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Getting the Ley of the Land

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Hello and welcome, friends and fellow seekers of adventure! If you're reading this, that obviously means you're interested in Seeking the Eternal Conflux!....That, or you've been clicking at random and reading whatever pops up. Either way, the purpose of this thread is to provide valuable information for anyone participating (or hoping to participate) in the RP. Here you'll find helpful links, a glossary of nonstandard terms, a map (eventually >.>) of Alteiryn, and whatever other useful tidbits I can think of to throw in! Oh, and rules, of course. Those are kind of important.

Rules and Regulations

  1. Style: EC is run in the Third Person Limited Viewpoint, Past Tense. First person is acceptable for dialogue and internalized thoughts (Which should be italicized for coherence sake) only. "Del Kahnis glided down the corridor, icy glare observing the researchers with scrutiny. No doubt they had hear she was coming, and were working that much harder for it. I see my reputation precedes me.."
  2. Characters: Feel free to make as many as you like, adhering to the Template here! For the time being, characters will be organized into one thread after they are submitted and approved, but my hope is that eventually I can just use a subforum for them. Remember, characters are not gods, and are not the only characters that 'matter'. There's a reason the template has both strengths AND weaknesses. Nobody is (or should be) good at everything. Basically, no godmodding please! I also will not be requiring a separate account for every character, as that would be a bit much. Instead, if multiple characters are going to be in the same post, use the character's name (coded up a bit for distinction) as a header between the individual viewpoints. Alternatively, if you have the skill or know someone who does, you can make a 'post header' image to place there instead.
  3. Conduct: It bears repeating, so again, no godmodding. If you're not familiar with common RP lingo, it's defined above. Don't post like your character(s) are invincible and perfect. Don't treat your fellow players like crap, either. We're all here to have a good time, so follow the Golden Rule. No flaming, no insulting/picking apart characters belonging to someone else, and no trying to force someone into playing a character in a way they wouldn't. I might not be an admin, but I AM the boss of this RP. At your first major infraction (Godmodding, flaming), you will be warned and must edit the offending post/give the offended party an apology. Second time I catch you playing God or bullying the other players, you will be suspended for a week from the RP. If for some strange reason I have to bring the hammer down a third time, your character(s) will be fed to the Ohnyrek, and I will not look at any further applications by you until such a time that you've proven you can be a decent human being. If you attempt to circumvent me because I am not, in fact, an admin and post anyway, I will edit your postings with extreme prejudice. If the situation is bad enough, I will not hesitate to contact the Admins, either.
  4. Posting: Obviously, with Alteiryn being such a large place, and the world around it larger still, it's a bit unfeasible for everything and everyone to be in one single thread. That'd be a mess to read through. Instead, I'll be posting a Discussion/Planning thread so we can organize threads between certain characters, and arguably a Continuity thread to keep track of what's going/what's gone on. When creating a thread, if you only want certain characters 'present', put their names in brackets either as part of the title or in the topic description so that other players know whether or not they can post there. If it's just going to be your character(s), use [Closed], and if it's a free-for-all thread, use [Open] or merely leave out the character 'tagging'. Also, try not to double-post unless the sheer immensity of text cannot fit inside one post or it is a closed thread. If you need to make a change, use the 'Edit' function, and try to do so before anyone replies to avoid confusion and possibly OTHER edits. If this can't be avoided, at least PM the other players concerned so they know something changed. Obviously this doesn't need to happen for edits to fix typographical errors.


