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Songs of the cosmere


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People inhabiting Shardworlds developed various forms of art, but I can't recall anybody referencing any songs. Nothing. Except the Dawnchant, of course. And Listeners' songs are a special case.


So, what would be Scadrian songs from the Final Empire? What music would Elantrians compose?

The easiest one is Nalthis, as we got a fair share of spotlight on art. Since Heightenings increase the ability to tell hues, the paintings could be in one color (as the Manywar painting).

There is also Perfect Pitch...I think choirs would be pretty probable, with very complex harmonies and polyphonies.

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Well there is the music the nobles dance to at their parties. I don't think that the skaa sang much.

The keepers would have many songs stored in their metalminds.

We know that lighteyed women sing (shallan was asekd for songs by jasnah)and they pkay innstruments. Flutes for example if i remember right.

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There's the percussion group that Lightsong has playing in front of a goddess' palace in order to annoy her into talking to him.


There's the song Dunny sang in the chasm, causing him to be the first person to join with Kaladin after Rock and Sigzil.


Rock says that songs are very important in Horneater culture.


There's hoid playing his flute, and Amaram with his wall of flutes.


There's the song Wayne rememers on his way to break up with Rannette.


That's all I can think of at the moment--I'm sure there are others.

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