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where did all of the shardplates go



during the recreance vision Dalinar counts 200 pairs of shards(and i think that these are only from only two of the orders but anyway ) and recolecting the amount of shards in his era  he can only  think of around 100 plates  . where did the rest go?
they are not blades that can be easyly discarded like adolin did  with ... u know . 
plus the can be regrown from the smallest of splinters.  if it was ony a few it would be expected but around half? for something so precius ? it seems a little strange 

So where are they ? 
could someone be stockpiling them ? 
seems kinda far fetched but what do you think?



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2 answers to this question

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Enough examples of Blades have gone missing that I'm not surprised a lot of Plate is unaccounted for as well. Some could for example have been lost in the early days of the Recreance if people who took up the armor were killed fighting over the shards and didn't understand how to repair it or didn't have access to enough stormlight. Others could be lost as randuir suggests (I mean, if you can lose an entire city under crem... :lol:) or they might have been lost somewhere they couldn't be recovered from even by people who knew where to look. Say, the bottom of an ocean somewhere if there were any naval battles fought involving shardbearers.

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Losing a set of shardplate wouldn't be easy, but I'd say it's definitely possible. Don't forget that due to accumulation of crem, any object left out in the open for a couple of high-storms would become unrecognizable, and with a bit more time would just become part of the land. Shardplate could get lost in this way due to battles or skirmishes in craggy terrain, where the plate could fall in.

Does this account for all the missing plate? Maybe, maybe not.

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