  • Alteiryn- The primary landmass of the known quarter of the world of Xanthuru. It extends through the northern hemisphere, ranging from temperate plains, hills, forests, mountains, and frozen tundras in its topmost regions. It is populated by a wide array of creatures both sentient and non, the landscape dotted with fantastic kingdoms and ancient ruins half-buried in deep forests or underground. A handful of islands sit below its southern shores, and to the east lies the country of Masrah.
  • Altey- The 'common' language spoken amongst the diverse races of the continent.
  • Channel- The act of drawing forth the power of the Ley Lines to manifest an effect.
  • Eternal Conflux- A fabled location where all the Ley Lines of the world converge into one singularity of power incomprehensible. It is said that to find the Eternal Conflux is to wield the power to make one's wildest dreams reality, and as such it is widely sought after. Its location remains unknown, and while theories abound there is no solid evidence of the legendary location's existence. This does little to dissuade those who would seek its power, though.
  • Focus- An object specifically crafted to aid in the channeling of Ley Energy.
  • Ley Line- A conduit of usually-invisible mystic energy which can be draw upon and shaped by the will of the user to fantastic ends. They are believed to span the entire globe, but precious few have been mapped thus far.
  • Leyht- A commonly used term for the mystic energy of a Ley Line.
  • Masrah- A neighboring country but a few short weeks sailing from Alteiryn, Masrah is primarily composed of sandy dunes and the rare oasis, a harsh environment that has significantly affected the inhabitants there, some of which are believed to be related to races on Alteiryn. Relations between the two lands remain friendly, fueled by trade primarily of spices and silks.
  • Node- The point where two or more Ley Lines cross paths, creating an ambient zone of greater power. Large towns and kingdoms are generally founded upon such locations, and wars have been fought over their control.

Tidbits of Useful Information

Little bits and pieces of random information that may prove of minor worth to playing an effective EC character. I'll expand on this one especially as more comes to light.

  • Xanethi fashion trends are currently favoring straps, laces and, ties over buttons, hooks, and other such fasteners. In garments where function is less important than form, such straps and lacing are oftentimes superfluous and bear colorful beads at the intersections of strings or enameled 'caps' over crossed straps. Apparently causing ones clothing to emulate a Line Network is 'in' this year.
  • If you are playing an Ohnyrek, remember; Strength and skill are the sole determining factors of ranking in your culture. If you have new-found traveling companions, make sure to establish the pecking order early on. This does NOT mean 'beat up your party-mates'. Challenge them to a footrace, an arm-wrestling match, boulder-toss, or even a drinking contest. If you win, make appropriate note of it with a horn-ornament...(hornament?). If you should somehow lose, offer an ornament as a token of respect.
  • Conversely, if you find yourself traveling WITH an Ohnyrek, expected to be challenged in a fashion similar to those mentioned above. You can safely refuse a challenge twice. If the third challenge is refused, expect to be considered 'No Horn' by that individual Ohnyrek, a term equivalent to them as "Chicken-livered, yellow-bellied, gutless wretch of a pathetic coward". Expect to be looked down upon (in the metaphysical sense) and completely disrespected at every possible turn in such a situation. It is far easier to outwit an Ohnyrek than out-muscle, so in the event of a challenge where you have to put up with that particular Ohnyrek for an extended amount of time, try and steer it towards a contest where being the strongest doesn't naturally assure victory. Do NOT refuse the offered ornament should you win, regardless of how tacky or disgusting it might be. That's considered dishonoring them, which will immediately send them into a fit of rage. If you lose, be prepared to part with some small trinket or another. Even an oddly-shaped rock will appease an Ohnyrek if you make it sound important enough.
  • Never offer a Berylanx, regardless of subtype, cut flowers. Imagine how you would feel if someone offered you a bouquet of your grandparents' limbs. Offering a potted plant is acceptable, but avoid offering seeds of any type...unless you're actually of a mind to make good on what is apparently an expression of intent to mate. If you are, Master Researcher Hasen Lerin would love to hear from you on whether your two species are compatible.
  • If, in your travels, you happen upon an unusual device, weapon, or garment, resist the urge to play with it. Not all artifacts stand up well to the test of time, and you can never tell how it will react until properly analyzed. This also holds true for any creature you might stumble upon that you are not intimately familiar with. Yes, it might LOOK cute and fluffy, but all that fur could be hiding toxic spines for all you know. Remember, a cautious adventurer is a living one!


