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Exemplary Posts


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There are a great many excellent posts on this site that through misfortune or bad timing don't get the attention they deserve. This is a topic for those posts, and other excellent posts that you feel are worth sharing for any who missed them.


The way this works:
Find a post from the person who posted above you that you think is especially valuable or upvoteworthy and link it. It could be about something cool they have done, a clever theory they made or just a funny joke. Some people may be able to recall some of the more interesting posts by some other members. But for the rest of us we can search through the posts that they have got rep from and choose one that you think has special merit.


The point of this thread is to spread around some warm fuzzies and to highlight especially awesome posts that other people have made, not to rep farm, so just make sure that you personally don't write every second post on the page ;)



For an example of how this works (in case it isn't clear):

-Kurkistan posts a link to a post by the person who posted above him.

-Chaos posts a link to one of Kurkistans forms posts.

-Aether posts a link to where Chaos was talking about the new rep levels



You can put more in the post than just the link of course :)


For anyone who doesn't know how to link to a specific post here:
On the top right of every post is the number that post is in the thread. Right click that number and select "Copy link address". (Thanks Kurk)


Have fun guys =D



(PS. I don't really care if the first person to post doesn't link one of my posts, as I said, the purpose of this is not rep farming :) )

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