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Unsnapped Scadrian eating Atium?



I can't remember if this has been answered before (i don't seem to recall any WoBs directly stating so) but has it been answered what would happen if a Scadrian (unsnapped) eats a piece of Atium? Given we know Lerasium increases your Connection to Preservation, making you a Mistborn as a byproduct, I was curious if eating its counterpart would also produce an effect

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9 minutes ago, ParadoxicalZen said:

It could also be asked if there is an effect on someone with no allomantic potential whatsoever

Well, We've seen Hoid use Allomancy, and he was born before it existed, so I think for Lerasium, allomantic potential is not needed. 

Lerasium is the God metal of the Shard from which Allomancy is derived, and it seems to have a special property within that system. Being burned by anyone. 

Atium functions similarly in Hemalurgy, able to steal any attribute. 

As far as Allomancy is concerned, I think atium is just another metal. 

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Atium mistings did require snapping. It doesn't occur onscreen, but Brandon confirmed that new initiates into the ministry of steel were taken through a series of rituals and ceremonies that would 1) make sure they snapped if they could, and 2) tested them for the ability to burn atium. After beating the initiates and force feeding them metal, I believe the last part of the ceremony was inducing vomiting to get the atium back...kinda rough, but TLR knew that atium mistings were an important part of Preservations plan.

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Snapping before burning goes without saying but it is curious given how only one of the God metals provides a kind of non-allomantic by-product/benefit to the natives prior to either Snapping or lacking any Allomantic genes; is the reason Lerasium produces an effect a result of the additional Preservation inside Scadrians or is it just the nature/realmatic interaction of Preservation's creations and it's Investiture?

It could also be asked if there is an effect on someone with no allomantic potential whatsoever

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Relevant WoB:


INTERVIEW: Oct 12th, 2015


If someone isn’t an Allomancer, could they burn atium? Since it’s…


They could not burn atium. They would have figured that one out.


So nothing would have happened, or…?


No. But there’s a little more to that story, but I’m not going to get into it right now.



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