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My predictions:

The Stormlight Archive

- Renarin becomes a herald at the end of book 5

- Odium is wounded and removed from the Rosharan System in book 5

- Dalinar will sacrifice himself to be Odium's Champion

- Taravangian will be the overall emperor of Roshar by the end of book 5

- A god-spren remnant of Adonalsium left on the rosharan system will take a major role in the back five books 

- I have this theory that "the man who calls himself Taln" is in fact Tanavast (Tanavast's cognitive shadow fused with Taln's body) 

- The cognitive shadows on Braize include imprisoned Yolen Demigods, imprisoned by Adonalsium long long ago onto Braize, since Braize is a like a prison (from a WoB), I suspect there are 9 of them and there used to be 10 (including Hoid, but he escaped somehow, links to the big RAFO we got regarding Hoid and Braize) 

- A substitute or form of Adonalsium will be reformed through the dawn-shards, Talenel (the true Talenel) will hold this power and direct it to get vengeance against the world for his thousands of year torture and attempt to change the world (this happens at the end of Stormlight 9 and we see this happen in greater detail in Stormlight 10)



- Mistborn Era 3 will deal with Odium as the main antagonist, Odium will have some tech that allows it to utilize splintered shards to his advantage without altering his intent

- Kelsier will take up Harmony shard from Harmony through some scheme to fight Odium (based on the quote we got for Mistborn 9) 

- In the final trilogy, the main threat will be a spiritual realm  powerful entity that is against the increasing cosmere awareness of the shardworlds. This antagonist is also responsible for the weapon used by the 16 shardholders in destroying Adonalsium in the first place, in anger of it creating sentience in the physical/cognitive realms. This antagonist is also responsible for the fain life and red rip. I guess that the drominad system has some links to do this, because of the seven planets (seventh land from Ym's religon) and the 16-pointed sun that seems to connect to the cosmere (spiritual realm) 16-centric number



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7 hours ago, Sherwin94 said:

Kelsier will take up Harmony shard from Harmony through some scheme to fight Odium (based on the quote we got for Mistborn 9) 

Sorry for giving reactions in this thread, but can you show me the quote? I remember reading it but I can't seem to find it.

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-Listeners can form the Nahel bond, but only with the spren that is giving them their form.

-Eshonai will prove too much for Odium's influence (through her own will), and will become a Willshaper.

(Together, these two suggest the question: What type of spren is associated with the Willshapers, and what Listener form is associated with that type of spren?)

-At the end of either Stormlight book 5 or Stormlight book 10, Odium will be banished from the Roshar system.

-The final Mistborn trilogy will end with the re-forming (to some extent, in any case) of Adonalsium.

-Sel will have a significant impact on the modern-era Mistborn trilogy.

-Taravangian will become a bondsmith, with the Nightwatcher as his spren.  His actions while super-intelligent will be what "breaks" him enough for this to happen.

Edited by Yitzi2
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In Oathbringer the 17th shard will catch up with Hoid. The 3 we have seen will attempt to apprehend him and we will get to see Hood in action for the first time.  but after an epic (non lethal battle), Hoid will escape with ease.

The 3 worldhoppers will go back to the leader of the 17th shard to inform him of their failure. This is not Frost as we may be lead to believe, he just happens to be in league with them. Instead he is a man baring a full head of blonde hair with dashing looks, a spike through one eye and scars down his arms. Kelsier has spent the past several hundred years forming the 17th shard for his own goals...goals that Hoid's actions are impeding. 

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Here's a little theory that I came up with over the course of a conversation on the Stormlight board (I'm more sure of the first part than the second).

-Adolin will face exile for murdering Sadeas. Here are my reasons for believing this:

  •      According to the original story outline, Adolin should be dead by now. He's evolved into a more important character and will need to be used later, but he may be starting to get in the way of the main characters' arcs.
  •      One alternative to exile is that the whole affair is covered up or never comes to light. There are too many characters running around whose personalities get in the way of that for this to work (Dalinar's too honorable, Adolin will feel too guilty, Ialai won't let go of the investigation, etc.).
  •      The only other viable alternative to exile is that Adolin dies. I believe that he has become too important to just be killed off in a random battle. Ialai will definitely want to kill Adolin, but the only way to do that in an above-board way is in a duel, and after Adolin's performance in the big WoR duel, no one is going to be willing to do that. She could try assassins, but that isn't the easiest way to put down a Shardbearer.   

