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Question about Shardplate and Surgebinding


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To this point, though, we have also not seen any surgebinders wear shardplate at all in modern times. We don't know why the plate of KR in Dalinar's vision glows.

Does it glow because a surgeninder is wearing it instead of a regular person?

Does It glows because the nahel bond makes it glow or the spren itself makes it glow? 

Is shardplate created after the last ideal is spoken and the plate glows because it is attuned to a specific person?

Would plate glow on Kaladin or would it interfere with abilities like it does for Szeth?


There is quite a bit more lore we will need to discover about shards before we'd have a definite answer to that but its fun to speculate

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It could also be that the Shardplate used by the Knights Radiat was powered directly by Stormlight held (or produced...) by the Radiant wearing it. After all, Szeth said his lashings interfered with the gemstones powering shardplate, not the plate itself.

Following up on this, not a WOR spoiler but not something directly from Way of Kings, so I'm spoiler-tagging it anyway:

I've seen a WOB stating that the Plate's already invested, the gems just recharge it.  If Plate has a spiritual connection to the Surgebinders, I would not be surprised to find that the Radiant's stormlight powers the Plate without gemstones.

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You don't need to put spoiler tags on quotes from outside the books, just if it relates to something not yet released yet usually.
I agree with your sentiment though, I think that Radiants probably used Stormlight they absorbed directly.

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You don't need to put spoiler tags on quotes from outside the books, just if it relates to something not yet released yet usually.

Or a huge spoiler for one of the later books, such as for Mistborn: the Hero of Ages:

Sazed is (/was?) the Hero of Ages!

Edited by Aether
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My theory is that the Shardplate is designed to defend against hostile surgebinding, and Szeth can't get Shardplate to recognize his lashings as friendly. So it blocks his outgoing lashings.


Certainly, the Radiants would want a defense against Voidbinding, and it'd be really convenient if the orders with wide-area attacks could drop them directly on the front lines without worrying about friendly fire.

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