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Selective tapping


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INTERVIEW: Aug 20th, 2014


Can a pewter Feruchemist go all fiddler crab? Store a bunch of strength from one arm, tap it into the other?


So far, any Feruchemist we've seen has been required to enhance their entire body or make their entire body weaker.

Take this as you will. Pure speculation, but I feel like it would make sense for selective tapping to be the feruchemical equivalent of a savant.

Edited by 8bitBob
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30 minutes ago, 8bitBob said:

Take this as you will. Pure speculation, but I feel like it would make sense for selective tapping to be the feruchemical equivalent of a savant.

I am inclined to agree, because it seems out of place that nobody has figured a way to do it. In Era 1 sure, but Era 2? I can't imagine that nobody has tried to do it, so I am left with the fact that all who have tried, have failed. Logically, this means that it is probably hard to figure out, but simple to do once known, like Compounding.
After all, only 5-ish people actually "figured out" how to Compound: The Lord Ruler, Marsh(helped by Sazed's theory on how TLR did it), potentially 1-2 of the Ruin Inquisitors, and whoever taught it to modern era Scadrial(assuming it wasn't in Sazed's Book..)

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That would certainly be interesting.  I'm thinking about a tin ferring storing the sight from one eye or the hearing from one ear or a gold ferring constantly storing health from a specific organ or system while loading up on medicine to help counteract the reduced function (probably less plausible).

My bet would be that selective tapping (great phrase by the way :D) would:

  1. Require being a feruchemical savant (do we actually know if savantism is possible in feruchemy?)
  2. Require having a very detailed understanding of feruchemy (knowledge and perception can influence magic system rules in the Cosmere after all; see: Awakening)
  3. Only be achievable for a ferring/feruchemist who has received a hemalurgic spike carrying a power they already have
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1 hour ago, hwiles said:

My bet would be that selective tapping (great phrase by the way :D) would:

  1. Require being a Feruchemical savant (do we actually know if savantism is possible in Feruchemy?)
  2. Require having a very detailed understanding of Feruchemy (knowledge and perception can influence magic system rules in the Cosmere after all; see: Awakening)
  3. Only be achievable for a Ferring/Feruchemist who has received a Hemalurgic spike carrying a power they already have
  1. Not in the way that we commonly understand it. There is no large influx of an external power, so you don't strain the spiritweb the way other magic systems do.
  2. Probably the best option, all things considered
  3. This could be.. interesting. We know that having a Hemalurgic Spike gives you a weaker ability than having it naturally, but given how Feruchemy functions, we never really reached a consensus on what that would mean. Same with adding onto the existing power, it seems /= to how Feruchemy works
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@The One Who Connects , thanks, I recall hearing that Sanderson was changing the way Savantism works, but I haven't read through the actual explanations or speculations regarding what that's actually going to entail.  Wasn't sure if the existence of feruchemical savants had somehow been confirmed without my knowledge.

I agree with number 2) being the most likely, I probably shouldn't have listed those three possibilities as if they were equally plausible.  We actually have an example of the metalic arts being tremendously affected by the user's perception:

In Wax's scene where he faces down another coinshot twinborn in the Village, he sees only one allomantic line connecting him to the bullet he's pushing on specifically because he was thinking of the bullet as a single piece of metal...In a moment of inspiration, he recalls knowledge from his past that bullets are actually assembled from 3 separate metal components, the bullet, the casing, and the firing pin.  After this revelation, the line immediately splits into 3 separate lines that he can push or release individually.

Further, creating a Hemalurgic spike requires that the user be intending to make a hemalurgic spike (IE: it can't be done accidentally), and feruchemic gold is affected by the user's perception to some degree.

Option 3) is possible in my mind, but I feel like it's more likely they would simply be able to control their feruchemy more precisely and efficiently, as this would be more consistent with how double-allomancy has been shown to function in inquisitors, Vin, and Zane.

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7 minutes ago, hwiles said:

I recall hearing that Sanderson was changing the way Savantism works, but I haven't read through the actual explanations or speculations regarding what that's actually going to entail.  Wasn't sure if the existence of feruchemical savants had somehow been confirmed without my knowledge.

The changes, as I recall, still would put F-Savant as a no. It was more along the lines of Wax becoming a Savant of his "twinborn power" in some sense. There's a thread around here somewhere that better explains it. "Caution, Potential changes to Savants Spoiler" or somesuch

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On 2/21/2017 at 3:20 PM, The One Who Connects said:

The changes, as I recall, still would put F-Savant as a no. It was more along the lines of Wax becoming a Savant of his "twinborn power" in some sense. There's a thread around here somewhere that better explains it. "Caution, Potential changes to Savants Spoiler" or somesuch

I think his "twinborn power" would be a Resonance. Can you be a Savant of a Resonance? Or is Savantism only for certain specific magics?

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