-This part is more dubious, but I think it's more fun. Adolin spends his exile as Lift's Squire. It's a reversal of the typical roles of serious, noble knight and goofy, inept--or at least less glorious--squire. It allows Adolin to go down the path of reviving his Blade. Working on the assumption that Squires can themselves eventually become Radiants, this gives Adolin a cool way to come around to being a Radiant. Adolin and Lift would probably interact in very entertaining ways, from hilarious bickering to genuine affection (I think that they would get along but that Lift would annoy Adolin a lot). Adolin would also be a great example to Lift and help her grow into the character who is eventually going to be one of the series leads. I believe that whatever trauma underlies Lift's Peter Pan syndrome, there is also a healthy dosage of distaste for turning into someone like the adults that she's known. Adolin is different.

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Odium is going to win in Stormlight book five. 

However win and destroy everything are two different things Odium was willing to tolerate being bound because he knew that eventually he could win and he wasn't exactly in a hurry to achieve victory. However the events of Mistborn have suddenly thrown a wrench into his careful plans now there's a shard powerful enough to challenge him and he needs to deal with it now even if that means putting the destruction of Roshar on hold most of our heroes will make it through but they have to deal with the aftermath and somehow one of them will be responsible for releasing odium from his prison ala Vin releasing Ruin except it was intentional. Now they have to live with the consequences of what they've done after a few years however they know Odium will return to finish the job (assuming he survives battling Harmony).

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By the end of Era 4 Mistborn, there are no shards.

    The Radiants, creating massive hospitals with Edgedancers and Truthwatchers and Regrowth fabrials, deplete Roshar of Stormlight. Skybreaker police with Adhesion fabrials that serve as a kind of barricade in chases, movies using Lightweaving, Oathgates to shardworlds, Gravitation rollercoasters, etc. use even more. Spacecraft use Gravitation for propulsion and gravity, and Abrasion for spinning parts (instead of ball bearings). Honor, the shard, is no more. Cultivation may even disappear.

    There is now a Feruchemal bank that you can exchange Breaths (or some form of "non-perishable" (Stormlight) Investiture) for a medallion or two, and you can "recharge" it/them at stations scattered across Scadrial. Result: Harmony gets really powerless or Splintered into nothing due to all the Investiture getting stripped away into ettmetal for all this.   

    Huge consumption of Dor, it gets converted to other Investiture by some overly complex Aon because everyone wants energy. No Devotion or Dominion.

    Autonomy -- actually, even though the sands are useful, people don't use it as much as other investiture. It gets shipped through the Cognitive Realm to Sel, where the super complex conversion Aon turns it to Stormlight.

   Ambition -- people Soulcast metal into silver, bring it to Threnody, and somehow get it to charge with Investiture. Used to fight Odium and evil cognitive shadows--Mistborn/Knight Radiant army fights Odium and Unmade with Silver Nightbloods that destroy evil with Ambition investiture. Endowment gets used up to create all this, Odium gets Splintered.

   Other Shards--perhaps they resist, but they eventually lose in the fight to give Investiture to everyone. A sort of Galactic Senate forms with all sorta-Splinters and some elected officials, and the books end because nothing's interesting.


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The man called Taln really is Taln but his 4,500 years fighting Odium has literally burned away his Identity, so that the Taln identity is literally gone. He is the Herald equivalent of an unkeyed metalmind. Hoid certainly seemed to think it was the same person, and that counts more than what Brandon says, in a manner of speaking. But if his identity is burned away, what does that mean will happen to him? If you can't get Identity back, what does that mean? 
He will reunite Honor, or unite parts of Honor and Odium in the end of book 10. He will have more power than the other 9 heralds combined. 

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I predict that Jasnah will have some shipping moments with Vasher when/if they interact and she discovers what an intelligent, if belligerantly gruff, scholar he is. If nothing else it will provide some very amusing and interesting interactions if it happens.

