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Movie/TV Stormlight Archive


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3 hours ago, Argel said:

I'm not sure what to make of your use of the word "cartoon". I specifically mentioned Anime, and two by name, both of which were targeted at older audiences and neither of which felt cartoonish. It's not hard to find dark and gritty Anime. 

From a quick DuckDuckGo search:



I don't know why so many people want live action -- their won't be a big enough budget to pull it off right. It would almost be easier to drop the crustacean theme and just set it on an Earth like planet. If you want the Roshar of the novels then it will have to be animated, and even then budget could be a concern.


A lot of people want it as live-action because they picture real-life individuals whenever they read the story, not cartoonish ones. It is a never ending debate. On one side, you have those you typically enjoy Anime and cartoons which believe the medium is more suitable to deliver the story mostly because it is much cheaper and it removes the casting problematic. Since they already enjoy the medium, they have a hard time understanding why it doesn't appeal to others. On the other side, you have those who don't think much of Anime and cartoons and wish for something resembling GoT. They wish for the battles to look like real-life battles and not the clean-cut ones most Anime have used to and while there are gritty animated stuff out there, those would argue they never carry the same emotional range as real-life actors. 

Both have their pros and their cons. 

For animated, the pros are money and the ability to basically make the world as close to canon as possible. The cons are animated drama series for adults aren't exactly a thing in the Western world: the temptation to turn it into a kids show will be extremely high if any studios ever decide to do it. The other con is many Anime/animated long motion pictures do not properly convey human emotions, many of those also have a distinctive art which does not appeal to everyone. Many artists have drawn the SA characters, Anime-style. It is an art, but it isn't one which would please the wider Western crowd.

For real-life, the pros are a wider market, a series capable of appealing to a larger public than the already fantasy-reading one. Also, when real-life is well done, it does provide a superior watching experience which leads us to the cons, the cost. It may not be possible to put in enough money to make it as realistic as it needs to be. The temptation to turn it into a cheap fantasy show such as the Sword of Truth will be high. The casting is also a real nightmare: choices will be made and we can be sure a lot of people will rage on the Internet for it because there is no such thing as a universally accepted casting.

For my part, I never want to see the casting being done because I do not want to witness the insanity which will come through it, but I also do not want any studios getting their go at animating it because I am convinced they will turn into into a kids show with over-played emotions. The only in-between medium I thing could produce a good job would be if they did an Avatar-style type of series.......... I mean this was well-done, but huh money someone?

Edit: Another pro for live-action, but a rather personal one... Live-action series would probably give Adolin a bigger role than the books and I would love to see that.

Edited by maxal
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6 hours ago, Sand Master said:

Personally I wouldn't want it to be animated. Don't get me wrong, I love animated shows. In fact, I'd say that most of what little TV I watch is cartoons. But I don't think it would fit with SA. It's very gritty and serious (usually), and animation just doesn't lend itself well to that, in my opinion. It may also have to do with the fact that I always imagine it in my head as more live action when reading it, and seeing the same story in such a hugely different style would feel really awkward to me.

I dont want it as animated show ether. I much prefer a live action show. But if we were to truley get a word for word adaptation of the books I believe it would have to be a animated show the amount of time, money, and how many episodes it would have to be Inn Seasons would be probably a little ridiculous for actors don't get me wrong some actor who would probably jump at the opportunity but if you're talking about 20-30 if not more episodes per season in the show being on for like 10 to 15 seasons to really get everything in there I don't think actors would want to do that. It would probably more like 20 seasons so far the first two books are over a thousand pages will be a huge show bigger than any show that ever been on television in my opinion.

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21 minutes ago, bdoble97 said:

I dont want it as animated show ether. I much prefer a live action show. But if we were to truley get a word for word adaptation of the books I believe it would have to be a animated show the amount of time, money, and how many episodes it would have to be Inn Seasons would be probably a little ridiculous for actors don't get me wrong some actor who would probably jump at the opportunity but if you're talking about 20-30 if not more episodes per season in the show being on for like 10 to 15 seasons to really get everything in there I don't think actors would want to do that. It would probably more like 20 seasons so far the first two books are over a thousand pages will be a huge show bigger than any show that ever been on television in my opinion.

