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poetry with cam


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I have begun to attempt to write verse; enjoy. Please.


Here is a little thing I wrote over the past hour or so:


absent-minded, all my friends
look not at me but in my direction
reserving judgment but not pity
they snicker primly behind handkerchiefs 
of politeness and silent satisfaction

"there was nothing you could have done*"
*had you been sober at the time of the accident
"we're here for you, we can get through this together*"
*but when you are visibly distressed we will say nothing

with a slight shake of the head 
I make my way homeward, 
the sounds of the car radio ambiguously missing
along with the car's front bumper, which 
has been gifted to a nearby tree
on the same day 
in the same hour
at the same moment 
on which you 
re-gifted yourself back to the stars

In this, I attempt to deal with loss, but not in a way that is sympathetic or empowering or anything, because none of those are accurate, but the real sense of hollowness that loss can set in motion.

I'm aware that it is entirely too emo and I apologize, but I digress.

If you wanna post any poetry, feel free. I'll keep trying my hand at verse, arm yourself with kittens and happiness. And antidepressants.

Edited by bleeder
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