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Hi everyone !

I'm Kaelya and I'm very pleased to meet you all. I'm a young adult from France and I discovered Sanderson a few years ago with the Mistborn trilogy. I read it, I liked it, and so I read a bit more... And now I'm merely done reading all there is to read, and waiting impatiently for the new books to come up (especially the Rithmatist, oh how I loved the Rithmatist...)

So, what can I say about myself... I'm a lot into roleplay, and I did some mistborn roleplay. Right now I am mastering a campaign of Ryuutama : if you like roleplay and don't know it, look at it, it's really good ! I am also, obviously, pretty much into reading : mainly fantasy and heroic fantasy though. I also like to write, and one of the reasons I'm here is because I watched the videos of Sanderson's classes of creative writing (that's such a great course by the way, we don't have that or any equivalent in France !) and now I want to follow his advice and find myself a writing group, a workshop. So if any of you is interested (and speak french. Ideally is french too. Not that I am french-exclusive but, well, I write in french), please send me a pm !

Well, I think that sums it up. So, if you have any questions, go ahead, and if not, see you soon on this forum !

(sorry if my english is not perfect, please feel free to correct any mistake, I do want to improve !)

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Your English is actually really, really good for someone who doesn't have it as a first language.

One thing though, in English, we don't write a space between the sentence and the punctuation. For example: Hello! not Hello !

There's a roleplaying subforum on the site (though you probably saw that already). Feel free to introduce yourself over there and find a game.

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@Kaelya, welcome to the 17th Shard! You sound like you really get in to the stories which is awesome! Good luck finding a writing group and enjoy the forums!


P.S. I upvoted both @Ecthelion III and @Elenion as someone downvoted their comments. I did not think anything they said was egregious or rude so I am confused as to why they were downvoted. 

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