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Odium regrets the Shattering?


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This isn't a theory so much as a question to discuss. 

One of the definitions of Odium I found was "general or widespread hatred or disgust directed toward someone as a result of their actions". 

That got me thinking. What if the purpose behind Odium's hatred and mission to shatter shards is because he regrets the Shattering? As you would like this would have been the first act he witnessed as the "Odium" shard. He saw it as a mistake, and was "disgusted" towards the other vessels and their actions? The theory kind of loses momentum once you realize he would have to group himself in with the other vessels/shards. But he would also try to reconcile that by thinking he was manipulated by the other vessels. Obviously not much is known about the Shattering, but it could be possible that the vessels knew beforehand they were going to get the shards of power, and decided to pawn of the Hatred shard onto Rayse.


Like I said this is more a discussion question, as theres not enough information and to many holes to make a full fledged theory. Would like to hear your guys thoughts on it.  

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Possibly. However, we have been given a WoB as to why Rayne is shattering shards. Before becoming a vessel, he was an extremely selfish person. Combined with a shard which causes him to hate others, he began to loath any competition. Therefore, he began to destroy anything which could match his power, which are currently the other shards.

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Hoid refers to Rayse (before he took the Odium Shard) in a pretty negative way (unlike Ati who was apparently decent before his Shard corrupted him). It's an interesting theory, but Hoid doesn't seem to paint Rayse as someone who would've seeked out "honorable" revenge because he was upset with the others for shattering Adonalsium. 

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The exact quote is rayse was a "loathsome and crafty individual" even before taking up odium. That being said, I'm fairly certain that he does, as you suggest, feel hatred toward the other shards, just not for the reasons you have.

Edited by john203
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23 hours ago, Spoolofwhool said:

Possibly. However, we have been given a WoB as to why Rayne is shattering shards. Before becoming a vessel, he was an extremely selfish person. Combined with a shard which causes him to hate others, he began to loath any competition. Therefore, he began to destroy anything which could match his power, which are currently the other shards.

What WoB is that exactly? 

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8 hours ago, ZenBossanova said:

What WoB is that exactly? 

For example:



Odium wants to be the only Shard. Odium could pick up other Shards if he wants to, but, he doesn't want to. His Shard is a good match for his personality and he doesn't want to be influenced by another Shard. 



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