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Physical Effects - Cognitive Realm


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So, is there a description of the effects on a person’s physical body in the Physical Realm when they visit Shadesmar? Do they disappear from the Physical Realm reappearing only when they’re finished doing whatever they were doing in the Cognitive Realm? Or is there no concept of time in Shadesmar? Or perhaps there are different planes of time in each realm (i.e. an hour in the Cognitive Realm equals a millisecond in the Physical Realm)? I’m just wondering what person A in the Physical Realm would see if they were in the process of observing Person B, when suddenly Person B decides to hop on over to Shadesmar.


What if the only effect is the reduction or elimination of mental faculties in the Physical World; their body is in the Physical Realm but their mind is in the Cognitive Realm (ignoring the seeming anomaly of Lift's ability to physically touch the Cognitive Realm?). Assuming truth to the theory that Jezrien is the Stormfather, perhaps that would explain why Darkness mentions his drooling issue while Syl mentions the Stormfather’s prohibition on honorspren returning and bonding with humans in the Physical Realm. Perhaps he spends most, if not all of his time in the Cognitive Realm while his mentally-checked out body remains in the Physical Realm. Just a thought. 

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Shallan watched Jasnah soulcast (ie go in and out of shadesmar) several times in WoK. Shallan always just said that Jasnah closed her eyes,then opened them. But those are only quick jants into shadesmar. An extended stay may appear different in the physical realm.

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From the WOR chapters, I think it isn't quite right to say "enter."  The cognitive realm may not be a different place, but a different view of the place.  Maybe it would be like the physical and the cognitive are like the head and tail of a coin.  They could just stop seeing the world in its physical form and see it in its cognitive form, but their physical bodies remain.  

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