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Voidbinding diagram or Old Magic Diagram


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SO this will contain discussions on themes within the SA spoilers galore.

Do we KNOW that this diagram has to deal with Voidbinding? http://coppermind.net/wiki/File:TWoK_Rear_Endsheet.jpg 

File:TWoK Rear Endsheet.jpg

While rereading the WoK i had a crazy idea that this might actually tie into the Old Magic and the powers that the Nightwatcher uses. I have a couple of thoughts as to why this may be the case.

Thought #1: The Woman in the picture that we don't know anything able is the Nightwatcher (I subscribe to the Nightwatcher=Cultivation theory).

Thought #2: The Way of Kings has very little discussion about Voidbinding but a lot about the Old Magic. 


So if anyone has a WoB of other evidence to the true nature of the picture please share.

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There are already topics about that chart:


Some theories:

There was also a very good topic which compared glyphs from this one to the Surgebinding chart but I can't find it :(
EDIT: Found it!

There are probably more deep down the Shard but I don't feel like digging.

Edited by Oversleep
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40 minutes ago, Tsidqiyah said:

The Woman in the picture that we don't know anything able is the Nightwatcher (I subscribe to the Nightwatcher=Cultivation theory).

WoB is that Nightwatcher is to Cultivation approximately what the Stormfather is to Honor. 

Also, I have this weird recollection that something about this chart is insignificant because it was artistic choice and I feel like it was the woman. I'll dig to confirm though.

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1 hour ago, Spoolofwhool said:

Also, I have this weird recollection that something about this chart is insignificant because it was artistic choice and I feel like it was the woman. I'll dig to confirm though.

You don't have to, it's in one of the topics I linked (specifically, "[WoB] The Woman on The Way of Kings Endsheet" ).

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14 minutes ago, 8giraffe8 said:

There was one theory that Surgebinding worked differently in the Cognitive Realm, and that chart represents what each of the Surges does in Cognitive. They're all sort of distorted versions of the normal Surges.

I've seen this one in my search but chose not to include it, not sure why.

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