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Hello, I'm new here.


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Hi everyone!

 I've finally decided to join the Forums after looking through it and reading you all for a while. (But actually I realized I needed people I could freak out with about the Cosmere, so I figured this would be the place.) Anyway, Just wanted to say Hi, I'm happy to be here and looking forward the discussions. 



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Hello, Dawn seeker! Welcome to the Shard! Have you read all Cosmere books? Novellas? Non-Cosmere?

Oh and don't accept anything people may offer you here, be it cookies or cakes or whatever. It's for your own good :ph34r:



.....been an awfully long time since I greeted a newbie XD

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Thanks guys! I honestly didn't expect a reply so quickly! 

As of now I have read Warbreaker, Elantris, Way of Kings and Words of Radiance. Mistborn is next on the list; but it's just those 4 currently. 

I am a very new Brandon Sanderson fan, but definitely a fan.

I think I rediscovered that I could read after Way of Kings...

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19 minutes ago, DawnSeeker said:

Hi everyone!

 I've finally decided to join the Forums after looking through it and reading you all for a while. (But actually I realized I needed people I could freak out with about the Cosmere, so I figured this would be the place.) Anyway, Just wanted to say Hi, I'm happy to be here and looking forward the discussions. 



Hiya, DawnSeeker! I'm bleeder. I wear vests and rant about music. 

Welcome to the Shard, your place to freak out about Sanderson to your heart's content. We usually attempt to have intelligent conversations about Sanderson, but end up veering off into topics like what kind of chocolate we prefer, and our diabolical coworkers/classmates. 

Oh, hey, speaking of chocolate, don't eat the cookies. You will be offered cookies. Do not eat them. 

Anyways, welcome! If you ever need anything, please feel free to let me know.

Oh, yeah, the Mistborn series is phenomenal. My favorite, by far.

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Also, REALLY jazzed about the recent news with DMG Entertainment buying the Cosmere rights! 

I was in a coffee shop sipping an espresso when I found out, and I sort of bothered the Barista for the next 15 minutes about it... and then called like 7 people I know, and freaked out to them to. What do you guys thing about the movie thing, here's the link in-case you don't know what I'm referring to.

(I expect you do, but just in case here it is)



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4 minutes ago, DawnSeeker said:

Also, REALLY jazzed about the recent news with DMG Entertainment buying the Cosmere rights! 

I was in a coffee shop sipping an espresso when I found out, and I sort of bothered the Barista for the next 15 minutes about it... and then called like 7 people I know, and freaked out to them to. What do you guys thing about the movie thing, here's the link in-case you don't know what I'm referring to.

(I expect you do, but just in case here it is)



Yeah, we've been freaking out about this for a few days. I made some unhealthy-sounding noises at first. 

Edited by bleeder
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3 minutes ago, DawnSeeker said:

I think I rediscovered that I could read after Way of Kings...

I've always liked reading, but reading Brandon's books is like getting to have your cake and eat it too, and then having a party with friends you haven't seen in forever. And then having more cake.

Just now, DawnSeeker said:

Also, REALLY jazzed about the recent news with DMG Entertainment buying the Cosmere rights! 

I found out yesterday! I'm so dang excited!!!

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Sorry... Lol, I'm trying to figure out how to change my profile pic, and It's not WORKING! Lol. Guys this is a real problem. I need help.

Anyway, I gotta run mow the lawn, and walk the dog, (he's a golden retriever named Winston) and I gotta vacuum. *not complaining, just explaining my absence. 

I'll be back soon. Take care though, and I really appreciate the warm welcome guys, I look forward to talking to you all soon!

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2 hours ago, DawnSeeker said:

Sorry... Lol, I'm trying to figure out how to change my profile pic, and It's not WORKING! Lol. Guys this is a real problem. I need help.

If you describe exactly what is happening I can either help you get around it or refer you to someone who can.

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Okay, here's the gist of it. I google an image, save it to my desktop, then try and drag it into the box on the forum for profile picture like it says, and then it tells me the file is too big or something. Does that sound at all familiar or am I just taking shots in the dark?

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31 minutes ago, DawnSeeker said:

Okay, here's the gist of it. I google an image, save it to my desktop, then try and drag it into the box on the forum for profile picture like it says, and then it tells me the file is too big or something. Does that sound at all familiar or am I just taking shots in the dark?

I have that problem every time. I struggle to find files less than 49 kb. In fact, that's what I'm doing right now. What kind of picture are you looking for?

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4 hours ago, bleeder said:

Hiya, DawnSeeker! I'm bleeder. I wear vests and rant about music. 

Welcome to the Shard, your place to freak out about Sanderson to your heart's content. We usually attempt to have intelligent conversations about Sanderson, but end up veering off into topics like what kind of chocolate we prefer, and our diabolical coworkers/classmates. 

Oh, hey, speaking of chocolate, don't eat the cookies. You will be offered cookies. Do not eat them. 

Anyways, welcome! If you ever need anything, please feel free to let me know.

Oh, yeah, the Mistborn series is phenomenal. My favorite, by far.

So, Why is Mistborn Your favorite series? Personally I have a hard time imagining it to be better than the Stormlight Archive, but I haven't read the two so I really can't compare.

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Just now, DawnSeeker said:

So, Why is Mistborn Your favorite series? Personally I have a hard time imagining it to be better than the Stormlight Archive, but I haven't read the two so I really can't compare.

Stormlight is a huge spanning series, and it's fantastic, but I guess Mistborn just appeals to me more. I've always been into dark stuff, I guess, and Mistborn is defninitely dark.

Oh, by the way, you might want to try to refrain from double-posting (posting one post right after another on the same thread). It's generally frowned upon here. If you need to put anything more into a post, you can edit it. The edit button is next to the quote one. You'll get used to all this eventually, I promise :P;)

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I've never really had a problem with profile/cover pictures. Maybe because, instead of dragging it, I'm saving the file? You could try that...

Edit: then again, I haven't changed my pictures in a while. I changed my cover photo as soon as I could after the site was updated, which like a month or so after cuz my profile was acting up... (long story, involving frantic emails to Chaos).

Edited by KnightRadiant
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