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Favorite Non-Brandon Characters

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40 minutes ago, ryshadium90 said:

Toph, the Boulder and the Cabbage man.

Your avatar was what reminded me to put that :D Toph specifically as Melon Lord is also my favorite. ...And Toph in general. Decisions on favorites are hard.

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On 08/14/2017 at 9:27 AM, Taliax said:


Ventus is the one who wields backhand, though he and Roxas look exactly the same, I do like Roxas a lot better. Roxas/Axel/Xion friendship is probably my favorite group in the series, though again, I'm biased because I love Days.

When it comes to characters in general, I've noticed I tend to like characters together where I don't care about them as much individually. For example, while I like the Avengers because of fun banter and stuff, there aren't any of them that I care for too much personally.

Aw flip, here I am playing KH2 today and yet mess that up. Sorry, nothing to see here...

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Stannis - I agree with the op on Stannis from a Song of Ice and Fire(the books) is a great character but is stripped down in the T.V. series and you don't really get the same feel from him.

Zaknafein -  Zaknafein from the Legend of Drizzt I always found interesting and actually used a screen name for awhile that was a play off the name with a swapping of two of the letters to Kaznafein.

Pharuan - Pharuan from the War of the Spider Queen series, he's a condescending wizard who can't hold his to tongue to save his life(literally) as it ends up being his demise. He is kind of like Wit from the Storm Light Archive in some regards.


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On 8/14/2017 at 4:14 PM, ryshadium90 said:

Toph, the Boulder and the Cabbage man.

Toph is a cool character and just as cool as an old lady. It's hard to pick any character from Avatar as a favorite since there's so many!

Last time I did mainly female characters I love, now it's the men's turn:

Finn (Star Wars 7): I like that he's a Stormtrooper wanting out of the group and wanting a, somewhat, normal life.

Sazh (Final Fantasy XIII): His struggle of having a son being chosen by a Fal'cie and doomed to become either a monster or crystal breaks my heart whenever I play the game, especially the moment when he reunited with his son and suffers a major breakdown and almost killing Vanille for her, accidental, part in his son being in his situation.

By rule of awesome and cool I have: Goku, Auron (Final Fantasy X), Optimus Prime, Indiana Jones, Groot, Star Lord, Steve Rogers, Nick Fury.

One woman I forgot was Wonder Woman herself because she's awesome!

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  • 1 month later...

This was a hard list to make: 

In cartoons it would be Uncle Iroh from Avatar the Last Airbender because of how good a character and role model he is.

Sci-fi would be the Doctor for how cool his spaceship is and how he can be deep and complex one minute then side splitting funny the next. (Also, David Tennant is my preferred Doctor)

And in fantasy books I have too many, Halt (Rangers Apprentice) for being awesome, Percy Jackson for being both funny and awesome, and Beren from the Silmarillion for completing a quest that made destroying the One Ring look like crossing the street. And I have many, many more.

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5 hours ago, Ati Aon said:

And in fantasy books I have too many, Halt (Rangers Apprentice) for being awesome, Percy Jackson for being both funny and awesome, and Beren from the Silmarillion for completing a quest that made destroying the One Ring look like crossing the street. And I have many, many more.

Yes! I love Halt (and Will, and Horace,and Evelyn, and Alyss, and Tug of course), the perfect combination of sassiness and bad-assery. Him, Will and Horace are such a great team together, and their personalities are so much fun to read. Perhaps one day, Will and Horace will learn how to ask one question at a time...

Other favorite characters would include Fitz and the Fool from Realm of the Elderlings (probably my most cried over characters) as well as Uncle Iroh (giver of insanely good advice and tea) and Maka Albarn from Soul Eater.

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Hm, favorite characters.  I like the leader of the anarcs from Bloodlines.  Lets see, who else...John Geary from the lost fleet, Roland from the dark tower deserves an honorable mention (some times I love him, sometimes I hate him.  but he's never boring), Admiral Adama from the new BSG (the epitome of speak softly, but carry a big stick), Crowley from Supernatural, The Joker, Fey from the Vince Lombard Series, that's all I can think of off the top of my head.

