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Copper and Brass Power


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I've been re-reading Mistborn and something hit me as I'm thinking about these powers preparing to hit the cosmere-scale of the story.  Does a copper cloud hide all active use of Investiture AND does Brass enable a Seeker to detect any use of Investiture?  These skills seem like they'd be really helpful for spying knowing that Scadrial is going to eventually explore other worlds in the cosmere, I'm wondering if we know anything about these powers yet.

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I've been re-reading Mistborn and something hit me as I'm thinking about these powers preparing to hit the cosmere-scale of the story.  Does a copper cloud hide all active use of Investiture AND does Brass enable a Seeker to detect any use of Investiture?  These skills seem like they'd be really helpful for spying knowing that Scadrial is going to eventually explore other worlds in the cosmere, I'm wondering if we know anything about these powers yet.

As per WoBs yes on both counts though seeking other forms of investiture takes a lot of practice and is hard to do. 

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Copper can be overwhelmed by sheer strength, so likely it isn't complete hiding, but rather strong dampening. Perhaps great enough investiture use might bleed through, or strong enough investiture sensing abilities may detect the pulses anyway. Similarly seeking is incredibly detailed in its perception of investiture, but unlike lifesense it doesn't detect people simply for being alive. Past a certain strength level (Vin with earing) it starts picking up even cognitive shadows and shards, but still ignores living souls. There may be a qualitative issue involved.

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Copper can be overwhelmed by sheer strength, so likely it isn't complete hiding, but rather strong dampening. Perhaps great enough investiture use might bleed through, or strong enough investiture sensing abilities may detect the pulses anyway. Similarly seeking is incredibly detailed in its perception of investiture, but unlike lifesense it doesn't detect people simply for being alive. Past a certain strength level (Vin with earing) it starts picking up even cognitive shadows and shards, but still ignores living souls. There may be a qualitative issue involved.


"Detailed" seems to me to be an odd way to refer to Allomantic Bronze, since it just gives "vibrations." I thought they were explicitly NOT detailed, you only knew the strength and direction. I'd expect different forms of Investiture to resonate differently, giving off feelings that are not vibrations, but something similar. Maybe Awakening gives pulses of synethesia-like color, Stormlight felt like a distant storm (wind, thunder, or both), and AonDor feels like pulses of light. Beating/vibration makes sense to me for Allomancy because the primary thing you do with metal is beat it into shape.


(Minor SH spoilers, maybe?)

Also, weirdly enough, it's Steelsight that, when strong enough, can see souls while on Scadrial, since Souls and Metal are the same thing for Scadrialians.

Edited by Nyali
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It's not only Strength and direction.

Like saw on Scadrial, a Skilled Seekker may understand what He is "hearing" (what metal and probably who are the burner).


It's probably because of a Pattern in the Vibrations he hears... After all signal is not only strenght or direction, but may contain Information (we based on this fact the whole world telecomunication).


At the beginning a novice Seeker can't determinate what he hears, with experience and after seeks a lot of time "Pewter vibration" Ha may recognize it... And a very skilled Seeker probably memorized all the common patter of vibrations.

Edited by Yata
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The pulse direction (spreading outward or inward) determines pushing or pulling, and then the speed and pattern of the pulse for external/internal and physical/mental/temporal/enhancement, I believe.

According to Marsh you can even pinpoint the emotions being affected by emotional allomancy from the pulses alone.

We have never seen a description of a feruchemical pulse, it may be completely different.

Edited by natc
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I think feruchemical pulses aren't too hard to see, it's iust that no one's figured out how to do it yet. The existence of feruchemy has only been common knowledge for a few hundred years at most.

Feruchemy and other Inner Magic Systems are harder to hear I think... After all your own Investiture "covers" more a pulse than External Magic System like Allomancy where a Stream of investiture cames from the outside of the user

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Well, here's a question - could Inquisitors find Feruchemists? Many were like Marsh, Seekers made Allomancers, which caused them to have stronger Bronze than normal. With that enhanced strength, were they able to find the Terris Keepers? I can't actually remember. I would have expected them to have caught Sazed if they could detect Feruchemy, but perhaps they could only detect tapping and not storing, or perhaps they just weren't even close enough. The Inquisitors did hunt down the Keepers in the end when Ruin controlled them, and they did give Feruchemy to some of their number which would have required them to capture and spike Keepers, but they didn't necessarily need to use Bronze to do that.

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Well, here's a question - could Inquisitors find Feruchemists? Many were like Marsh, Seekers made Allomancers, which caused them to have stronger Bronze than normal. With that enhanced strength, were they able to find the Terris Keepers? I can't actually remember. I would have expected them to have caught Sazed if they could detect Feruchemy, but perhaps they could only detect tapping and not storing, or perhaps they just weren't even close enough. The Inquisitors did hunt down the Keepers in the end when Ruin controlled them, and they did give Feruchemy to some of their number which would have required them to capture and spike Keepers, but they didn't necessarily need to use Bronze to do that.

This was discussed in another thread. I ended up quoting scenes where Sazed tapping steel and strength saved Vin from Inquisitors. Through quoting the scene, it is shown that the Inquisitor was burning bronze at the time to locate Vin. So had the Inquisitor at the time known how to locate feruchemists with bronze, then he would have known Sazed was coming and stop him. So it is my belief that Inquisitors at the time of the final empire did not know how to find feruchemists with bronze. Perhaps when Ruin took them over he showed them how to/did it for them, so they could find and spike the Synod, but while under the Lord Ruler I believe they did not know. 

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Probably Ruin simply told them where are the Feruchemist... After all Ruin from the Cognitive may probably see who are a magic user and who not.

I find hard to believe that Ruin may teach to the Inquisitor how to find other Investiture-pulses while He can't teach them how to compound

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