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What to Read Next?

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Hey Sharders!


I'm wondering what books would make the most sense to read next. If you guys have any suggestions, that would be awesome! I've already read the following:



The Final Empire

The Well of Ascension 

The Hero of Ages

The Alloy of Law

Shadows of Self

The Bands of Mourning

Mistborn: Secret History


The Rithmatist


The Stormlight Archive:

The Way of Kings

Words of Radiance



Elantris, Tenth Anniversary Version

The Emperor's Soul



Alcatraz Vs The Evil Librarians

Alcatraz Vs The Scrivener's Bones

Alcatraz Vs The Knights of Crystallia 

Alcatraz Vs The Shattered Lens




These aren't necessarily in the order I read them. If I did that, it would be way confusing. I've heard about some Cosmere shorts, but I'm not entirely sure what to search for. Any help at all is welcome!




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The Cosmere shorts are Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell which you can find for sale on his website in box form with Perfect State (Which isn't Cosmere). You can also find it in the Dangerous Women Anthology, and (I think) as an ebook. The other Cosmere short is Sixth of the Dusk, which is part of the writing excuses anthology. 


I don't see it in your list, but there is a trilogy called The Reckoners that isn't Cosmere. It is a dystopian society of evil supers, and a small team of regular people who are trying to kill them. 

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Legion and Legion: Skin Deep are another pair of Sanderson books that I thoroughly enjoyed. Highly recommend.


Also, if you are looking for more fantasy works that aren't Sanderson then my #1 recommendation would "the Name of the Wind" by Patrick Rothfuss. It is a beautiful, wonderful, fantastic book!

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You have some shorts and The Reckoners left and then you have more or less read everything Brandon has written. Unless you count the last Wheel of Time books. Then you have to wait like the rest of us XD Painful, isnt it?


Anyway I second Rothfuss. The Name of the Wind and The Wise Mans Fear are gorgeous books.

The Lightbringer Trilogy (All five books :rolleyes: ) by Brent Weeks are pretty good if you want more awesome magic systems.

Dresden Files (If you can get past the first three not all that great books) and Codex Alera (Which I have only started, but recommending it anyway) by Jim Butcher are pretty good as well.


For weird things
Kafka on the Shore (Theres talking cats and stuff, Im not sure what is going on, really)

House of Leaves ("It's a book about a book about a film about a house that is a labyrinth. In short, it's a book that is a labyrinth.")

Perdido Street Station (A scientist, who is dating a woman with a beetle for a head, a beetle, not a beatle, though that would arguably be weirder, gets asked by a bird man without wings to find a way to let him fly again... and then things get weird...)

Then reading some Edgar Allen Poe and HP Lovecraft is always healthy and then I have to recommend Songs of a Dead Dreamer by Thomas Ligotti. Lots of weird horror shorts.

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I definitely second the Reckoners recommendation. They're the only Sanderson I've been able to get my mom to read so far.


As Morzathoth said, the Dresden Files are also pretty awesome, especially the later books--the most recent one, Skin Game, is by far my favorite. And I can vouch for the epicness of the Codex Alera. I think in terms of overall consistent quality, they are even better than the Dresden Files. Also by Jim Butcher: The Aeronaut's Windlass, the first in a new steampunk/fantasy series. I would say this is my favorite thing by Jim Butcher yet.


Rachel Aaron is an excellent author. If you're in the mood for epic fantasy, try her Legend of Eli Monpress series; the first book (out of five; this series is all finished) is The Spirit Thief. Or if you feel like you'd rather read something more urban fantasy/dystopian, there's Nice Dragons Finish Last. It's the first book of a planned five-book series. Book two is already out, and book three should be released later this summer.

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If you're looking for the shorts, I'd wait, since there's going to be a collection of Cosmere short stories coming out later this year all in one place. Arcanum Unbound is the working title, I believe.

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Reckoners is definitely a good one to read, as far as Brandon's books go.  


For books not by Brandon, I always recommend Terry Pratchett, but you have to prepared for a lot of satire.  On everything. Ever.  He writes really well, does good books, and Brandon Recommends them. 


  • 21

    INTERVIEW: Nov 10th, 2010

    Which are your last top choice readings? By the way, do you still have the time to read?


    I do have the time to read occasionally. I think it's important to read. I think it's extremely important for me to read in the fantasy genre, and be aware of what other authors are doing, because there are lot of them who are way better than I am and I want to be able to learn from them.

    My top choice to go to these days is Terry Pratchett; I love his work.


  • 22

    INTERVIEW: Dec 23rd, 2010

    What are you reading at the moment and who are your favorite authors?


    At the moment sitting on my shelf next to be read is The Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett.


  • 38

    INTERVIEW: Jun 3rd, 2011


    Who are your favorite writers?


    My favorite living writer right now is probably Terry Pratchett. There is no one who can balance humor and plot and character like he does, particularly in his books about Vimes.

So, yeah, there's that.  I would recommend starting with 'Gaurds Gaurds!', personally, and the first three books in the wizards series are not great.  Other than that, they are all at least decent.  Most of them are great.


A personal Favorite of mine is the Belgariad, by David Eddings.  It is really well written, has good plot, has some decent romance, a pretty fun magic system, (Not a complex one.  Definitely 'soft' on Brandon's scale.) and well developed Characters.  His other series are not quite as good, but everything set in that universe is really good.   (Mallorean, backstory short stories, etc.)


Always happy to recommend good books.


edit;  Still not sure how to quote things from the quotes databank, so sorry if this looks weird.

Edited by Magestar
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I really enjoyed Sanderson's short Infinity Blade. It's not Cosmere either, heck, it's actually based on a video game, but the story is really good and compelling. It's available as an e-book. I got mine off of Amazon.

Amazon is good for that kind of thing :) Most of the Brandon books I read I get off there.


I have, as of this morning, finished Steelheart. Now, does Mitosis or Firefight come next? Brandon's site is a little bit fuzzy about this. I love David's horrible metaphors, by the way. The porridge-brick was great.

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