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Stitching it all Together


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Right now I'm going to try and combine several cosmere religions and 2 theories recently proposed. The theories found are here: 

and here:

First, the God Beyond. I believe he isn't Adonalsium, but rather the force that opposed Adonalsium and is still around. This is because of the word Beyond. The Beyond is the afterlife, the only place the shards of Adonalsium can't touch. If Adonalsium couldn't touch it either, it would be the only place where opposition to Adonalsium wouldn't be silenced. The theories above say, respectively, that the sun of the Cognitive Realm is the Great Beyond and Adonalsium's cognitive shadow. However, I am now combining those theories with Trelagism: where the sun is the eye of Nalt, Trell's brother, who opposed him. Nalt is the God Beyond, and Trell is Adonalsium. The sun is both the God Beyond and the Great Beyond (I'll explain why I think it's both shortly) Trelagism is a perversion of the truth where the sun of the Cognitive Realm has become the actual sun, and Adonalsium is worshiped, when I believe he was in fact evil. In his letter to Hoid, Frost says that bringing the touch and design of Adonalsium to the worlds Hoid visited brought pain. This could also explain why the Mistborn Era 2 Trellists were evil to some extent. In addition, the God Beyond is also who the Iriali call the One, who split himself so he/she (technically both?) could experience all things. Although this sounds like Adonalsium at first, the Iriali believe that he split himself into all the people alive, not 16 Shards. In Iriali belief, all experiences become the One's in the end. The end; death. Upon death, people's souls go to the Beyond. They re-join and become part of the One, the God Beyond, who is the same as the Great Beyond. People appear as flames in the Cognitive Realm because they are a small part of the God Beyond, who is the sun. The Vorin people believe that the afterlife is a battle, and it is, between the God Beyond and Adonalsium.

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IIRC, Brandon has tried to stomp on the idea that there is a "force" out there that opposed Adonalsium. While Brandon did state that once he has, again iirc, elaborated on his previous statement by saying that his answer was based on the massive amount of wiggle room the word "force" gave him. As in, the 16 Vessels could be considered a "force" that "opposed" Adonalsium. 

If I am correct in my recall then I think that might cut a big hole right through this theory.  

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But the whole Cosmere and its lifeform are made of Investiture, the Investiture's source is Adonalsium... Therefore everything and everyone  are pieces of Adonalsium, the Shards are only a great chunk of whaterver he didn't use to Invest something else (like some unused raw material). Maybe Himself can't Invest everything He had and planned his own murder to further spread the "last chunk" through the Shards' birth

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On 7/8/2016 at 1:12 PM, Lightspine said:

In his letter to Hoid, Frost says that bringing the touch and design of Adonalsium to the worlds Hoid visited brought pain.

That's not actually what that letter says, at least in my interpretation.


Is not the destruction we have wrought enough? The worlds you now tread bear the touch and design of Adonalsium. Our interference so far has brought nothing but pain.

My path has been chosen very deliberately. Yes, I agree with everything you have said about Rayse, including the severe danger he presents.

However, it seems to me that all things have been set up for a purpose, and if we—as infants—stumble through the workshop, we risk exacerbating, not preventing, a problem.

The way I read this, Frost is saying that Hoid is traveling to worlds that Adonalsium designed and interfering with things that Adonalsium set up, and is risking messing up the plans that Adonalsium may have put in place.

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6 hours ago, Windrunner said:

That's not actually what that letter says, at least in my interpretation.

The way I read this, Frost is saying that Hoid is traveling to worlds that Adonalsium designed and interfering with things that Adonalsium set up, and is risking messing up the plans that Adonalsium may have put in place.

I had not thought of it in that way. Thanks for pointing it out. I'm not sure about that now.

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The worlds you now tread bear the touch and design of Adonalsium.

I do not see how the above can be interpreted as


bringing the touch and design of Adonalsium to the worlds Hoid visited brought pain

Ignoring the grammar issues, your interpretation goes against the knowledge we already know from the books and WoBs. For example, how can Hoid be bringing the touch of Adonalsium to Roshar when we know Adonlasium had already been there? The touch and design is already there, so Hoid would be adding to it, not bringing it there.

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