to more than one spren? The answer to that question is also yes. Potentially. But there is a much harder limit on that.

The above rule talks about the 10 heartbeats, which means that it applies to dead spren blades. But Brandon has said it is possible to have more than one spren, and shard blades that come from live spren can be summoned near instantaneously. Could this be used as a work around to summon several blades at once?

Edited by Faceless Mist-Wraith
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Yes it could, but think about it for a moment. I highly doubt your going to be able to bond to multiple spren of the same type. The bond would be to similar and try to inhabit the same portion of the spirit web. 

If that's true, then you'd need to attract spren of different types and progress with both far enough to achieve the blade. 

The more oaths you swear with different spren, the more likely your oaths are to contradict each other and create situations that force you to kill one or both of your spren. 

So while it's possible, I think it would be both exceptionally rare, and end badly. 

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48 minutes ago, Calderis said:

The more oaths you swear with different spren, the more likely your oaths are to contradict each other and create situations that force you to kill one or both of your spren. 

I think the best way to get around this is to attract spren from orders that share similar ideals, though this would likely be limited to 2, maybe 3 bonds at most. I imagine that this is what Brandon meant by a hard limit, since it would be hard to adhere to many oaths with out them contradicting each other.

I'm fairly sure that the spren would be alive in whatever scenario Brandon was thinking of though, since otherwise the hard limit would be 10, which seems unlikely.


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1 hour ago, Faceless Mist-Wraith said:

The above rule talks about the 10 heartbeats, which means that it applies to dead spren blades. But Brandon has said it is possible to have more than one spren, and shard blades that come from live spren can be summoned near instantaneously. Could this be used as a work around to summon several blades at once?

Everything on this post so far makes sense to me, and I think it does mean that you could summon multiple blades at once. Not likely more than 2, and even then it could be very unlikely... but possible.

But I have a variation of the question. Is a spren limited to a single form, or could a single spren manifest as more than one blade?

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Brandon has been asked this and his response was that a spren could manifest as multiple objects in the Physical Realm but this would require splitting their soul and 'they wouldn't like that very much'. So it's not something we're likely to see happen.

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