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  • 2 weeks later...


On 14/08/2017 at 4:27 PM, Taliax said:

Ventus is the one who wields backhand, though he and Roxas look exactly the same, I do like Roxas a lot better. Roxas/Axel/Xion friendship is probably my favorite group in the series, though again, I'm biased because I love Days.

Nice to meet a fellow KH fan! I completely agree with you about Roxas > Ventus. I might even go so far as to say that I started to like Roxas a bit more than Sora! But my favourite friendship is Aqua/Terra/Ventus. Aqua is my favourite character of the franchise, but she and Terra had such awful english dub voice acting that it was hard seperating my strong dislike for it from the characters themselves.

Other favourite video game/anime characters;

FF7: Tifa Lockhart - Strong, dependable and beautiful, everything my little ten year old self aspired to be!

Bioshock Infinite: Booker and Elizabeth - Both characters were fleshed out and interesting in their own right, but together they develop a strong if unusual bond which was a pleasure to witness.

Last of us: Joel - I have an affinity to characters who endure struggles for those they hold dear. He was flawed too, as is evidenced by his debatably selfish actions at the end of the game. But those flaws make me love a character more.

Full Metal Panic: Sagara Sosuke and Kaname Chidori - Love these characters simply because of the endless laughter their wacky interactions bring about. Is it the healthiest relationship ever? Probably not. Does it make for some excellent slapstick comedy? Why yes, yes it does.

Yona of the dawn: Yona - Her character growth is one of the most notable in any recent media I have read/watched. From prissy, selfish princess to a weary, battle hardened warrior. Maybe not battles in the literal sense, but certainly every difficulty she has endured to get her throne back.

I could honestly go on and on, but I'll leave it at that for now!

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17 hours ago, PlanetReelo said:


Nice to meet a fellow KH fan! I completely agree with you about Roxas > Ventus. I might even go so far as to say that I started to like Roxas a bit more than Sora! But my favourite friendship is Aqua/Terra/Ventus. Aqua is my favourite character of the franchise, but she and Terra had such awful english dub voice acting that it was hard seperating my strong dislike for it from the characters themselves.

Other favourite video game/anime characters;

FF7: Tifa Lockhart - Strong, dependable and beautiful, everything my little ten year old self aspired to be!

Bioshock Infinite: Booker and Elizabeth - Both characters were fleshed out and interesting in their own right, but together they develop a strong if unusual bond which was a pleasure to witness.

Last of us: Joel - I have an affinity to characters who endure struggles for those they hold dear. He was flawed too, as is evidenced by his debatably selfish actions at the end of the game. But those flaws make me love a character more.

Full Metal Panic: Sagara Sosuke and Kaname Chidori - Love these characters simply because of the endless laughter their wacky interactions bring about. Is it the healthiest relationship ever? Probably not. Does it make for some excellent slapstick comedy? Why yes, yes it does.

Yona of the dawn: Yona - Her character growth is one of the most notable in any recent media I have read/watched. From prissy, selfish princess to a weary, battle hardened warrior. Maybe not battles in the literal sense, but certainly every difficulty she has endured to get her throne back.

I could honestly go on and on, but I'll leave it at that for now!

Aye! Same! I played 358/2 first, so I totally like Roxas more than Sora. BbS is my favorite KH game, and Aqua's my favorite out of all them, and I TOTALLY AGREE about the lame voice acting.  Agh.  I guess maybe it's still better than 358 though where there's no voice acting and everyone just gestures without moving their mouths.  XD

Funny story, I went to SLCC as Vin, but I bought Aqua's keyblade from a vendor while I was there, and it made me super happy when I got my Sanderson books signed and he asked if the keyblade was an intentional part of the costume XD

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54 minutes ago, Taliax said:

Aye! Same! I played 358/2 first, so I totally like Roxas more than Sora. BbS is my favorite KH game, and Aqua's my favorite out of all them, and I TOTALLY AGREE about the lame voice acting.  Agh.  I guess maybe it's still better than 358 though where there's no voice acting and everyone just gestures without moving their mouths.  XD

Funny story, I went to SLCC as Vin, but I bought Aqua's keyblade from a vendor while I was there, and it made me super happy when I got my Sanderson books signed and he asked if the keyblade was an intentional part of the costume XD

Wow that's awesome! xD So does BS know about KH? Or was he referring to the keyblade without knowing its origin? I really hope it's the former!

