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So...I already posted this in Misting Jobs...but I had enough fun with the idea that I thought it warranted it's own thread.  Basically, Harry Potter has quiddich, Scadrial needs it's own magical sport.  I've outlined my idea below...post your own, or make suggestions about mine.


Each team is made of 16 players...one of each type of (non-god metal) misting.


I'm thinking...very large, expansive field of play with partial, maze-like obstructions separating the two sides in the middle, with a short field of open area at either end, directly in front of each teams' end zone, and six tall, metal, flag poles of varying heights placed at different intervals in the obstacle laden middle ground.   Atop each flag pole, is a flag. Each flag has a different point value.  (total points 16?) In each end zone is a bolted down iron platform (6x6?). This is the area that someone has to return to with a flag in order to score. On either side of that are two raised pedestals big enough for one person to stand on, the pillars are plated in iron. Imagine neutral flag in halo 4, only with 16 mistings on each team, and 6 flags, and the flags can't be easily reached from the ground...and the only 3 point flag is like 20 ft up.  Parts of the field have little jets in the ground the keep large areas obscured in a blanket of mist.  There are several smaller iron plates fixed to various places around the arena.


Players only get their ordinary fabric uniforms, with minimal padding, no additional metal allowed aside from a pocket for 2 vials (there should be a box of more vials behind the scoring platform on each side), although there are several cantaloupe sized rubber balls scatter throughout the field of play that have 1lb iron weights in the middle.  Full contact, although there would have to be some rules regarding conduct so that thugs are not just ripping limbs off of people.


Your thug, lurcher and coinshot are your primary movers for getting the flags.  Tineye and Seeker work together as on field tactical coordinators.  Coppercloud, leecher, nicroburst, slider, pulser, rioter and soother offer a wide range of offensive and defense support roles.  Dura-gnat and alum-gnat, as well as your auger better be in great shape, because they're not very useful otherwise.  I'm not really sure how to employ your oracle...because I'm not 100% on how that power works...but could possibly be useful if you put your mind to it.



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Seems rather complex to set up, and difficult to play casually (although of course we are talking Metalborn players, there's a minority of them to start with).  In addition, depending on the size of the field, the maze-like home bases and the misty areas, much of play could be visually impeded by those obstacles.  (hard to develop a pro scene for it when spectators can't see play)  

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I like that idea but there needs to be ferrings in there. I think there should be 16-32 players and twinborn, medallions are allowed. Though there can't be compounders and you can only have one of each type of misting/ferring. For example if wax played this with a pewter Medallion that would be 5 of the 32 powers because then he would have iton steel aluminum nicrosil and pewter.

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