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how does hemulurgy tie in with twinborns specifically compounders

Dan r93

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I've recently been thinking about the different types of compounders and suddenly thought of the third art  how does it tie in with a compounder ?. I haven't checked the chart for if the metals match. But if the metals do line up and someone is spiked  could they use it as a compounding metal mind ? And I know it's speculation but would it give them extra strength abilities etc ??  Sorry just curious 


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16 minutes ago, Dan r93 said:

I've recently been thinking about the different types of compounders and suddenly thought of the third art how does it tie in with a compounder?

Not sure what you mean by this. If you are asking if you can can use hemalurgy to let someone compound, then yes.

19 minutes ago, Dan r93 said:

But if the metals do line up and someone is spiked  could they use it as a compounding metal mind ?

You can use hemalurgic spikes as metalminds yes. Brandon has warned that there would be "interesting" effects to burning a spike for allomancy, so that part might not be too safe. You could always burn a normal metalmind to compound and store that in the spike though

20 minutes ago, Dan r93 said:

And I know it's speculation but would it give them extra strength abilities etc ??

Hemalurgy only gives extra strength to abilities someone already has. Basically spikes only have say.. 50% (random number), a normal person would get the power, but be weaker than a normal misting. If you gave the spike to a misting, it would be like 1 + (50%), so they get a boost. You can give a normal person stronger powers, but it takes more than one spike of the same power.

If I misread what you were asking, or you have more questions feel free to ask. I'm sure someone has the answers or correct me if I screwed up.

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 As a misting getting a boost of say 0.5.if they were also a compounder would that translate into the power they could get out of it?  Say like miles if he was spiked with gold, would he get that added bonus to how quick he could heal ?  And hemulurgy can be used to take feruchemy from someone aswell  what if both allomantic and feruchemy spikes  of the same metals were spiked into an already compounder ? 

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10 minutes ago, Dan r93 said:

 As a misting getting a boost of say 0.5.if they were also a compounder would that translate into the power they could get out of it?  Say like miles if he was spiked with gold, would he get that added bonus to how quick he could heal ?  And hemulurgy can be used to take feruchemy from someone aswell  what if both allomantic and feruchemy spikes  of the same metals were spiked into an already compounder ? 

If a twinborn compounder got hemarlugic spikes of the metallic arts they already possess, then those powers are amplified. Burning metals will give more power per metal and your feruchemical strength would be greater, though what that means has not been determined yet, though I think it has to do with the ratio of attribute lost to attribute stored.

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@Dan r93, if I understand you correctly: you're asking whether a Compounder having Hemalurgic spike of the same metal gets any bonuses?

The thing is, it's not about the fact that 'three metals line up'. It would matter if Hemalurgy had actual abilities in its system.

But Hemalurgy does not have any powers on itself: it would be useless without people to steal from. Hemalurgy is all about stealing already existing abilites. So no, it won't grant any additional benefits.

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Thanks people. you have cleared some of my ponderings up but opened up room for more.   Does anyone have a link to a chart with all 3 metallic arts on? Sorry it's for a personal project of mine. I know I've seen one some where but, I can't remember where! any help would be appreciated :)

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1 hour ago, Dan r93 said:

Thanks people. you have cleared some of my ponderings up but opened up room for more.   Does anyone have a link to a chart with all 3 metallic arts on? Sorry it's for a personal project of mine. I know I've seen one some where but, I can't remember where! any help would be appreciated :)

Try coppermind, but don't trust it too much. Especially when it comes to things coming from MAG (for example, there is a debate about Hemalurgy right now - some of us say coppermind has things wrong).

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As I read the question, the main question is wether it's possibly to use your hemalurgic spike as a coppermind and then compound with it. As someone pointed out, it's probably possible, but since using allomancy actually burns away the metal, you would be burning away the spike that's holding part of someone else's spiritweb onto your own now-damaged spiritweb. It would probably be a really bad idea.

