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If I were a Nicrosil compounder


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So I know my name is PewterAgoldF but I was thinking about what I would do if I was double nicrosil and had some thoughts

Firstly this is probably the rarest combination there is so lets just say Harmony gave me some specks of lerasium I could alloy with whatever I want (not enough to become a mistborn) and another bead that does the same for feruchemy somehow (perhaps lerasium+atium+another metal, idk) 

Secondly, since I can now compound investiture, could I potentially get a Pathian earring, made from old inquisitor spikes, and take the miniscule residual investiture from it and compound that? Steel earrings could hold Pushing and Pulling and Pewter allomancy, and Pewter earrings would probably have feruchemical gold, possibly speed.

Thirdly, in the same way that you can't compound if you got your feruchemy and allomancy through hemalurgy because it is being performed with the spiritual signature of the victim, does that mean that as a nicroburst, I could nicroburst my own allomancy which I got through hemalurgy? Or is the signature thing only for feruchemy?

And lastly, could I compound the investiture of hemalurgy taken from regular people? For example a tin spike doesn’t give allomantic or feruchemical tin ability, it just gives you better senses permanently overall, then as a nicrosil compounder I could tap as much as I want at will. This could go for strength (try not to koloss out), mental strength, and emotional strength too, and a duralumin spike grants faster burning ability I think (not instant burning of all active metals) so compounding this would be way more useful than actual allomantic duralumin)

I see only one issue with the last one (apart from potential craziness) being that if the power is not of preservation then how could allomantically burning it grant more E.g. if I somehow get pure Ruin investiture I don’t think I could compound it because preservation doesn’t have ruin investiture to give. But maybe the senses taken from regular dudes still has preservation in it.

Look forward to hearing your thoughts.

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14 minutes ago, PewterAGoldF said:

Thirdly, in the same way that you can't compound if you got your feruchemy and allomancy through hemalurgy because it is being performed with the spiritual signature of the victim, does that mean that as a nicroburst, I could nicroburst my own allomancy which I got through hemalurgy? Or is the signature thing only for feruchemy?

You can compound with hemalurgically gained allomancy and feruchemy abilities. The hemalurgically-gained abilities become coded by a mix of both your identity and the victim's identity, allowing you to access metalminds made by either. In any case, if inquisitors couldn't compound, then Marsh wouldn't have been able to live 3 centuries by compounding atium.

17 minutes ago, PewterAGoldF said:

And lastly, could I compound the investiture of hemalurgy taken from regular people? For example a tin spike doesn’t give allomantic or feruchemical tin ability, it just gives you better senses permanently overall, then as a nicrosil compounder I could tap as much as I want at will. This could go for strength (try not to koloss out), mental strength, and emotional strength too, and a duralumin spike grants faster burning ability I think (not instant burning of all active metals) so compounding this would be way more useful than actual allomantic duralumin)


I see only one issue with the last one (apart from potential craziness) being that if the power is not of preservation then how could allomantically burning it grant more E.g. if I somehow get pure Ruin investiture I don’t think I could compound it because preservation doesn’t have ruin investiture to give. But maybe the senses taken from regular dudes still has preservation in it.

So far, all we've seen of nicrosil feruchemy is that it can only store the ability to use a manifestation of investiture. Personally, I don't think it is possible to store other parts of innate investiture since other forms of feruchemy store those. In any case, even if you store the a hemalurgically-gained manifestation of investiture, when you compound the nicrosilmind charge with allomancy, it would be the power of Preservation mimicking the power the feruchemical charge would give, so there wouldn't actually be any weird problems. Also, I don't think the hemarlugic charges are necessarily of Ruin's investiture, more likely direct pieces of the victim's innate investiture. 


 In any case though, a Nicroburst/Soulbearer twinborn has the potential to be incredibly powerful, with or without hemalurgy. All they would need is to get a hold of a medallion and they would be able to indefinitely possesses the abilities the nicrosilmind of the medallion holds, providing they're careful and don't allow a charge to run out. They could, with a bit of effort, become as powerful as TLR, and possibly more so, though with stricter limitations and a dependence on nicrosil.

