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I am a former shardbearer. The one they call mad. The one who trusted Sadeas and was betrayed. I am Dalinar Kholin.

OK, I wish. In truth, I'm just a kid who is a huge Kaladin fan, but the name was taken. And so I had to have Dalinar. Not that that's bad, Dalinar fracking rocks.


Sooo, hello fellow Sandersonians (I think I just made that up)! I welcome myself into the community!

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I've read the Mistborn trilogy, plus Alloy of Law. I've read Way of Kings (Duh), and every chapter I could get ahold of on Words of Radiance. I've read Steelheart, all the Alcatraz books, and The Rithmatist. I'm going to read Elantris and Warbreaker soon.

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I really am interested in the cosmere. It all sounds like mumbo jumbo calamity crap, but it's awesome.


And I may believe the Hoid theory, even though I don't believe the rest. :P


Yep! I really want to read some short stories of his! I checked the site a while back and Sanderson has tons! Better get started!

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