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So many books and people to pick from...

  • From the Silmarillion - Fingolfin, Beren and Luthien, Earendil the Mariner
  • From the Lord of the Rings - Gimli and Legolas, Meriadoc Brandybuck, Eowyn
  • From the Wheel of Time - Mat Cauthon, Thom Merrilin
  • From the Chronicles of Narnia - Lucy Pevensie
  • From the Discworld Novels - Sam Vimes and the whole of the Night Watch

I dunno. I could go on. That's good for starters :)  Good thing this wasn't favorite Sanderson character because I'd be up a creek.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Too many to list, but I figure I should signal boost one of my new favorites. Klaus by Grant Morrison and Dan Mora. Short version: It’s a story about the origins of Santa Claus taking him back to his pagan roots. He’s pretty much a vigilante/warrior/shaman/Odin-esque figure who spreads cheer to the innocent and fights a demon imprisoned in coal. It’s like Witcher Batman. They did about seven comic issues for the origin and now do one issue per year as a holiday special. Last year he defeated the Witch of Winter. This year he goes up against an evil parallel universe werewolf version of himself. Here’s a pic of the character.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I like Adamat from The Powder Mage series. I usually don't like the depowered character in a book, but his story was the most personal, I think. 


Monzcarro Murcatto is a good one from Abercrombie's universe. A tough lady out for vengeance is very Kill Bill. 


Little known series, but Matthew Swift from A Madness of Angels. Self described as having two modes: apocalyptically powerful and regular guy who doesn't want to go volcanic on anyone. 

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Here we go!


Lord of the Rings + Silmarillion (Basically, Tolkien's Legendarium): Aragorn and Fingolfin. Aragorn, because he is one of the best examples I have ever seen of the 'Lost King' trope, and a fascinating character overall, and Fingolfin because he FOUGHT AND SERIOUSLY CRIPPLED THE MASTER OF ALL EVIL ON MIDDLE EARTH.

Wheel of Time: Androl, Rodel, Mat, Rand.

Inheritance Cycle: Roran. He's- really the only character from those books I fondly remember.


It's a Wonderful Life: George Bailey. Proof that man, though far from infallible, is still overwhelmingly 'good'.

Star Wars: Han Solo, and Ewan McGregor's Obi Wan.

Marvel: Captain America, full-stop.


FMA: Roy Mustang! Alphonse is good too.

Firefly: Wash, Mal, Simon... basically everyone.

The Flash: Barry Allen is pretty great.


Skyrim: The Dragonborn (FUS RO DAH!), and Paarthurnax. Also have a strange fondness for Alvor.

Halo: John-117, tied with Thel Vadam. Kurt Ambrose is pretty great too (Though, he's from an EU book).

Destiny: Cayde-6, probably because he's Nathan Fillion

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Bugs Bunny :P

Agents Mulder and Scully from the X-files, but Agent Dogget worked his way into my heart eventually.

This is an odd one, but from the First Law series I love the character Bayaz. He's such a magnificent bastard (emphasis in bastard) in how he mercilessly works to get his way and plays everyone I can't help but grudgingly respect him. Finree from The Heroes, was also fun to read about since she briefly got one up on Bayaz.

Mat from the Wheel of Time is obvious. Though I also enjoy Tuon and Rodel, and Uno is by far the best secondary character,

The team on Stargate SG1 is simply a joy. Col. Jack Oneil and Teacl are my favorites, simply for their wit and blunt attitude.

Then my favorite Sanderson character is Sazed, followed by Dalinar.

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