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On 3/2/2017 at 1:27 PM, Hawkido said:

“Parasaphi,” Renarin said. “She’s the one who searched out the seedstones.”

“Yes,” Navani replied. “In order to repopulate her fallen people, she climbed the peaks of Dara—the myth changes, listing different modern mountain ranges as the true peaks of Dara—to find stones touched by the Heralds themselves. She brought them to Nadris on his deathbed and harvested his seed to bring life to the stones. They hatched forth ten children, which she used to found a new nation. Marnah, I believe it was called.”

Parasaphni = Cultivation (probably an Honorific name, not her real name)

Nadris = Honor (Again an Honorific name)

10 Children = the 10 original nations of of Roshar

This, somehow, is the trap that captured Odium.  Parasaphi is suprisingly similar to both Parshendi or Parap-shenesh-idi.  The Parshendi have a very strong affinity to spren, but Honor and Cultivation spren are very difficult for them to bond with, however they bond very easily with Odium Spren the bond is involuntary and almost automatic. What if Cultivation created a race that acted like a sponge soaking up odium spren  trapping him in the Roshar System, but he cannot come to Roshar directly as the Parshendi would just steal more of his investiture.  What if Odium needs all the Parshendi killed to free himself from the system?  That I believe is the twist to the StormLight series... Save the Parshendi, Save the Galaxy!

*EDIT* look up Greek Mythology  Persephone, I believe this is the model or Archtype that Cultivation was built from.  I wonder how much more was stolen from Persephone, Has she "Married" Odium? will she also rule Odium's "Kingdom" and present a more pleasing afterlife than Hades, I mean Odium was able to offer people?

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I think perpendicularities are determined by number of shards. For example, Roshar has a large number of shards, and and a corresponding number of world hoppers. This is due to the fact that Roshar is probably an easier world to access than the others.

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GhostBloods: World Hoppers, known to have a Southern Scandrian as one of their higher ranked members.

translation of Ghost = Cognitive Shadow

Translation of blood = Hemoglobin

A cognitive Shadow that deals with blood, the only Cognitive Shadow that has had any dealings with blood written about in the cosmere = Kelsier.  I bet Thaidakar's Boss has a Sharp sense of Humor and an eye for the cookies.

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I apologize if this theory is already out there, I've been gone a while and haven't read through this entire thread.

A crazy theory I recently came up with is that Adolin, because of his hatred of Sadeas and the murder of him, will be influenced heavily by Odium and turn on Dalinar and Kaladin. He will not become a shardbearer, but become Odium's splinter (sorry I can't for the life of me remember the proper term :(). The fifth book will then culminate in Kaladin and Adolin fighting eachother. Not sure where Szeth fits into all of this though.

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Since the Recreance, the KR order that didn't participate (probably the Skybreakers) has been hoarding shardblades or otherwise "removing them from circulation", perhaps even destroying them.

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So, you have the 16 base metals


and you have a god metal per shard


and god metals have alloys, presumably 16 per god metal, to follow the pattern of allomancy

16+16+(16x16)=288 allomantic metals, all which can be used in hemalurgy and feruchemy as well!

In addition to this, some shards can merge to make new god metals, so you could get even more metals!

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Feruchemy could be gifted (of want of a better term) by a metal, similar to how lerasium gifts allomancy and atium steals any power in hemalurgy. As h and atium are of ruin and a and lerasuim are of preservation, the thing that gifts feruchemy must be a mix of p and r, hence harmonium, since f and hm are both of harmony. However, hm doesn't gift feruchemy, we have to change this theory slightly. Perhaps hm is the god metal of feruchemy, and you can store any attribute in it, and an alloy of l and hm gifts feruchemy when burned, similar to how burning l with pewter makes you a thug, or burning l with tin makes you a tineye. An alternative theory is that an alloy of l and at gifts feruchemy, since the two balance each other out as harmony. f is also of harmony, so that also makes sense.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Kelsier and Shai are going to meet up and work together to accomplish similar goals. One of them will probably be hunting/stopping Hoid.

Both have very similar professions, a dislike for Hoid, and love a challenge. 

