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Shardholders and Their Intents

King Krooked


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I don't think Brandon makes a distinction between a Shard and its intent. When one picks up the Shard, they would become Preservation, or Odium, or whatever. The intent of a Shard is inextricably tied to the power of that Shard.

So when I read that Adonalsium could have been Shattered differently, I can only interpret that to mean that there would be different intents for these sixteen pieces. We have no evidence to suggest that aside from a Shard's intent they were any different, initially. They did start at the same power level. I think the intent of a Shard is its only defining characteristic--it's just power otherwise. 

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Just now, King Krooked said:

Sorry for double posting. To clarify @Chaos, did the ORIGINAL Shareholders influence the Shards Intent. As in the original 16 picked up blank Intent neutral Shards, and influenced the outcome of the Shard's Intent. From my years of lurking here, I don't think anyone has actually asked him this particular question. 

It is my impression they did not. I remember talking to Brandon at the Alloy of Law release and he described the struggle between the Shard and a person's mind. He described it like a struggle that the Vessel could literally never win. So I think the intents were innate.

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This is an excellent question that I am not sure we have a complete answer to. In another thread I was discussing Intents and their origins and some people feel as if the original Vessels had some sort of influence as to what the Intent of each Shard became while others thought differently. Without further information from either future books or Brandon himself I do not think this question can be given a definitive answer.

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I know that's what the letter says. However, just like Amaram, he easily could've been outwardly kind, and inside he had a desire to destroy everything. There was no malice to Ruin's actions. It wasn't "I'm going to ruin things because I'm evil!"

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Sorry for double posting. To clarify @Chaos, did the ORIGINAL Shareholders influence the Shards Intent. As in the original 16 picked up blank Intent neutral Shards, and influenced the outcome of the Shard's Intent. From my years of lurking here, I don't think anyone has actually asked him this particular question. 

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3 minutes ago, King Krooked said:

Sorry for double posting. To clarify @Chaos, did the ORIGINAL Shareholders influence the Shards Intent. As in the original 16 picked up blank Intent neutral Shards, and influenced the outcome of the Shard's Intent. From my years of lurking here, I don't think anyone has actually asked him this particular question. 

@King Krooked As I mentioned in my first reply above, this is, as far as I and many other members of this forum are aware, something that cannot be answered without a WoB or a new book. Honestly, I think if we asked him this it would be a RAFO.

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1 minute ago, King Krooked said:

Sorry for double posting. To clarify @Chaos, did the ORIGINAL Shareholders influence the Shards Intent. As in the original 16 picked up blank Intent neutral Shards, and influenced the outcome of the Shard's Intent. From my years of lurking here, I don't think anyone has actually asked him this particular question. 

I've never seen that posited, exactly, but what I have seen suggested is that the 16 that shattered Adolnasium somehow (probably unknowingly) caused the Shards to split with the Intents they did, rather than creating or affecting those Intents when they picked up the resulting Shards.  One really good topic even posited that it was the mindset of each of the 16 that caused it: Ati believed what he was doing was ruinous, but for a worthwhile purpose, Leras thought he was preserving the Cosmere, Rayse just hated Adolnasium and/or the others, Tanavast believed what they were doing was honorable, etc.  If I can track down that thread, I'll edit this post to include it.


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@Straw - This might be the post @Jondesu is talking about (the edit at the bottom):

It's not really a theory I believe, I just thought it was an interesting possibility for how the Intents were formed - that they were created by the mindset of each of the original Vessels when they shattered Adonalsium, either what effect they felt the shattering would have, or what they were hoping to accomplish by shattering God. I don't feel there's evidence to support the theory, but there isn't evidence against it either - we just don't have much information about the shattering yet, so we can come up with all sorts of seemingly valid theories, several of which are in that linked thread. Maybe one of them will be right! Tune in 20 years from now, when we finally get to RDFO (read Dragonsteel and find out). <.<

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3 hours ago, Nyali said:

@Straw - This might be the post @Jondesu is talking about (the edit at the bottom):

It's not really a theory I believe, I just thought it was an interesting possibility for how the Intents were formed - that they were created by the mindset of each of the original Vessels when they shattered Adonalsium, either what effect they felt the shattering would have, or what they were hoping to accomplish by shattering God. I don't feel there's evidence to support the theory, but there isn't evidence against it either - we just don't have much information about the shattering yet, so we can come up with all sorts of seemingly valid theories, several of which are in that linked thread. Maybe one of them will be right! Tune in 20 years from now, when we finally get to RDFO (read Dragonsteel and find out). <.<

Thanks, that's the one. I thought it was good as a theory. :-)



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