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PowerKeepers: an exploration of Entropy


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So if you haven't seen my other PowerKeeper stuff, go look at it here.

Entropy, or Chaos, is one of the elements I have explored the least. when I run into that, I set up two scenarios: how would a mage of that element be able to beat all the other mages, and a class, taught by the PowerKeeper of that element, explaining that element to new recruits. It helps me to pound out the abilities of the Element. 

Also, soon I plan on doing my absolute favorite character in my universe: the Rogue Mage. He is less powerful than Jonathan Cruze by far, but he is a sorcerer who discovered some old items of Merlin (the Great Mage of Sorcery). He chooses to leave the PowerKeepers instead of taking up a formal apprenticeship, something that is highly unusual. Sorcery is the other element that needs its specific abilities pounded out, and his story helps to do that.

Anyway, this is essentially a class. It has no character names, because it is simply a thought device, with no major characters involved. There is a character later on that I will explore, a girl who wields the Swords of Order and Chaos, but she comes later in the timeline.

"Hello,Students. I am your teacher today.

You have been determined to have an affinity for the Element of Entropy, or Chaos. This is not one of the more intuitive elements, and requires an understanding of what you can do.

You have all been shown to be able to create Chaos bubbles. Does anyone know what those are?"

Silence from the small children, who looked at her with wide eyes.

"Fields. They are fields created by the magic, where entropy is increased to the user's desire, controlled by the mind and spell. Entropy can be applied to any or all attributes or characteristics of the contents of the Chaos field."

"so its like pressing the shuffle button?" one kid asked.

"Yes it is! Except you control what the shuffle button is shuffling. You determine the size, and extent of the chaos you want applied to the inside of the bubble. Now, what is our other major ability?"

"Order Fields!" a little kid squeaked.

The teacher smiled. "Indeed it is. Now these are harder to do, and for one reason. While entropy is a universal constant, Order is a state applied by a intelligence on the world around it. When you learn to create Order fields, you must remember to define WHAT you are ordering. If you do not, you will Order everything. This will cause Quantum Uncertainty to break down, which in turn will cause everything to fall apart, as electrons stop moving, IMF's no longer take effect, and molecules stop moving, which means that now that you have made the inside of the order field absolute zero. Which will not help you if you are trying to Order a broken plate to make it whole once again. You will be taught the techniques needed to do this as you learn."

"Now, there are other abilities you can learn to use. Chaos can be used to harness quantum uncertainty, which can allow transportation abilities. You can use it to create a desired outcome, by imposing a chaos spell that stops when a particular state of order has been reached. But for now, your various instructors will be taking you to the training rooms to start working with Chaos fields. Good luck."


Edited by The Flash
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3 minutes ago, King Cole said:

It seems just like its order and order. Not very chaotic if you can control every aspext of the entropy

Imagine entropy is like a force going forwards. The order defines where the force of chaos goes, directing it, focusing it,  ect. If you don't properly set up the Order, the chaos will just turn everything into its most entropical state. 

One of the common themes of my magic system is that characteristics can be adjusted. This is another facet of that 

And yes. Theoretically, you can. In reality spells could go hundreds of years, trying to create a desired result. Like getting a spell to create a planet with life on it, say. Theoretically, with this power, you CAN do that. But what are the actual chances of that happening? Even with the entropical state of matter within the chaos field, it could literally go forever (and probably would) without ever fulfilling its purpose of creating a living planet. 

Edited by The Flash
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  • 9 months later...
8 hours ago, JacobClaessen said:

hoohoohoo i would love to be an entropist (?)

They don't really have a specific name right now, so calling it that is fine. It certainly is one of the more OP things, and I really need to finish up defining it...

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