Because of the fact that the most mine-worthy areas of Alteiryn are inhabited and guarded by hermetic xenophobes, gold and other precious ores are in rather short supply, further inflating their value. This makes it impossible to rely on the 'traditional' currency system of Copper-Silver-Gold, and Xanethi culture has evolved past the point of bartering (again) for most transactions. Instead, they employ a system of clay chips in three denominations. The recipes for these clays are highly coveted and heavily guarded, and an individual kingdom's currency is backed by their gold, jewels, and artifact values. Because of this, there is a discrepancy between currency values, leading to a thriving money-changing and bazaar business. The three denominations are as follows:

  • Pulsemark(Pulser)- The lowest denomination, the ore and mineral mix in this chip's clay causes it to rumble softly when channeled through. Fake Pulsers tend to break apart when checked for authenticity, exceptional forgeries cracking.
  • Sparkmark(Sparkler)- The middle denomination, worth ten Pulsers, gives off colorful heat-less sparks when checked for authenticity through channeling. Forgeries often burn the fingers of the one checking it, and in rare cases catch aflame.
  • Shinemark(Shimmer)- The highest denomination, worth ten Sparkles, or one hundred Pulsers, glows with a scintillating iridescence to show its worth. Fakes usually turn black as pitch.

Edited by Kuri Shardweaver
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I would just like to say this topic's title is a horrible pun, and I love it.

That is all. You may now go back to your regularly scheduled RP :P

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So Altieryn is in the northern hemisphere, I think Cherry Valley would be pretty far south, near the eastern coast if possible. Since the Season of Darkness is their only true winter, the climate would have to be somewhere between temperate and tropical. At least, that's where I am picturing it. If you think it would work better somewhere else, just let me know. I'm really excited to see the map when it is done.

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I like the thought you put into this. smile.gif

Thanks! I'm really trying to give it as much depth and substance as I can, so it feels more like a real, living world.

So Altieryn is in the northern hemisphere, I think Cherry Valley would be pretty far south, near the eastern coast if possible. Since the Season of Darkness is their only true winter, the climate would have to be somewhere between temperate and tropical. At least, that's where I am picturing it. If you think it would work better somewhere else, just let me know. I'm really excited to see the map when it is done.

Yeah, I'm excited too XD. I really need to figure out a way to get it in a usable form considering my lack of a scanner. And the landmass does extend downward into the southern hemisphere, it just doesn't dominate it like it does the northern.

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Who needs MS Paint when you've got Photoshop? :P Kuri, does your local library have a scanner you can use? Otherwise, just snap a pic and I'll see what I can do for you. Heck, you could just mail the thing to me if you really had to.

Coma, it could also be a side effect of the Peace Line, too. It'd be pretty surreal to step across from a snowdrift into a pleasantly warm valley filled to the brim with colorful cherry trees. I don't know if that's anything like what you had in mind or if it'd even work with the world and the relic itself, but it was an image I had to share. Take from it what you will. ;)

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I was more attributing the valley's fertility to the placement of the three nodes and ley lines, along with climate conditions. I agree though, that that is a really cool image. The only problem I see with it is the reasoning for WHY the Peace Line would do that, especially if we use the back story we were thinking of before.

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Who needs MS Paint when you've got Photoshop? :P Kuri, does your local library have a scanner you can use? Otherwise, just snap a pic and I'll see what I can do for you. Heck, you could just mail the thing to me if you really had to.

Coma, it could also be a side effect of the Peace Line, too. It'd be pretty surreal to step across from a snowdrift into a pleasantly warm valley filled to the brim with colorful cherry trees. I don't know if that's anything like what you had in mind or if it'd even work with the world and the relic itself, but it was an image I had to share. Take from it what you will. ;)

I'll see what I can do as far as sketching something up, thanks ^^ Works better than the idea of an online whiteboard and communicating directions, in theory at least XD.

I was more attributing the valley's fertility to the placement of the three nodes and ley lines, along with climate conditions. I agree though, that that is a really cool image. The only problem I see with it is the reasoning for WHY the Peace Line would do that, especially if we use the back story we were thinking of before.

Three Nodes in a small-ish area would definitely have an impact, yeah.

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Hence my uncertainty about whether it would work. It could be that the nodes themselves cause the warmer temperatures and the Line - or the mountains themselves, or both - form sort of a barrier that keeps most of the ambient ley energy inside, creating the isolated pocket of temperance and keeping it from seeping out (and colder temperatures from seeping in). After all, it's happened before, albeit with (as of right now) slightly different effects. Right, Kuri? ;)

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The Seamaw Range extends along much of the western edge of Alteiryn, which is long and vaguely crescent-shaped. The peaks rise out of the ocean from below sea level, climb to incredible heights, then descend down into rolling foothills and eventually the rest of Alteiryn.