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2 hours ago, Dan r93 said:

Thanks people. you have cleared some of my ponderings up but opened up room for more.   Does anyone have a link to a chart with all 3 metallic arts on? Sorry it's for a personal project of mine. I know I've seen one some where but, I can't remember where! any help would be appreciated :)

Full Allomancy and Feruchemy charts are out. Hemalurgy chart isn't out yet though Brandon has said that he is planning on getting it out evenetually.

29 minutes ago, Sarevok said:

As I read the question, the main question is wether it's possibly to use your hemalurgic spike as a coppermind and then compound with it. As someone pointed out, it's probably possible, but since using allomancy actually burns away the metal, you would be burning away the spike that's holding part of someone else's spiritweb onto your own now-damaged spiritweb. It would probably be a really bad idea.

So there are two WoBs on the matter.




What happens when you burn a Hemalurgic spike?


Burning a Hemalurgic spike would have the effect of splicing your spiritual DNA to that of the person's that is in the spike, which would have some very strange consequences.




If you burn a Hemalurgic spike, would it graft the piece of stolen soul onto your soul?


No, but it would have... There are some interesting effects there

The second one was made 4 years after the first one, so it looks like Brandon changed his mind a bit over what would happened, so it isn't really clear. However, a general consensus seems to be that weird stuff would happen.

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10 hours ago, Spoolofwhool said:

Burning metals will give more power per metal and your feruchemical strength would be greater, though what that means has not been determined yet, though I think it has to do with the ratio of attribute lost to attribute stored.

Just to clarify. The power per metal remain the same for every allomancer (from the weakest one to Rashek). A stronger allomancer may simply burn metals faster to drawn more power from them.

Stupid example: Elend has twice the Strenght of a Standard Allomancer, when He burns pewter (without Flare) he is using the (almost) same pewter/s of a Flaring Ham.

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14 minutes ago, PantsForSquares said:

So, out of curiosity, how does burning a Hemalurgic spike work? Does it require the Allomancer to actually ingest the spike itself (which is going to hurt, and probably cause all sorts of internal bleeding fun times for the Allomancer), or do they merely need to have the spike impaled somewhere?

Well actually I think you may melt the spike to have not cutting-piercing part (or a cover who would vanish in the stomach) and  a Spike may be really Small if you want. An Allomancer may burn Metal out of his stomach but it's harder to "detect" it. Therefore you may probably pierce your skin with a Spike and with the right knowledge/skill burn it.

But as far as I know there is a greater problem in burning Hemalurgic Spikes....You have to match with the Spike's Identity...this mean the Spike was made from your Spirit-Web or you have skills who allow you to ignore the Identity problem

Edited by Yata
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6 hours ago, Yata said:

Just to clarify. The power per metal remain the same for every allomancer (from the weakest one to Rashek). A stronger allomancer may simply burn metals faster to drawn more power from them.

Stupid example: Elend has twice the Strenght of a Standard Allomancer, when He burns pewter (without Flare) he is using the (almost) same pewter/s of a Flaring Ham.

Ah, okay. Thought they were actually getting more power per volume of metal burned. Thanks for the correction.

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Thanks for the answers but I see a lot about Brandon's magic system that I don't fully understand, like what's a spirit web? Is there a link to an in depth explanation/description of how magic works in the cosmere ?  I know it's the same and just manifests differently on different shard worlds. But how do people know all the rest of this stuff


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39 minutes ago, Dan r93 said:

Thanks for the answers but I see a lot about Brandon's magic system that I don't fully understand, like what's a spirit web? Is there a link to an in depth explanation/description of how magic works in the cosmere ?  I know it's the same and just manifests differently on different shard worlds. But how do people know all the rest of this stuff


By asking Brandon questions about it at signings and events. Look up Theoryland and have at it. Lots of WoT stuff there, though, so it's not very... Organized. It's the database where we store a fair number of the WoBs (word of Brandon) that we have gotten.

A spiritweb is a name we use for the soul of a person. It is made of Investiture, exists in the Spiritual Realm, and is the 'web' of Connections you have with people, Shards, and concepts. There is more to it, but that is a basic explanation.

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