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Original triology question *spoilers*


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So we all know the mist was designed by Preservation to snap people and awaken their allomancy. My question is that why did the mist begin to snap people during the 2nd book(WoA)? For example during the revolution againts the Lord Ruler, thousands of Skaa were in the mist yet none of them fell ill.

After reading the annotations by Brandon, it is stated that the mist will only start snapping people when the Well was full, so why did the mist continue to snap people after the power of the well was used up?

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Which was to have mistings burn the atium?


That was the biggest part, but it was also partly about defending themselves against the Koloss.  Suddenly discovering that they had a lot more mistings than they had realized helped save humanity and give them a better chance to survive as well.

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