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Mistborn Shardblade

rock soup

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Hi guys Im new here but been floating through reading all the theories for a long time.

Met Brandon years ago when he visited Melbourne, Australia and bombarded him with questions and really hooked the cosmere addiction deep so here I am.

Wanted to run a question by you.

Mistborn is stabbed by a shardblade.

Now its been confirmed that you dont need to ingest a metal to burn it, so my theory is could the Mistborn flare the metal of the blade as it enters and essentially hurl himself into the spiritual realm like Elend did with his Atium/Duralinum? Essentially using a highly invested god-metal (could be wrong but Im fairly certain a shardblade could be counted as god-metal).

Now I know the quantity of metal doesnt really work so lets just say its a shardblade rapier like Yasnah uses and only just the tip (hehehe). Just to avoid that argument.


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Hello! Welcome to the forums! I'd say that would likely work, except for two notable extenuating circumstances. The first is that investiture interferes with other investiture. The shardblade severs the 'soul' by cutting through a person's spiritual aspect, which is also the source of their powers. It's likely the shardblade would destroy the ability to burn metal (in that part of the body, at least) before the blade could be burned. The other thing is that shardblades aren't necessarily made of metal, and may not be burnable. I'd elaborate, but I'm afraid I'd spoil SA inadvertently. What Cosmere books have you read, so I know if I can continue? :P 

Whoops, ninja'd. Nice catch on the section you're posting in, and it's a good habit to get in to, but I'm sure people would give you a pass on this one considering the fact that you're new and all. Another thing to keep in mind is that it's ideal to edit your post if there's no post in the thread following it but you want to add information. It's just generally a good way to avoid clutter. That said, there's no issue with it happing right now, since you didn't know. Just something to keep in mind ;) 

Edited by Bugsy6912
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3 minutes ago, Bugsy6912 said:

Hello! Welcome to the forums! I'd say that would likely work, except for two notable extenuating circumstances. The first is that investiture interferes with other investiture. The shardblade severs the 'soul' by cutting through a person's spiritual aspect, which is also the source of their powers. It's likely the shardblade would destroy the ability to burn metal (in that part of the body, at least) before the blade could be burned. The other thing is that shardblades aren't necessarily made of metal, and may not be burnable. I'd elaborate, but I'm afraid I'd spoil SA inadvertently. What Cosmere books have you read, so I know if I can continue? :P 

Shardblades are, technically, made out of metal. (as explained in Edgedancer)

Also, welcome to the shard @rock soup! avoid the cookies

Edited by Shqueeves
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Ok, cool! Well, my second point was largely invalidated, but I'm unsure if it'd work due to the first. I'm obviously no expert on recent relmatic theory (Sanderson Elimination has consumed much of my forums life ), though, so it's a distinct possibility I'm missing something. We do know a gold compounder can heal a shardblade wound with their feruchemy, so it's definitely possible that someone like TLR or Marsh could do that, in theory.

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TLR and Marsh could probably pull it off although the problem being the damge the shardblade would do to your spiritweb. I wish Sanderson would visit Australia again so I can hit him with another round of questions. 


Hehehe then just for good measure add another Duralinum flare. Still curious on what abilities other god metals give when burned.

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When I said a "shardblade wound", I meant the spiritweb damage. I belive it was confirmed by WoB that TLR/Miles/Marsh could heal that damage with enough healing compounding, so they should be able to burn the blade and restore their spirit web if it came down to it. I forget, but are metalminds harder to burn? I seem to remember something of the sort when Vin tested it with one of Sazed's, but I'm not certain. If they are, that could spell problems for burning the blade, since it'd obviously be heavily invested

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Yeah she wasnt actually able to burn it. She could sense the power it held but couldnt tap it.

That would be due to its identity. 

So I guess you wouldnt be able to burn a shardblade for similar reasons. It would hold its own identity through the spren and the radiant.

You'd need a feruchemist radiant to remove identity like the bands of mourning to achieve the desired results.

Just speculation though.

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