I think you are over-estimating the number of episodes required to portray SA. The ideal would be the Lost format: 8-9 seasons with 24 episodes each with flashbacks scattered across them. Each episode would give flashback about a given character: there would be no need to keep season 1 just about Kaladin and so one. TV series often needs to change their format from the books as they rely on viewers more than books rely on readers. Viewers are more volatile. They could do it in 12 episodes per seasons, but 24 would be better. Any adaptation would remove a lot of fat from the story, think the interludes, most would go away or be shown as 2-3 minutes snippets. Not all are relevant, so those who ends up in dead ends would probably be dropped. TV shows do not need to show snippets of the entire world within the first season: they can afford to have the viewers discover it as the show progresses.

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27 minutes ago, maxal said:

I think you are over-estimating the number of episodes required to portray SA. The ideal would be the Lost format: 8-9 seasons with 24 episodes each with flashbacks scattered across them. Each episode would give flashback about a given character: there would be no need to keep season 1 just about Kaladin and so one. TV series often needs to change their format from the books as they rely on viewers more than books rely on readers. Viewers are more volatile. They could do it in 12 episodes per seasons, but 24 would be better. Any adaptation would remove a lot of fat from the story, think the interludes, most would go away or be shown as 2-3 minutes snippets. Not all are relevant, so those who ends up in dead ends would probably be dropped. TV shows do not need to show snippets of the entire world within the first season: they can afford to have the viewers discover it as the show progresses.

I would not want them to edit stuff from the story for a TV series just for the viewers I loved the Game of Thrones books and was extremely excited for A Song of Ice and Fire but only watch the first season.  From what I've heard they changed a lot in the following seasons all said and done I don't think there will ever be a SA  series. Or I don't want them to because I'd be upset because they will have to take some epicness hahaha I don't think that's even a word  away from it to fit it into a series

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17 minutes ago, bdoble97 said:

I would not want them to edit stuff from the story for a TV series just for the viewers I loved the Game of Thrones books and was extremely excited for A Song of Ice and Fire but only watch the first season.  From what I've heard they changed a lot in the following seasons all said and done I don't think there will ever be a SA  series. Or I don't want them to because I'd be upset because they will have to take some epicness hahaha I don't think that's even a word  away from it to fit it into a series

To be fair there are changes they made for the GoT series which worked quite well such as giving Theon an on-going arc which has become a fan's favorite. Other choices such as using Sansa instead of Jeyne Pole were made to avoid introducing an unknown character into the cast, but turned off many fans because it denatured Sansa's arc. I do not fear for such changes to be made in SA because it has a much smaller cast than GoT. This being said, some changes they made were quite good, such as removing Tyrion's time as a travelling dwarf which were boring in the books and useless. Removing Quentin's arc was also the right choice.

In the case of SA, I don't think dropping several interludes would ruin the epicness, it would just make it more condensed. We quite frankly do not need to see Shalash break statues of herself into a foreign city as she is not a character we are bond to see again until many more books. The snippet is relevant only when she is about to be introduced, not 6 seasons in advance. Rysn, Lift and Axis are probably the only interludes we really need, but in the case of Lift, producers would probably prefer to introduce her at a later time, as a regular character instead of giving snippets. TV shows need to have continuity much more so than books.

I personally wouldn't mind much of the changes they would likely do if they were to adapt it. They would probably remove some fat from Kaladin's arc too as it takes up too much of the main narrative and many chapters are a repetition of the previous one.

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16 hours ago, Argel said:

Hand drawn is the way to go, maybe with some 3D blended in. Absolutely not like the FF movies, or any of the other 3D ones out there. This is epic fantasy -- we need a medium that can do that justice, and being bludgeoned over the head with obvious 3D doesn't cut it. If it was up to me, I would prefer something similar to the Twelve Kingdoms or Moribito.


7 hours ago, Argel said:

I'm not sure what to make of your use of the word "cartoon". I specifically mentioned Anime, and two by name, both of which were targeted at older audiences and neither of which felt cartoonish. It's not hard to find dark and gritty Anime. 

From a quick DuckDuckGo search:



I don't know why so many people want live action -- their won't be a big enough budget to pull it off right. It would almost be easier to drop the crustacean theme and just set it on an Earth like planet. If you want the Roshar of the novels then it will have to be animated, and even then budget could be a concern.


