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Shard Vocab


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As you may know, there is an ever-evolving list of newly-created words that we devise on this website. 

So I figured I'd make a compendium of our words and terms. Feel free to point out new ones or ones I have left out and I will add them in. They have to have been collectively decided as a Shard-term; you can't just make 'em up and expect me to accept them. There also has to be a reasonable level of propriety, as this is an all-ages forum. But, hey. Have fun with it.


Kobold - (v.) to veer off into increasingly irrelevant and flowery terms regarding something seemingly simple (esp. metaphorically)

glut - (n.) the collective term for a group of epics

brain weasels - (n.) bad, intrusive, self-doubty thoughts that may or may not take the forms of tiny green weasels that invade your happiness

WoB - Word Of Brandon. Official statement from Brandon about his books, whether from a signing, online Q&A, blog post, email newsletter, etc.

Sanderfan - fan of Brandon Sanderson.

DA - Dark Alley. Home of hemalurgists who offer newbies suspiciously metallic cookies.

RAFO - Read And Find Out. What Brandon says when he doesn't want to answer a fan's question, usually for spoiler reasons.

Sharder - member of the 17th Shard website

Lifeless - (n.) one who has not yet been exposed to the wonderful works of Mr Sanderson

cookie - (n.) a harmful baked good which contains metal spikes instead of chocolate chips

badchull - (adj.) formidable, excellent. Used as a replacement word for badass

Incredimazable  - (adj.) something so fantastic it cannot be described with existing or sensible adjectives. Origin: Funtimes ("This Pop Rocks fudge is incredimazable! And also hurting my tongue but do I look like I care.") 

Edited by bleeder
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44 minutes ago, bleeder said:

As you may know, there is an ever-evolving list of newly-created words that we devise on this website. 

So I figured I'd make a compendium of our words and terms. Feel free to point out new ones or ones I have left out and I will add them in. They have to have been collectively decided as a Shard-term; you can't just make 'em up and expect me to accept them.


Kobold - (v.) to veer off into increasingly irrelevant and flowery terms regarding something seemingly simple (esp. metaphorically)

glut - (n.) the collective term for a group of epics

Kobold LOL


can we add crem as a swear? Also brain weasels deserves to be on the list.

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2 hours ago, Ookla the Miraculous said:

An obvious one is: cookie - (n) a harmful baked good which contains metal spikes instead of chocolate chips

And then there's badchull - (adj) formidable, excellent. Used as a replacement word for badass

Not ti be confused with a chullhat

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WoB - Word Of Brandon. Official statement from Brandon about his books, whether from a signing, online Q&A, blog post, email newsletter, etc.

Sanderfan - fan of Brandon Sanderson.

DA - Dark Alley. Home of hemalurgists who offer newbies suspiciously metallic cookies.

RAFO - Read And Find Out. What Brandon says when he doesn't want to answer a fan's question, usually for spoiler reasons.

Sharder - member of the 17th Shard website.

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Sharblade- colloquial temrtemr used in replacement for the not so very socially acceptable word used to describe male....parephernalia 

So, two people downvoted this, one retracted that vote and another person upvoted it

or 1 person downvoted it and two people upvoted it 

Edited by Mesa the Ookla
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22 hours ago, Mesa the Ookla said:

Sharblade- colloquial temrtemr used in replacement for the not so very socially acceptable word used to describe male....parephernalia 

So, two people downvoted this, one retracted that vote and another person upvoted it

or 1 person downvoted it and two people upvoted it 

That really strikes me as an inappropriate use of a term that is not in keeping with the Shard's all-ages atmosphere.

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On 03/12/2016 at 0:49 AM, Mesa the Ookla said:

Sharblade- colloquial temrtemr used in replacement for the not so very socially acceptable word used to describe male....parephernalia 

So, two people downvoted this, one retracted that vote and another person upvoted it

or 1 person downvoted it and two people upvoted it 

Dude, seriously?  Totally inappropriate and uncalled for, neither is it particularly funny. This is why you get downvoted. Please think a little harder before deciding what to post. 

Edited by Ookla the Chibi
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9 minutes ago, Mesa the Ookla said:

It's been used multiple times before...and noone got downvoted then...

Okay, I'm sorry if you're upset by the negative response, but when you post suggestive comments on a collective, constructive, all-ages forum, you're gonna get a bit of backlash.

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3 minutes ago, Ooklasaurus said:

I think you are overly sensitive. There's dirtier jokes than that in Brandons books.

Though fine, Darkness crosses the line of offensive and annoying without being funny sometimes.

You make a valid point, but I have never seen the term used before now, and will not add it to the list.

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22 minutes ago, bleeder said:

The user or the deceased gorilla (rest in peace, m'dude)?

Deceased gorrila. I'm pretty sure shardblades out for harambe was where it started. We could also use Short Temper insinstead of shardblades, in respect for one of my favourite scenes in mistborn era two. When Wayne walks into that school academy place, and that guy is like "Wayne don't test me, I have a really short temper"

And Wayne's like " oh, so your lady friends are giving nicknames to your parts now are they?" 

And walks past him, as he looks dumbfounded

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1 minute ago, Mesa the Ookla said:

Deceased gorrila. I'm pretty sure shardblades out for harambe was where it started. We could also use Short Temper insinstead of shardblades, in respect for one of my favourite scenes in mistborn era two. When Wayne walks into that school academy place, and that guy is like "Wayne don't test me, I have a really short temper"

And Wayne's like " oh, so your lady friends are giving nicknames to your parts now are they?" 

And walks past him, as he looks dumbfounded

I have never heard of the former on this site; unfortunately, I did hear about it IRL, though I haven't seen it used on this site in any corners I frequent. 

The latter is from one of the books, which is a different ballgame. See, Brandon's Mistborn and Stormlight books are geared toward adults, where some innuendo is allowed and even—to some degree, and for some readers—welcome. Some readers, however, were drawn to Brandon's books through his works written for younger readers, which are (usually) free of innuendo, and they might not appreciate having adult innuendo be introduced on a site that is, to them, a place that's more family-friendly. 

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9 minutes ago, Mesa the Ookla said:

Deceased gorrila. I'm pretty sure shardblades out for harambe was where it started. We could also use Short Temper insinstead of shardblades, in respect for one of my favourite scenes in mistborn era two. When Wayne walks into that school academy place, and that guy is like "Wayne don't test me, I have a really short temper"

And Wayne's like " oh, so your lady friends are giving nicknames to your parts now are they?" 

And walks past him, as he looks dumbfounded

Yeah, but... why do we need a term for one's male-ness?

Also, it was a bar, not the academy.

And Twi makes a very good point. We may be teenagers, but they are adult fiction.

Edited by bleeder
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