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Hi All My name is Jakob Brannan, I live in North Carolina and i love to read. I read nothing but the books written by Brandon Sanderson, I found this page looking around on the internet and i found out that it is awesome and You can make new friends! I am new the this page and new to really everything. If you have any advice for me just reply or send me and email at [email protected]



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28 minutes ago, Jake9786 said:

Hi All My name is Jakob Brannan, I live in North Carolina and i love to read. I read nothing but the books written by Brandon Sanderson, I found this page looking around on the internet and i found out that it is awesome and You can make new friends! I am new the this page and new to really everything. If you have any advice for me just reply or send me and email at [email protected]



Hiya, Jake! 

I'm bleeder. Geographically, we don't live very far from each other! I'm in East TN. I used to live in NC, though. 

Welcome to the Shard! As you said, it is awesome and you make new friends. Sanderson's writings are the best, that is true. 

Your enthusiasm for this site is admirable. If you ever need any pointers, feel free to message me. 

Also, don't eat or drink anything offered to you; It'll Ruin your life and your appetite. 

Anyways, welcome!

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hey there mate

i am harambe a dead ol' meme (i rly dont know why i thought that this name would  be a good idea ) 

welcome to this awesome community filled with creative people that come up withe THE COOLEST  theories 

if you ever need anything  you'll be welcome in my inbox , just watch out for the bananas that i get by mail 

also @bleeder i wanted to make the cookie joke , u always beat me to the punch  with new members :P

anyway ..... bye 



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Word of advice - avoid sharing your email online, especially in a form that can be easily copied & pasted (e.g. if you need to post your email online, it's better to type something like myname at yahoo dot com as opposed to [email protected]). The objective here is to make sure bots scouring the net fail to pick it up, while the human readers you intend this information for are not hindered. You can also add extra funky punctuation to make it even more difficult for bots to pick up on your address. What can bots do with your email? Best case scenario, spam you. Worst case, crack your credentials and steal it. Cyber security is important :)

Plus, anyone who wants to chat with you can do so through forum PMs.

Edited by Argent
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