I didn't specifically say anime because the two you named I was not familiar with and didn't know they were anime. I said cartoon because it's a broad term that refers to any animation, not just western style, even though it usually carries that connotation. I also personally dislike anime as a style, because every one that I've seen over-exaggerates every emotion and is so over-the-top that to me, it's unwatchable. As for the budget not being big enough to pull it off right in live action, I completely agree. I never meant to imply that this was a show that was actually going to happen, I just wanted to express what the ideal would be in my mind. Given an infinite amount of money and time, that's what I personally would have envisioned for it. 

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I believe that a TV series isn't the way to go about a Stormlight Archive story. Only a movie would have the budget for the effects and everything, and even then it'd be pretty Damnation hard to do Lashings and the glowey smoke coming off the skin.


And how would you fit all the lore elements into it? It'd just be "in your face" without anything making sense. Like Batman v. Superman. That movie made 0 sense because we had no context. There'd be a major plot point, but it made no sense because it required information OUTSIDE of what was on screen. Something major, integral to the plot arch, made no sense, so the rest of the movie from that point onward was just... Nonsensical.

This would be a problem for the SA movie. How do you explain the Recreance to the viewer? The Knights Radiant? The non-reader viewers, the ones who watch a movie because they can't be bothered reading the book, would have no idea of what the Heralds are or what those weird glowey things following people around are. They didn't read the book, so they'd have NO CONTEXT.


Let's face it, a Stormlight Archive media format would just be a very bad idea.



Counter arguments? Anyone?


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2 hours ago, Lord_of_Awesome said:

Let's face it, a Stormlight Archive media format would just be a very bad idea.

Not Necessarily. I agree a movie wouldn't work, way too much story, way too little screen time. But a TV series could work, if your willing to drop everything that makes it suitable for TV. by that i mean abandon having episodes of a regular length designed to fit into a TV time slot (with Ads, can't forget the ads). Instead you make one episode per chapter and make it whatever length it needs to be to convey the story in that chapter. Some episodes would be only a couple of minutes long, others half an hour or more. A season would correspond to a part and would be released all at once to service like Netflix.

Doing it like this would give the creators a lot of flexibility. Lots of short episodes don't matter too much because people will binge watch the whole season anyway. likewise you could pack a lot into the screen time, e.g. have things going on in the background that people can pickup on a re-watch (if it took us multiple re-reads to get everything then i don't see why it won't work for viewers). I think a format like this could work. There are already people doing stuff like this (in format, not content) on YouTube where that make episodes 5-20 minutes long depending on the need (or constraints).

As for weather it should be some sort of animation or live action... well as much as i love Anime i must admit i have never really imagined it as anime in my head, i just can't visualise it. I fear for the spren in a live action tho, i mean i could just see most of them never being shown which is just sad :(, Syl would have no one to play with .


19 hours ago, Sand Master said:


I didn't specifically say anime because the two you named I was not familiar with and didn't know they were anime. I said cartoon because it's a broad term that refers to any animation, not just western style, even though it usually carries that connotation. I also personally dislike anime as a style, because every one that I've seen over-exaggerates every emotion and is so over-the-top that to me, it's unwatchable. As for the budget not being big enough to pull it off right in live action, I completely agree. I never meant to imply that this was a show that was actually going to happen, I just wanted to express what the ideal would be in my mind. Given an infinite amount of money and time, that's what I personally would have envisioned for it. 

Speaking of Anime i feel obliged to defend the medium (feel free to skip as its off topic... i wont be offended :) ). Most Anime you'll see on TV in the west is Shonen, which is pretty much a genre in its own right. The Japanese can make anything Shonen, including Cooking! Its the Japanese version of the western Super Hero Comics and has it own tropes etc. It is characteristically over the top and exaggerated.  To make matters worst the compinies that import and dub it often remove alot of the fan service (aka nudity) and more graphic violence. in addition they often change the script to target a younger audience. Its not uncommon for a series target audience to lose 5 years in translation (which is, imo, a pity as often the whole message/point of the show is lost as well). For adults this really isn't the ideal introduction to Anime. 

