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Lurked Too Long


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Greeting to all the Cosmere Elite! I have lurked for years now, as I don't have much time for social media. But there is enough going on in the Cosmere, and enough theorizing and random conjecture, I have been lured from my position as a reader and watcher, and will occasionally join in with tidbits of my own. I have a pleasingly complete memory (not quite photographic, but I can remember almost everything I read), even though I am a bit older than Brandon (Sanderson). I will reference where necessary, but like I mentioned, this will only be an occasional jump into the conversation. and probably not a lot of back and forth to look up references. I am very pleased with the congeniality and depth of many of the members here. and hope to increase my sociality with you. I am a director of engineering and have children ranging from 26 to 4, so I apologize for not being as constant as many good threads require. 

That said, I shall begin posting. Forgive a novices style and technical faux pas, but know I hold you in the highest regards.


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I have read and reread all the Cosmere books, including two unpublished. I read the Reckoners out loud to my family, the WOT,and introduced the Stormlight Archive (an thus the rest of the Cosmere books) to over 2 dozen other avid readers.

on a side note, I politely thanked and declined a newly published author at Barnes and Noble when he came to the front door trying to sell his new book Elantris, and ended up buying it later that year. Hooked since then. I told my wife that year that he was the freshest fantasy writer I had read, but when the WoK came out I told her the he would be remembered as one of the greats. So glad I was right. It has been a great deal of fun, and a wonderful distraction among stresses.


Love the emoticon gif Assassin!

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I hope that means Old Guy with Sanderson, and not archaic in age. Young children keep you young as well.

It has been painfully slow to see the world open bit by bit. To me the most amazing part is how Sanderson put these stories together prior to being published, and all the clues and sightings and powers that had to be intertwined before any books were written. It was not until the WoK that I finally caught onto the scope of it all. Truly unique among writers. I must confess that,, along with many others I am praying for his health so that he finishes the SA and Dragonsteel series before he or I die.

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I think OG usually connotes something to do with having been original, or having been around since something started.

Looking it up, it usually means what I thought, being an abbreviation for Original Gangster.

Why do I even know this stuff.

Anyway, welcome to the Shard!  I see no one has offered you a cookie, although if you've been around for a while you might not want one. :P  

I'm fairly new, I just found Sanderson about 6 months ago, and joined the Shard shortly after.  I really hope he lives long enough to finish what he started.

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Yeesh. I think I read the Rithmatist in maybe February, and then in late March read Mistborn. I didn't even know about the Cosmere until over a month after that, which is about when I joined the Shard. Plus the fact that I'm not even two decades old, yeah... I feel like I came late to Brandon's books.

Anyway, welcome to the realm of Sanderfaningness! Have an upvote!

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1 hour ago, Magestar said:

I think OG usually connotes something to do with having been original, or having been around since something started.

Looking it up, it usually means what I thought, being an abbreviation for Original Gangster.

Why do I even know this stuff.

Anyway, welcome to the Shard!  I see no one has offered you a cookie, although if you've been around for a while you might not want one. :P  

I'm fairly new, I just found Sanderson about 6 months ago, and joined the Shard shortly after.  I really hope he lives long enough to finish what he started.

I have been surrounded with fantasy and mid-evil histories long enough to remember this being an abbreviation for the Old Guard. I was mostly joking about Old Guy. This was what someone from a previous administration or rulers army was called. Original Gang came later. 

Thanks for the offer for a cookie. What are they good for? Are they the same as an upvote?

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Welcome!  :D 

I was also a watcher for awhile, and have also just recently started posting stuff.  Just jump in and as you can see, these people are pretty awesome.  ^_^  I'm also a younger generation reader, my dad introduced me to these books a couple of years ago and it's one of our favorite things to theorize and bond over.  I love that this is a series all people from all walks of life can relate to. 

Hope to see you around!! 

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Welcome to the Shard @1stBondsmith, I think you might need to change it to 2ndBondsmith should Dalinar have anything to say about it....unless...it can't be. No, I must be hallucinating. I find it incredibly ironic that 

On 02/09/2016 at 9:20 AM, 1stBondsmith said:

he would be remembered as one of the greats


On 02/09/2016 at 9:20 AM, 1stBondsmith said:

politely thanked and declined a newly published author

And well here you are. Old Guard indeed

8 hours ago, Mistbornwithakitty said:

my dad introduced me to these books a couple of years ago

Really? Woah, ur dad must be epic (no, not that kind) (double pun?)

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@Darkness Ascendant  Lol!!  My dad is pretty epic.  XD  He started me on Wheel of Time and I absolutely loved the writing style of the last three books.  Seeing that, my dad handed me his copy of Etlantris.  "Read this immediately." he said. 

That was pretty much that.  XD  I was a goner from that point on. 

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On 9/2/2016 at 2:22 PM, Magestar said:
On 9/3/2016 at 2:20 AM, Darkness Ascendant said:

Welcome to the Shard @1stBondsmith, I think you might need to change it to 2ndBondsmith should Dalinar have anything to say about it....unless...it can't be. No, I must be hallucinating. I find it incredibly ironic that

Actually, There is a great story to my handle. I am, in fact, the first living Bondsmith. I was given the title by the only person who could, Brandon Sanderson himself. I requested a short story from him, and he obliged, naming me a Bondsmith and giving be an overly broad description of my new duties. He requested to know more about me at that time, so my grown daughter gave him a description that would make any Dad proud, and he wrote the following lines without further input from us: "XXXXXX XXXXXX (name edited for privacy), welcome to the order of Bondsmiths. Your first duty will be to keep the peace for all." I got permission to elaborate on this on my own, but I save that for the family. So, even though Dalinar is a Bondsmith, -he was not the first on Roshar-, I am the first Bondsmith of our world, so you can imagine my anticipation of the next SA book. I would have wanted to be a Windrunner, but my family has convinced me that the similarities between me and Dalinar are too many to ignore. So I will remain a Bondsmith, as assigned. Duty and Honor before the flight and fun; though not carrying a blade can really make a man feel naked... Good Night.

P.S. Perhaps I will pass on the cookie after all... The neighborhood looks nice without going to the alleys!

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