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Herald Question


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11 minutes ago, Necessary Eagle said:

I think there's a WoB somewhere about how Cognitive Shadows like the Heralds have difficulty leaving their homeworlds.

Here you go. 




Have we seen cameos of Heralds on other Shardworlds?


The Heralds are tied to the system by the magic that permeates them. They could not leave. It’s part of the magic. Some would call them Cognitive Shadows, right? Whether they are or not. ‘Cognitive Shadow’ is a very ambiguous term in the Cosmere. It means, basically your soul-- Investiture replaced your soul, and permeated your soul, and your soul continues to exist, but you are usually Invested with something, that’s tied, and you’re basically like pure Investiture then. You’re tied to the thing you’re Connected to. Most of the things that you’re gonna see like that, traveling is going to be very difficult, unless you know how to do it. You have seen people do it.






Sure, sure.


You have seen people do it.


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Have this as a bit of info for the future.

On 9/17/2016 at 0:04 PM, The One Who Connects said:

Dec, 2010:  Who each of the Heralds are and what their natures were is important.

March 11, 2014:  Were the heralds born on Roshar?   RAFO

Sept 4th, 2014:  Is he Rosharan? Taln is Rosharan. // Native to Roshar. That I have to RAFO. // The Heralds are from the same place that Taln is from.

Feb 17, 2016:  The Heralds do not come from Nalthis, but that is an excellent question.

Apr 8th, 2016:  It is normal for a cognitive shadow to get stuck to places, because they exist through investiture it is normal for them to get tied to an area. This happened with Odium and the two shards on Roshar, Preservation to Ruin, and the Heralds (To Roshar? Braize?).

Relevant information on Theoryland containing the "Heralds" tag

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