Other genres aren't anywhere near as bad. most of the ones that are do it for a reason. Often over the top animation or a less real style is used for comedy, in much the same away a laugh track is used by western sitcoms (seriously watch one without the laugh track, it doesn't work nearly as well). Skip Beat is a very clear example of this, that show has multiple genre disorder :P. The less serious/over the top art style is used to signal when it is in its comedy genre, the more serious used to signal when its in Drama mode. Full metal Panic is a more subtly example, when it gets over the top it is usually because that scene is part of the rom-com between the two main characters, the rest of the time it is a very serious sci-fi/war story. In short the over the top parts are generally used as a visual signal of a change in tone in the story telling. Some Anime don't use it at all tho, ghost in the shell comes to mind.

Personally if Stormlight Archive was done in an Anime style id expect the over the top parts to be kept to a minimum and preferably be non-existent. 

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18 minutes ago, SnopyDogy said:

Not Necessarily. I agree a movie wouldn't work, way too much story, way too little screen time. But a TV series could work, if your willing to drop everything that makes it suitable for TV. by that i mean abandon having episodes of a regular length designed to fit into a TV time slot (with Ads, can't forget the ads). Instead you make one episode per chapter and make it whatever length it needs to be to convey the story in that chapter. Some episodes would be only a couple of minutes long, others half an hour or more. A season would correspond to a part and would be released all at once to service like Netflix.

Doing it like this would give the creators a lot of flexibility. Lots of short episodes don't matter too much because people will binge watch the whole season anyway. likewise you could pack a lot into the screen time, e.g. have things going on in the background that people can pickup on a re-watch (if it took us multiple re-reads to get everything then i don't see why it won't work for viewers). I think a format like this could work. There are already people doing stuff like this (in format, not content) on YouTube where that make episodes 5-20 minutes long depending on the need (or constraints).

I like the general concept of this. Giving creators a flexible time-frame to work with is a great idea. I have a few ideas of my own that i would like to add though:

  • If you have a 5-10 minute "episode," air it on TV with the following chapter's episode so it takes up at least 30 minutes (average young adult TV show episode) or perhaps an hour (most other TV shows). With commercials, they're usually only 22 and 44 minutes. It's purely so they take up enough space to be noticeable while perusing the channel guide :)
  • For DVD/Netflix release, you could include the interludes as bonus episodes. Well... the Szeth(Eshonai) ones would probably have to be aired for Book 1(2). Like a Double Feature for the Season Finale/Premier, since they tie into the story directly.

Just a couple of ideas, feel free to rip them up

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I like them both. i was a little worried people wouldn't get what i was drive at, i'm relived someone got it. 

If it were me i'd have a second team produce/film the interludes then release them one by one to fill in the gaps between main seasons. Ideally you wouldn't stop producing new episodes, i.e. even as the first season is released you are filing the second. there would be a gap between season while you build up the episodes to have the full part but you could use the interludes to fill this gap in and build up the world. almost the opposite of how Brandon used them. Brandon used them to break up the monolithic book, a TV series could use them to keep interest up between the main seasons.

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Random thought: has anybody tried graphic novel-style with actual photographs? I like how the live-action feels, because that's how it looks in my head, but I also understand production costs. So... pretty photoshopped pictures?

In response to the TV show discussion... My favorite idea is a large-budget episodic movie. Does anybody here watch those really long Regency romances? My mom loves a lot of them, and many are actually much longer than normal movies. I guess that technically they're mini-shows or TV serials, but they're very nice watched all at once. North and South, Cranford, and Wives and Daughters all have this sort of format. North and South is 234 minutes according to Wikipedia, and it's split up into four parts. 

Another nice option would be LoTR style - longer movies anyway in a series that may or may not correspond to one book (I'm thinking maybe parts, since each has a climax and pretty story on its own.) They could have the extended versions with Interludes and flashbacks and the whole shebang. 

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20 hours ago, SnopyDogy said:

Not Necessarily. I agree a movie wouldn't work, way too much story, way too little screen time. But a TV series could work, if your willing to drop everything that makes it suitable for TV. by that i mean abandon having episodes of a regular length designed to fit into a TV time slot (with Ads, can't forget the ads). Instead you make one episode per chapter and make it whatever length it needs to be to convey the story in that chapter. Some episodes would be only a couple of minutes long, others half an hour or more. A season would correspond to a part and would be released all at once to service like Netflix.

Doing it like this would give the creators a lot of flexibility. Lots of short episodes don't matter too much because people will binge watch the whole season anyway. likewise you could pack a lot into the screen time, e.g. have things going on in the background that people can pickup on a re-watch (if it took us multiple re-reads to get everything then i don't see why it won't work for viewers). I think a format like this could work.



