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Is it possble that you cannot compound abilties given to you by hermulagy. We see in the third mistborn book that the inquistors don't compound despite having access to both storing speed and burning steel.

The only counter arguement to this is that Marsh is still alive but Harmony could have easily exstended his life. Sorry if this has already been discussed but as you can tell from the fact im a skaa, Im very new here.

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Compound is less easy than seems.

Yeah of course is "I burn my metalmind to get extra charge" but require an Mental Command that took a while to master. For example TLR himself spent a lot of time to master the compound.

Just know the theory of the compound (and quite all the Inquisitors know it thanks to Ruin and Marsh) isn't enough to be able to do it.

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Hemalurgic abilities are just like nerfed or weaker version of whoever that hemalurgic spike came from so i don't think that stops them from compounding. Afaik you could even store feruchemy charges to the spikes used for hemalurgy.



INTERVIEW: Mar 16th, 2012

A "Late-Breaking" Report (Paraphrased)



Inquisitors knowing how to Compound: some may have figured it out at some point. I got the impression it was not a technique the Lord Ruler taught them.

like @The One Who Connects says Ruin may have never disclosed that just like Rashek

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12 hours ago, Yata said:

Yeah of course is "I burn my metalmind to get extra charge" but require an Mental Command that took a while to master. For example TLR himself spent a lot of time to master the compound.

Didn't know TLR took a while to figure it out, although he had enough time for it to not matter as much.
But I agree with you that it isn't that simple. The way I understood it was that you needed to have the spare metalminds and thought clarity to store most of that extra charge to use later. Otherwise you'd just use it all in one big burst. (If I'm completely off base with this, feel free to correct me)

Edit: Sentence Structure

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Marsh was just a Bronze misting before his hemalergic transformation, and he was clearly able to compound Age (through Atium). Brandon Sanderson has confirmed that Marsh's immortality is the same compounding trick as TLR. 


Here is Brandon's answer to what happened after the first Mistborn trilogy

"Marsh is alive.  I changed this from when I talked to Ookla. I realized some things about his use of Allomancy that would allow him to survive.  Actually, he is immortal.  He can pull off the same Allomancy/Feruchemy trick that the Lord Ruler did.  (And he knows it too, since he was there when Sazed explained how it was done in Book One.)  He's actually the only living person who actually knows this trick for certain. (Though there's a chance that Spook, Ham and Breeze heard about it from Vin and the others.)  So yes, if there were another series, Marsh would make an appearance. "

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