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Lies and Liars


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I would like to address the use of the word "lie" and "lies" as the have been used in the Cosmere. Careful reading has lead me to notice that the word is used in many instances to mean "that which is not now". Patterns spren type do not like being called Liespren because they use the word differently. In his discussions with Shallan, he encourages her to make a lie, and what follows is a representation of something or someone different from what they are now, but definitely what they COULD become.  The same is true in the Liar of Partinel discussions with the old Hoid. "People love a lie, if it is strong enough." "Tell them the lies they need to hear". It is used almost as an inspiration or a base for faith. 

We see a lie as a misrepresentation of the past. So if I say, "I am a clown", you would say, "you are a liar because you have never acted as a clown". But you may not know that I have taken a job as a clown and start later today; I use it as a title or description. But more specifically, I may have decided to be a clown from now on but you would still call me a liar. Pattern would see this as a lie too, but would relish it because it is descriptive of a future truth. They know time too, but call all future truth which is different from the past a "lie". It shows a change, a pattern, a progression that they recognize. They just have a different word for it. It seems both a cognitive interpretation and allows for time progression, much like a Cryptic's changing shape.

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When Pattern speaks of lies, he is usually talking about Shallans use of metaphor in speech. They are not literally true, but are descriptive lies that paint a picture. 

Like a song "blowing up the charts/radio". It does no such thing but that paints a word picture that is useful for a hearer to understand something about that song's success.  

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