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I'm neither spiteful nor malicious


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Well, at least not malicious.

I was lurking and someone called out the lurker and voila, here I be.

I enjoy the theorizing and am very impressed with the coppermimd wiki. Thanks to all contributors and editors.

I'll have to reread all the titles with a new attention to detail and enjoy as the larger story of the cosmere unfolds.

First BS book: Elantris

Favorite BS book: WoK (for now)

Favorite BS character: Kaladin

Favorite BS title: Well of Ascension

BS character I want to grow up to be: Breeze

Favorite Magic System: AonDor runes

Favorite Scene: the second ideal (for now)

Favorite Character who most resembles Thom Merrilin: Teft

Favorite WoK potential metaphor: Sezth/Wandersail

Ok. Enough silliness. :-)

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Cheers Shardlet.  And please, call me Spite.


There were a few things that convinced me to come out of lurk mode:


a) I noticed you welcoming all new posters in this thread.  What a way to build a sense of community

b ) The detailed introductions from Will re: the team behind building 17th shard.  Again, very cool and impressive outreach program to build a community.


Thanks again and see you in the forums!


Edit: meant "b )"and not B)

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Welcome to the forums.


This is the part where I put some witty banter playfully and insincerely mocking you whilst encouraging you to engage in discussions (much as the King's Wit). Alas, my last attempt at such did not work out right, and I feel that antagonising someone who goes by the name of Spite might be... unwise.


So, welcome to the forums and enjoy yourself. 

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Well met Quiver!  I enjoy banter and good natured mocking.  However, one can't go around prepared to be a punching bag :-)


I feel that antagonising someone who goes by the name of Spite might be... unwise.


See.... now if my moniker was GoodwillKindess, it be game over, right?


Edit: spelling

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I like to think there is an alternate universe where Sheathe is taking advantage of GoodwillKindness right now, through wittier repartee than what I'm coming up with.


(Though, I think I'll dare to point out that, despite you're title claim to the contrary, you haven't show yourself not to be spiteful or malicious. For all I know, you're laughing along with what I say whilst plotting a crippling revenge, designed to debilitate my delicate psyche. It may be judgemental of me, but I am rather inclined to think of someone who calls themselves that in terms of supervillainy.)



Congratulations. You are officially my nemesis.

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