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Cosmere Trivia

Blue Skies

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So I thought it would be amusing to make a thread on random trivia about the cosmere. The idea is that you come up with trivia that sounds plausible I.e. Pattern would find Wayne fascinating as he pretty much "lie's" all the time by pretending to be someone else. If Wayne was a knight radiant most likely he would be an Elsecaller given the fact that he "transforms" himself and his speed bubbles could be considered as mini teleports.

Something like that. Who knows, we might even discover something by joking around. Here's some more: 

Ironically, if Kenton visited Roshar he would be easily mistaken for both a light eye's and an Riran given that his hair is blond and his eye's are blue. The ironic bit is that he would probably be given a high ranking position in an alethi army because of said eye colour without having to do much to earn a spot, in direct contrast to the events of White Sand.

Raoden and Elend together would have made huge impacts on each others respective cities seeing as, at least from my point of view, they are quite similar. Elend would have wanted to help the people of Elantris as he would see them as similar to Skaa and Raoden would have sympathised with Elend's rule of Luthadel, at least at the beginning of WOA.

Breeze would find parshman delightful servants as they wouldn't complain if he asked them to do something for him. They'd likely kill him once they became voidbringers though.

Another likely possibility is that the skaa would have had much better lives if Rashek had known of the existence of parshmen as I said above they wouldn't complain. This is based on the assumption that Rashek could worldhop (which he could apparently) or wanted to worldhop (which he didn't apparently)

Assumedly if Arsteel had visited Rohar there is a good chance that he could have won a shardblade, because of his skill.

Given how devout he is, Hrathen would make a grand obligator had he been born on Scadrial. 

If Dalinar was a returned on Nalthis he would likely as not be known as Oath bringer, the honourable.

Marasi muses on Vin's personality in BOM and wonders if she was ever scared, uncertain or jealous. Obviously these are rather common emotions but Vin, at least at some point during the original Mistborn trilogy, did go through these emotions barring perhaps jealousy as they are part of how she develops. I always saw a parallel between the two characters. 

Who would win in a fight between lifeless, voidbringers and Koloss?

If Bleeder had gone to Roshar and studied some of the main charcter's family members i.e. Tien, Gavilar and Shallans father she could quite easily break them as all of these characters had huge impacts on the main characters. Scary to think about.

Kelsier, like Kaladin, would likely as not have great disdain for lighteye's had he been born on Roshar. The difference is where Kaladin has some measure of self control Kelsier would probably have killed Amaram and any other lighteyes who slighted him.



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- The Vin/Marasi thing really comes to a head in Bands of Mourning when Marasi has a brief opportunity to be Vin on steroids, with all the powers of Allomancy and Feruchemy... and realizes that just isn't who she is. Hmm, Marasi and Alendi could probably have an interesting chat about that sort of thing. Or her and Dalinar.

- Hrathen and Jasnah meeting would be a very interesting conversation. One is a very devout priest who maintains faith in his God even when he learns that the church that serves that god is corrupt, and he is all about logical argument. Jasnah is an atheist from a world where the dominant church was corrupt (and at least some of it is looking that way now too) but she also loves logical argument and is open to the possibility of a truly convincing one. I'm sure they could argue theology and logic for hours. For bonus points, they both come from a world where the resident 'God' has been murdered by Odium.

- The real reason Taldain is currently inaccessible is that Autonomy doesn't want any outsiders sneaking into her awesome Darkside rave parties, after that one time when Kelsier, Hoid and Lightsong crashed one. It took months to clean up and they never did find out what happened to the chicken.

- Shallan's final truth that she will tell Pattern is 'I am the one. I killed Asmodean."

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@Weltall, IIRC, in one of his middle school novels, Alcatraz's mother is revealed to be the one who killed asmodean. I wasn't around for the original discussion when WoT came out, but I saw the online debate later. Asmodean has the same sort of surreal feeling as floppy disks.

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Blushweaver would make a good rioter as men (and presumably women) would become putty in her hands.

Silence Montane would probably have attacked preservation while he was in his mist form confusing him with a shade.

Assuming that Shardplates are made from allomantically reactive metals, a suit made from Alluminium would be incredibly dangerous and likely anyone wearing it could lay waste to allomancers easily.

Seon's would likely be confused for an odd type of spren on Roshar.

If Wax had had the ability to burn malatium it would have made the hunt for bleeder much easier as it would take out a lot of the guesswork. Though as I write this I am not certain how malatium or gold would work on a kandra.

Felt, with his name as a basis, would probably fit in well in Hallandren.

Tensoon would make an interesting returned if he could convince people he came back as a dog. He would also be unkillable so that would reinforce the image.

Spook would probably be able to follow the simple rules easily being a tineye. He would not need fire to see and would know better than to run in a place he didn't know.

Despite his want to teach others and bring them together through the unity of religion it seems likely that Sazed wouldn't be a bondsmith. Elend would fit the role much better. 

If Hoid had the ability to change his shape like a kandra then there would be no limit to the amount of trouble he could cause.

A frightening possibility about the spike that controlled bleeder is that if Marsh were spiked with the same spike could he be opened up to the control of another God?


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14 hours ago, Weltall said:


- Hrathen and Jasnah meeting would be a very interesting conversation. One is a very devout priest who maintains faith in his God even when he learns that the church that serves that god is corrupt, and he is all about logical argument. Jasnah is an atheist from a world where the dominant church was corrupt (and at least some of it is looking that way now too) but she also loves logical argument and is open to the possibility of a truly convincing one. I'm sure they could argue theology and logic for hours. For bonus points, they both come from a world where the resident 'God' has been murdered by Odium.


I'd be more interested to see a conversation between Hrathen, Jasnah and Sazed, or even just HoA Sazed just before he became Harmony, as I think the two of them would have had a lot to discuss there.

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