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The Seamaw Range extends along much of the western edge of Alteiryn, which is long and vaguely crescent-shaped. The peaks rise out of the ocean from below sea level, climb to incredible heights, then descend down into rolling foothills and eventually the rest of Alteiryn.

This XD. Thanks for the support, Kchan!

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  • 9 months later...

BTW, does anybody know if Kurianity has reached a stable form on Xanthuru yet?

Edit: To anticipate the obvious: Kurianity is the worship of Kuri Shardweaver (Xanthuru's equivalent to Christianity, more or less).

Edited by ReaderAt2046
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If your question is about the in-world organized religion (which is what I think you are asking), I think it varies quite a bit from culture to culture. That's just based on my understanding though, and I'm not sure how much Kuri has defined the religion of Xanthuru, and how much he has left up to the players.

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You guys are nutty :P.

There is no Kurianity, because there is no Kuri. Just because I'm running this RP doesn't mean I'm gonna throw 'myself' in as a God figure. I don't do shameless self-insertion, that's Stephanie Meyer's job.

I'm curious as to what you see as these two 'false' religions, though. As for the truth..well....RAFO ;)

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You guys are nutty :P.

There is no Kurianity, because there is no Kuri. Just because I'm running this RP doesn't mean I'm gonna throw 'myself' in as a God figure. I don't do shameless self-insertion, that's Stephanie Meyer's job.

I'm curious as to what you see as these two 'false' religions, though. As for the truth..well....RAFO ;)

You are the true God of Xanthuru because you created it, you control everything about it... and in short, you stand in the same relation to Xanthuru as the Triune God does to Earth. But that doesn't necessarily mean that the people of Xanthuru know anything about you (though the Seelvah at least have probably worked out that you exist.)

The two false religions are the worship of the Ley-heart and the Verdant, neither of which is accurate.

Edited by ReaderAt2046
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You are the true God of Xanthuru because you created it, you control everything about it... and in short, you stand in the same relation to Xanthuru as the Triune God does to Earth. But that doesn't necessarily mean that the people of Xanthuru know anything about you (though the Seelvah at least have probably worked out that you exist.)

The two false religions are the worship of the Ley-heart and the Verdant, neither of which is accurate.

Well, I'm certainly not going to give anything away in my statements, but I will say that it would be ill advised to bring such a statement to the attention of the involved parties. Religions are religions for a reason, after all. The Berylanx have a reason for believing what they do, as does every other race.

For the record, the most widely accepted 'religion' of the Xanethi people is the Divine Signs, the constellations/heavenly bodies from which the months draw their names and people born under such months draw physical and mental aspects, supposedly. There are of course small factions here and there that do things such as worshiping Xan as some form of man-become-god.

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  • 2 months later...

I have finally come here after several months of mustering my courage. What scared me off was seeing so many posts. :) But, because I am new here, I would like to know what I should read out of all of these posts. I am planing on joining, the brief tidbits I have read makes this sound interesting.

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I have finally come here after several months of mustering my courage. What scared me off was seeing so many posts. :) But, because I am new here, I would like to know what I should read out of all of these posts. I am planing on joining, the brief tidbits I have read makes this sound interesting.

Bah, don't be afraid of the postcount! I just get info-dumpy sometimes XD. A lot of posts are just explanations of Mechanics and whatnot, what makes this world, this world.

As for what to read, you're already in a good thread for some baseline info as well as the rules.

Seeking The Eternal Conflux gives you a general breakdown of the 'point' and overarching theme of the RP. It was also the general Q&A thread until I made the General Chat thread. Still some decent info to be found in Seeking, though.

Of Men and Magic is the 'bestiary' if you will. Where you'll find information on the various races of Xanthuru, or even try making one of your own!

Character Template..um...pretty self explanatory XD. And finally..The Tolvera Incident is the backstory on the primary 'opening arc' of the RP, while Word Around Town Is..the place to find the supplementary 'side stories/filler arc fodder' or even add your own.

Hope this helps, and happy to see you here! :)

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