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Hey thanks for the quick and concise reply :)

Just now, Spoolofwhool said:

You can compound with hemalurgically gained allomancy and feruchemy abilities. The hemalurgically-gained abilities become coded by a mix of both your identity and the victim's identity, allowing you to access metalminds made by either. In any case, if inquisitors couldn't compound, then Marsh wouldn't have been able to live 3 centuries by compounding atium.

I did hear that marsh is definately using the atium compounding trick, so there is that. It does raise the issue of why the Inquisitors with feruchemical speed never tried burning a steelmind. Or maybe those that did entered the speedforce and became time travellers.

Just now, Spoolofwhool said:

So far, all we've seen of nicrosil feruchemy is that it can only store the ability to use a manifestation of investiture. Personally, I don't think it is possible to store other parts of innate investiture since other forms of feruchemy store those.

 Also a good point, i guess what you are getting is part of the spirit web of that person, and the added senses come from that spirit web, so if you could compound the senses/strength/mental strength from their spirit web then you could probably just compound the same from your own spirit web thus making the hemalurgy unecessary :/

Just now, Spoolofwhool said:

In any case, even if you store the a hemalurgically-gained manifestation of investiture, when you compound the nicrosilmind charge with allomancy, it would be the power of Preservation mimicking the power the feruchemical charge would give, so there wouldn't actually be any weird problems. Also, I don't think the hemarlugic charges are necessarily of Ruin's investiture, more likely direct pieces of the victim's innate investiture. 

Hmm ok I agree that the power you get is just from the victims innate investiture, but say there was a little bit of ruin investiture in any hemalurgic spike, or say you got a little bit of elantrian investiture or something from a completely different shard, preservation can just copy that power for you?

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5 minutes ago, PewterAGoldF said:

Hmm ok I agree that the power you get is just from the victims innate investiture, but say there was a little bit of ruin investiture in any hemalurgic spike, or say you got a little bit of elantrian investiture or something from a completely different shard, preservation can just copy that power for you?

Yes. All investiture is essentially the same, it just takes on different forms.

6 minutes ago, PewterAGoldF said:

I did hear that marsh is definately using the atium compounding trick, so there is that. It does raise the issue of why the Inquisitors with feruchemical speed never tried burning a steelmind. Or maybe those that did entered the speedforce and became time travellers

They might not of noticed, but as we saw with Vin an allomancer can feel the power of a metalmind despite being unable to burn so that likely isn't the reason. I think the actual reason is because the inquistors use their hemalurgic spikes as metalminds, so burning them would be a bad idea.

Edited by Spoolofwhool
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So I cannot nicroburst the allomancy I have stolen through hemalurgy, and I cannot compound things like the blessing of presence.

How about the bit about the earrings? If they can allow harmony to talk to you then they must carry some charge, however small. So for a compounder I guess that’s just as good as a full spike, and without having to kill anyone. So I can make decent use of the nicrosil compounding without having to commit murder or know how to hemalurgy. And from what you have informed me I could even be a speed compounder just from earrings.

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59 minutes ago, PewterAGoldF said:

So I cannot nicroburst the allomancy I have stolen through hemalurgy, and I cannot compound things like the blessing of presence.

How about the bit about the earrings? If they can allow harmony to talk to you then they must carry some charge, however small. So for a compounder I guess that’s just as good as a full spike, and without having to kill anyone. So I can make decent use of the nicrosil compounding without having to commit murder or know how to hemalurgy. And from what you have informed me I could even be a speed compounder just from earrings.

The earrings were made from killing someone. They're all recast inquisitor spikes. 

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7 minutes ago, Spoolofwhool said:

The earrings were made from killing someone. They're all recast inquisitor spikes. 

Oh yeah that much I knew, but its still a big difference ethically than me going around and killing more people. I mean the earrings are in circulation either way, I woulndt even need to keep them.

Plus they would probably be easier to get my hands on than medalions. 


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