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Hey all! 

I'm new to the 17th shard and relatively new to Sanderson. I had read the mistborn trilogy back in 2012 but wasn't as avid a reader as I am now, so I didn't hear about the Cosmere until sometime in March of this year. I have since then read through every Cosmere story at least once. I have surfed the subreddits a decent amount over the last month and only recently started lurking this forum .

It still feels like there is a decent amount that I don't know yet that seems to be well known by posters here, so I hope to start contributing soon! 

Good to be here 

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45 minutes ago, antabr said:

Hey all! 

I'm new to the 17th shard and relatively new to Sanderson. I had read the mistborn trilogy back in 2012 but wasn't as avid a reader as I am now, so I didn't hear about the Cosmere until sometime in March of this year. I have since then read through every Cosmere story at least once. I have surfed the subreddits a decent amount over the last month and only recently started lurking this forum .

It still feels like there is a decent amount that I don't know yet that seems to be well known by posters here, so I hope to start contributing soon! 

Good to be here 

Hello, antabr! 

I am bleeder. I like music and vests. 

Welcome to the Shard! Here, you shall learn much and possibly get many headaches. Be wary of headaches. Also cookies. Trust no cookies.

If you ever need anything, feel free to notify me! 

So, yeah; welcome!

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51 minutes ago, antabr said:

Hey all! 

I'm new to the 17th shard and relatively new to Sanderson. I had read the mistborn trilogy back in 2012 but wasn't as avid a reader as I am now, so I didn't hear about the Cosmere until sometime in March of this year. I have since then read through every Cosmere story at least once. I have surfed the subreddits a decent amount over the last month and only recently started lurking this forum .

It still feels like there is a decent amount that I don't know yet that seems to be well known by posters here, so I hope to start contributing soon! 

Good to be here 

Welcome! If you have read through every Cosmere story, then you are about to have some serious fun, I have no idea how long you have been lurking here, but I hope that you will contribute, and enjoy theory-ing. Welcome to the Shard, and don't take cookies!

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