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police sketch artist game !!


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Hello, I'm moth !!  I'm an artist who likes to draw people! 

This game works like this: describe yourself in as much detail as you like, and then I'll try to draw you. Then post a photo of yourself and we'll compare the two

Currently open!

(This started over on the "What do you look like?" topic.) 

Edited by dead-moth
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1 hour ago, bleeder said:

Well, you are! Your drawing of me is now my profile picture on, like, everything!

Holy mackerel, really? Dang ...

I shoulda put more effort into it haha. Oy boy ...



OK! Here we are for round one! @Erunion, @Assassin in Burgundy, & @Shqueeves (feat. me crying in the corner). 

Jeez louise, this is hard. I dunno how close I was, but it was fun to do.


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Okay, I want to see myself in drawing form.

So I have a normal sized face, and I am male.

My jawline looks a bit like this: \_/ but with a shallower decline on the sides. The chin is not exactly centered with everything else on my face.

I have a rounded  nose, but not a round nose.

The tips of my mouth align with my pupils, the length of my nose is approximately the height of my ears, and the hair exactly in front of my ears stops at about the middle of the ear.

My ears are not necessarily very large, but they aren't angled back slightly like many other people. My glasses are slightly distorted rectangles.

My eyebrows are boldish, with a slight arch facing outward. My left eyebrow is slightly above the other. For that matter, my left eye is very slightly above the right one, but that isn't very noticeable. 

My hair is parted on the left. My hair is straight, and it's not long enough to cover the tips of my ears, however it is longer on top and in the front. When I say in the front, it means that is fuller in the front and top, not that my hair is covering my forehead.

My hair is light brown, and my eyes are hazel. 

My neck is kind of longish. The distance from my eyes to my chin is about the length of my neck from my earlobe to my shoulder.

My favorite outfit is a t-shirt with a button-down shirt, unbuttoned, over it.

Edited by Hemalurgic_Headshot
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53 minutes ago, dead-moth said:

Holy mackerel, really? Dang ...

I shoulda put more effort into it haha. Oy boy ...



OK! Here we are for round one! @Erunion, @Assassin in Burgundy, & @Shqueeves (feat. me crying in the corner). 

Jeez louise, this is hard. I dunno how close I was, but it was fun to do.


Very nice! For the picture, would it be better if I took one similar to how you drew me, or just use one I have laying around

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OK, I'm game!

I am redhead (not that it matters when you're doing a B&W sketch), skewing towards the auburn end of the spectrum.  It's straight (though sometimes I curl it) and about chin-length at an angled bob (shaggy ends, not blunt).  I am very much of Scotch-Irish and English descent.  Rounded oval face, not precisely a snub nose but just a bit of a bulb shape on the end of it (English nose, essentially), lips not too thin but not absurdly full, either.  If I'm posing for a picture, my smile is usually sassy and quirked more over to one side than the other.  My lips don't curve upwards very much at a smile, but my eyes crinkle up.

At about 5'6" and 20-30 pounds overweight, I'm a bit pudgy at the moment, but not overly so.  When at cons, I counter the belly fluff with corsetry.  (If any of you ever actually meet me at a con, I will likely be in costume.)

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Just now, bleeder said:

Apparently, Kay really wants us to know how she looks. :ph34r::P

I hid the extras.

The forum is doing some weird things and errors are causing multiposts.  I have PM'd Chaos about it.

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43 minutes ago, Kaymyth said:

OK, I'm game!

I am redhead (not that it matters when you're doing a B&W sketch), skewing towards the auburn end of the spectrum.  It's straight (though sometimes I curl it) and about chin-length at an angled bob (shaggy ends, not blunt).  I am very much of Scotch-Irish and English descent.  Rounded oval face, not precisely a snub nose but just a bit of a bulb shape on the end of it (English nose, essentially), lips not too thin but not absurdly full, either.  If I'm posing for a picture, my smile is usually sassy and quirked more over to one side than the other.  My lips don't curve upwards very much at a smile, but my eyes crinkle up.

At about 5'6" and 20-30 pounds overweight, I'm a bit pudgy at the moment, but not overly so.  When at cons, I counter the belly fluff with corsetry.  (If any of you ever actually meet me at a con, I will likely be in costume.)

How often do you go to cons? Where? 

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1 hour ago, Shqueeves said:

How often do you go to cons? Where? 

Usually at least a couple a year, though last year was insane and I went to five.

I regularly attend JordanCon in Atlanta, and I am on staff with ConQuesT here in Kansas City.

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