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Soulstamps changing Hemalurgic Spikes.


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Keep in mind this is a hypothetical situation, so please ignore the human rights abuse. Right, so it'e been established that for stamps to take, likelihood of the desired result happening in the first place is key. So, here is my idea for overcoming the limit of hemalurgic spikes you can safely apply to yourself, without a god taking over (kind of.)

 Get a real big wheel and a harpoon gun. Strap sixteen mistings or ferrings or whatever to the wheel, then get it spinning. then load a bunch or hemalurgic spikes into the harpoon gun, go stand behind the wheel, then fire the spikes at yourself, through the wheel. Hopefully a spike will pass through it's compatible misting and into you, giving you the corresponding power. Now, if you want a different power, apply an essence mark to yourself, re-writing your history so that a different spike hit you. Ta-Da!  New power, and all you have to carry around are soul stamps.

Do you think it's posible

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You can't just shoot someone and expect it to come out as a spike - you need to hit correct Hemalurgic bindpoint.

However, what if you rolled the dice to determine who to spike? You could then rewrite what did you roll and by extension who did you spike, perhaps.

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I don't think you can apply the intent to create a hemalurgic spike at range. Could not be the case since we haven't seen that many spikings, but I have the feeling you have to be holding the spike. 

Also, I'm not seeing why you would need this method. Why can't you just select the powers you want and spike the mistings/ferrings directly?


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8 minutes ago, Spoolofwhool said:

I don't think you can apply the intent to create a hemalurgic spike at range. Could not be the case since we haven't seen that many spikings, but I have the feeling you have to be holding the spike.

Well, in response to a question about 'could you spike out Miles' healing with bullets', the WOB focused on how you'd need to hit the exact right spot and have the right Intent (requiring knowing about Hemalurgy), but not that spiking with bullets was inherently impossible.

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