Kelsier's hemalurgy and Shai's essence marks will make for an interesting combination. 

Kelsier's identity and connection medallions and Shai's soulforging will make for an interesting combination. 

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These are kind of quite out there, but I'll go for it anyway:

Stormlight: Rayse will die and the True Desolation will be prevented at the end of Stormlight 5, but Odium will still live on. One of the main characters (maybe Kaladin or Adolin) will Ascend to become the next Vessel of Odium, leading to a complete change of original intentions in which Odium, in the hands of its new Vessel, will go about his mission of hatred in a completely different way. Maybe at the end of that book, Dalinar or someone else important will receive a vision that comes with an Everstorm in which Rayse himself speaks to him via a prerecorded message, a la Tanavast has done with the highstorms. Rayse will vent out his anger and explain the recent events as well as what he thinks is to come. Many of the main characters may die at the end of that book (or during the gap between books 5 and 6), but I'm fairly sure that at Lift and Renarin will live through to the second book arc.

Adolin will never become a Radiant, and will eventually become an antagonistic figure in the Stormlight series in some way or another.

Oathbringer or Stormlight 4 will finally introduce us to the enigmatic Ghostblood Thaidakar as a new antagonist to the series.



Mistborn: The third Mistborn trilogy will take place in the Scadrian System (not just Scadrial, but also Aagal Nod and Aagal Uch), the Drominad System (First of the Sun and maybe the next three), and the Threnodite System (definitely Threnody, but maybe Purity, Elegy, Coronach, and Monody as well), and maybe even the Rosharan System (but only Roshar). I know that's a lot of planets, but we've seen stories work even while taking place on a vast number of worlds (the Star Wars saga, anyone?), and we know that Era 4 will be somewhat of an interplanetary sci-fi space opera like Star Wars. Also, one wonders what the point of having all those worlds in all those systems is if they never play any part in the story or in the cosmere's worldbuilding, especially in the case of Aagal Nod and Aagal Uch, which are in the same solar system as Scadrial itself. I mean, they may be there just for the fun of making the cosmere a bigger place, which is probably the case with all the little dwarf planets and extra moons in the Scadrian, Drominad, and Selish Systems, but who knows?

Anyway, I think that the trilogy will include the Drominad System because I'm pretty sure the Ones Above mentioned in Sixth of the Dusk are Era 4 Scadrians, the Threnodite System because of it's near vicinity to the Scadrian system (as evidenced by the Starbelt), and the Rosharan System because if the trilogy ends up being somewhat of a climax to the cosmere's story, it will likely include the worlds of its two most major series', namely Scadrial and Roshar. This is assuming the Era 4 books will be conflux novels. Now as for the Selish System... I don't think it will really factor into the third trilogy, as it would just add even more on to make the stories feel a bit overloaded. Maybe the planet Donne/Doo will be briefly featured, but that assumption is only based on the fact that it is given a peculiar amount of detail in Khriss's essay on Sel. With all that being said, I doubt that Sel itself, Nalthis, or Taldain will be included in the final Mistborn trilogy.



P.S.: I predicted that a cadmium time bubble, which is usually considered the weaker of the two types of time bubbles, would be ironically essential to the climax of The Alloy of Law long before I even read the book. I made that prediction based on what my dad told me about time bubbles while I was reading the first trilogy. And we saw that exact thing happen, with Marasi's time bubble giving time for the constables to arrive in time to apprehend Miles Hundredlives right at the end of the book. So predictable, in my opinion. The book was obviously setting up cadmium bubbles to be of some relevance when comparing them to bendalloy bubbles.

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Some thoughts about Stormlight:

-Renarin and Hoid will talk with Cultivation, she will ignore them because she lost faith in humans.

-Szeth will become a Skybreaker and hunt Kaladin for his participation in Elhokar's murder attempt.

-Rlain will become a Radiant, probably a Windrunner, the combination of the surges and listener's forms will create something else, like a new Resonance.

-The orders will be fighting between them and making Odium's job easier.

-Before the True Desolation the orders will put their differences aside, I hope some kind of "One for all, and all for one " scene, the leaders of the ten orders together, they invoke their Shardblades and say the First Ideal.

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