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The purelake plague

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We know the purelake has recently become plagued.

I thought that this may be because of the 3 guys from the interlude. stomping through it with their alien bacteria and viruses that nothing on roshar has any resistance to and infecting everything.

Has anyone asked brandon about something like this. because i dont think ive seen any posts about it.

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I can't easily pull a WoB while I'm on mobile, but there was another discussion about this the other day.

Our world hopping friends brought the common cold to Roshar. It isn't deadly, but the ambient investiture (Stormlight) has made normal disease and sickness very uncommon, which makes any sickness a bigger deal.

That combined with a lack of natural immunity has allowed them to blow it further out of proportion compared to how we would consider something like the common cold. They don't get sick very much, and suddenly several people all come down with something they've never seen before, it's cause for concern.

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Yeah. Worldhoppers from Ashyn are likely the equivalent of daycare kids. Walking disease factories.

You would think the 17th Shard would be more mindful of that possibility though with their whole non-interference thing. I would hate to think of what germs Hoid might have.

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Found the WoB.


Worldhoppers brought a disease to Roshar that they didn't have before. It's the common cold. Rosharans' investiture makes it so they’re usually a healthy bunch so something like the cold is kind of frightening. "Its a plague of the sniffles”.


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