As for weather it should be some sort of animation or live action... well as much as i love Anime i must admit i have never really imagined it as anime in my head, i just can't visualise it. I fear for the spren in a live action tho, i mean i could just see most of them never being shown which is just sad :(, Syl would have no one to play with .



13 hours ago, Brightness Enna said:

Another nice option would be LoTR style - longer movies anyway in a series that may or may not correspond to one book (I'm thinking maybe parts, since each has a climax and pretty story on its own.) They could have the extended versions with Interludes and flashbacks and the whole shebang.


I agree with the first 2 ideas. Live action would fit SA's "gritty" side with the darkeyes and the bridges and everything. Plus you could never really capture the air of nobility of the lighteyes in a cartoon.


Episode length depending on the base chapter is a good idea. You wouldn't have to painfully stretch out short chapters or cram longer chapters into a timeframe.


There are like 80 chapters in the first book alone. The only way you'd get decent seasons is if you fit 2 chapters per episode, and even then, 40 episode seasons would be a bit tedious to watch.

I don't really think that LotR style movies would have the same effect, Brightness Enna. The technology for filming would get better as the 10 movies was filmed, so the first movie would look similar to how the 80s movies look to us when the entire thing is published. And as much as I would like to have 10 Stormlight Archive movies each as long as a LotR movie, try finding a movie producer with the time, budget and patience to make 10 2 hour movies, each with about 1 1/2 years of filming and another 1/2 year of editing time. So long movies for individual books would be tedious to make.

You also have to remember that people will want to watch this. If you give them 20 hours of Sanderson greatness, they will either be intimidated by 20 hours to watch a series or they will loose interest halfway through the series. OR they finish the entire thing so that they drown in Stormlight lore and will probably babble to their friends for a week in unintelligible words about Sanderson and Stormlight, because they have had 20 hours of stuff forced into them and they are now as mad as Taln.

Speaking of babbling...

Wait, what is this "Anime" you speak of?


Edited by Lord_of_Awesome
Poor grammar
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3 hours ago, Lord_of_Awesome said:

You also have to remember that people will want to watch this. If you give them 20 hours of Sanderson greatness, they will either be intimidated by 20 hours to watch a series or they will loose interest halfway through the series.

The harry potter movies put together are 19 hours 40 minutes. People wanted to read them, people wanted to watch them, not many lost interest halfway through, etc.. it's not a perfect example, but it is an example

3 hours ago, Lord_of_Awesome said:

OR they finish the entire thing so that they drown in Stormlight lore and will probably babble to their friends for a week in unintelligible words about Sanderson and Stormlight, because they have had 20 hours of stuff forced into them and they are now as mad as Taln.

This cant be helped with some people, regardless of movie series/genre. I would recommend reading the books beforehand, or at least the 1st one to see if it's the kind of thing you want to watch, but we all know how that goes :)

3 hours ago, Lord_of_Awesome said:

I don't really think that LotR style movies would have the same effect, Brightness Enna. The technology for filming would get better as the 10 movies was filmed, so the first movie would look similar to how the 80s movies look to us when the entire thing is published.

I was going to argue this with a decent reason, but filming tech is always gonna get better as multiple movies are filmed. I can say that it is probably better to start drafting/filming after 7 or 8 have come out, so that some of those actually important side characters don't get cut from books 1-3.

Gah, I'm quoting you left and right now

4 hours ago, Lord_of_Awesome said:

There are like 80 chapters in the first book alone. The only way you'd get decent seasons is if you fit 2 chapters per episode, and even then, 40 episode seasons would be a bit tedious to watch.

Counting Interludes and everything, Book 1 had 87, book 2 had 105 (14 of which were interludes). That's rather a large season as you pointed out, but the post you quoted did say having a season be a Part. 5 Seasons per Book seems reasonable given their size right?

Actually to both of you, the Parts are in no way the same length either. Does variable season length have a precedent anywhere in media?

23 hours ago, SnopyDogy said:

If it were me I'd have a second team produce/film the interludes then release them one by one to fill in the gaps between main seasons.

Now that I'm actually looking at the chapter stats, would you make the Epilogue part of final season or have it and next book's Prologue "fill the gap?"

