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The Lord Ruler wouldn't have died from age


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The Lord Ruler, as we know, used atium compounding to extend his life past the natural age limit. However, at the same time, the method he used had diminishing returns due to the ever-increasing amount of age required to be tapped in order to keep him alive. As such, he would've eventually reached a point where he would've required more age in a moment to keep himself alive, than he could compound, and would've died. 

However, my theory is that The Lord Ruler wasn't actually in danger of dying from old age, as long as his plan worked. All he would've had to do was live until the Well of Ascension refilled, then used its power to youthen his body. As long as he kept doing this every 1024 years, he would've lived forever. 

The question really is whether doing that is within the Well's power. However, considering that the Well could create new species and modify genetics of pre-existing ones while preserving the people, I don't see why youthening himself wouldn't be possible. It would certainly fall in line with the intent of Preservation by preserving Rashek. 

Thoughts? Questions? Emperor-killing (heh) flaws in my theory?

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46 minutes ago, Spoolofwhool said:

Right. But he would've still aged at a normal rate, requiring more and more tapped age to stay alive.

I'm not sure if this matters but apparently you can do compounding both ways, (nevermind it doesn't it just acts like a duralumin with no limit if compouding is done in reverse). Idk if these WoB helps



Feruchemy is about multipliers. The more the Lord Ruler aged, the less "multiplier" he could store in his metalmind. And the more he aged the more he would need to Compound to stay alive. There could exist an upper bound to the amount of time the Lord Ruler could survive off this trick



FRODOR32768 (14 NOVEMBER 2011)

it seems that The Lord Ruler still needed to store age "normally" but less. Did Miles ever have to store healing?


Yes. He did, but not in the normal way

I suspect that Rashek discovered another trick, with compounding

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22 minutes ago, goody153 said:

I'm not sure if this matters but apparently you can do compounding both ways, (nevermind it doesn't it just acts like a duralumin with no limit if compouding is done in reverse). Idk if these WoB helps


I suspect that Rashek discovered another trick, with compounding

Maybe? The theory is primarily concerned with whether he could've used the WoA to youthen himself so he could continue the age trick. How he performed the trick isn't a relevant question since we know it is possible.

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Well in my mind Rashek would give to himself a true immortality with the Well (after fixing Scadrial).

The first time he had not a deep Anatomy knowledge to do this (and his Immortality result in mistwrath a different race) probably he spent some of this 1000 to recover the informations he needs.

As other option like Spoolofwhool said he may simply change some of his Spirit web to set his birth date 1000 years later.


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