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The 11th Shard?


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I recently completed a re-read through Mistborn:Secret history. During the re-read, I noticed a vague reference to a potential 11th shard. Initially, due to my copy being an eBook, I assumed was a typo in the formatting of the book.  Obviously if you haven't read the book by now this could give away something minor in the terms of plot.


You always jump at stories, Alonoe. Not every coindcidence is a sign of someone drawing upon Fortune - seated man


It has occured to me since that this is a reference to another possible shard.  The theory behind this is that the names of shards is always capitalized wherever they appear in cosmere novels.

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1 hour ago, Shadowtog said:

I recently completed a re-read through Mistborn:Secret history. During the re-read, I noticed a vague reference to a potential 11th shard. Initially, due to my copy being an eBook, I assumed was a typo in the formatting of the book.  Obviously if you haven't read the book by now this could give away something minor in the terms of plot.

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It has occured to me since that this is a reference to another possible shard.  The theory behind this is that the names of shards is always capitalized wherever they appear in cosmere novels.

Welcome to the Shard, and good catch - capitalized words when we don't expect them can be big clues to something interesting going on behind the scenes.

There was some discussion over in the Secret History subforum about this a while back, here and here. The consensus we came to was that the Ire have a way to manipulate luck that is similar to Feruchemical Chromium in the behind-the-scenes Cosmere mechanics. There's a parallel to Identity: different magic systems key into Identity in different ways (in Warbreaker, you can't recall someone else's breath; in Mistborn, you can't use another Feruchemist's metalminds). Same for this concept of Fortune: it's the same Fortune we've seen on the Feruchemical Table, but the Ire can apparently interact with it in a different way.

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Yeah, unfortunately not a Shard. I got final confirmation of this at the JordanCon Q&A in April:




Q: As of Secret History, are the IRE aware of Feruchemical chromium?

A: Not as fully aware - They don’t know everything.

Q: The Spiritual Feruchemical metals - are all four of those Cosmere-wide things?

A: The short answer is yes. The long answer is, there are certain things such as Investiture and whatnot, that when we write the books we translate different words as the same word because they’re the same meaning. So what you’re getting it is when they use the word “fortune”, do they mean exactly the Feruchemical, and the answer is no - but it is a very similar concept.


The whole transcript (full of lots of good tidbits) is here.

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I'm rereading Elantris for the 400 millionth time (cuz I gots a brite shiny leatherbound from my good son) and - just came across this name ....Alonoe

Alonoe is the name of the lake - dot - in the basic Aon 

So that person is named after the lake ....or the lake is named after that person

did I mention that Sanderson is all awesome and all powerful and I wuv him --- so many little things everywhere

Edited by ARARITA
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