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8 hours ago, The One Who Connects said:

Counting Interludes and everything, Book 1 had 87, book 2 had 105 (14 of which were interludes). That's rather a large season as you pointed out, but the post you quoted did say having a season be a Part. 5 Seasons per Book seems reasonable given their size right?

Actually to both of you, the Parts are in no way the same length either. Does variable season length have a precedent anywhere in media?

5 seasons a book might be stretching it a bit. I'm going to use Game of Thrones as an example here. They've done 6 seasons (so far) for 7 books, and those books are 700-1000 pages. I will admit that I don't know how far through the books the TV show has gone (I don't actually watch it myself) but they must be a fair amount through the series. So I think that 5 seasons a book might be stretching it out way too far. We may have to put more chapters per episode in or increase the episode time. Half an hour is way too short for something of this scale.

As for season length, I am unsure. GoT has consistently 10 episodes a season, but other programs I have no idea of. So, if each episode covers, say, 3 chapters, then to get a single part of a book done (by using the interludes as markers) it would take... 4 or 5 episodes? So then if we put in 2 parts (10 episodes) a season, then it would take 2.5 seasons for 1 book, so for a total of the first 5 books it would be 12.5 seasons. Considering the interludes, that could possibly add up to 13 or 14 seasons.

And, if you think about it, having the end of tWoK and the start of WoR in one season would be better. We would see Kaladin freed and start to reform the bridgemen all in one season would work equally as well as splitting those two plot points in half.

Oh... right. The prologue and epilogue. How could we insert those without plonking them in the middle of the season?

@The One Who Connects, any ideas?

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I agree with all y'all. The issue with making movies and stuff focused on the entire series is that there's just too much source content. The plots are too storming huge. 

Now, perhaps if we took some individual arcs and made those separate movies... There would be a lot of people feeling jipped (imagine if the only movie focusing on WoK revolved only around Kaladin and cut out Dalinar and Shallan completely, or at least partially.) I'm sure it would work, sort of. 

One of the reasons the Marvel Cinematic Universe works so well is that each movie is its own story, and comic book characters function on a series of single plot arcs, maybe with a slightly bigger one over a few of the little ones. Sanderson series work this way, but the individual Stormlight books/characters do not. 

Perhaps, if we really wanted a movie out there, it could be like the Lift novella coming in Arcanum Unbounded - independent and unnecessary for the main plot line but fun little gateways to Roshar on their own. 

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14 hours ago, Lord_of_Awesome said:

5 seasons a book might be stretching it a bit. I'm going to use Game of Thrones as an example here. They've done 6 seasons (so far) for 7 books, and those books are 700-1000 pages. I will admit that I don't know how far through the books the TV show has gone (I don't actually watch it myself) but they must be a fair amount through the series. So I think that 5 seasons a book might be stretching it out way too far. We may have to put more chapters per episode in or increase the episode time. Half an hour is way too short for something of this scale.

The 5 seasons came from SnopyDogy's suggestion of a season per part. I phrased it as a question because I didn't know for sure. Apparently I'm wrong :) Personally, I blame the Hobbit being 3 movies and each LotR movie being 1 per book for that misconception. Here's a comparison between them and Mistborn TFE. Paperback versions for all of them here.


Fellowship of the Ring: 458 Pages, 40 Lines per page   ~ 18,320 Lines, 1 Movie
The Hobbit: 305 Pages, 33 Lines per page                 ~ 10,065 Lines, 3 Movies, biggest margins too :huh:
Mistborn TFE: 643 Pages, 39 Lines per page          ~ 25,077 Lines

I don't see why anything seems unrealistically long when looking at those stats

Sorry, now I'm blabbering on.. maths and all that. back to what I was supposed to be replying to, um..

I agree that half-hour episodes is probably too short for something of this scale, I don't watch GoT either, so I wasn't aware of how decent of a comparison they were to SA in terms of something like this.

The epilogues would be decent enough scenes to not be out of place when they happen. Alternate Gavilar Assassination Prologues... maybe as a bonus chapter when the season comes out on DVD/Netflix?

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On 9/24/2016 at 10:33 AM, If.you.die.I.go.stupid said:

HBO? Not enough sex in the story for them. Could be fun to guess where they might insert it.

You forget that Sesame Street is also on HBO now, so I think they would be happy to have some thing in the middle.

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