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Star Wars: Lost Stars

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This is a tie-in canon Star Wars book I just finished today, and it is breathtakingly beautiful and I had to share.

The timeline starts before A New Hope and ends after Return of the Jedi. And it's a love story.

It's the story of two kids from an Outer Rim world who join the Imperial Academy to fulfill their dreams of flying awesome spaceships. After growing up together they fall in love.....and then one of them defects and joins the rebel alliance. Fighting on opposite sides of the war, ideologically separate but very very much in love, they go into every battle fearing they'll have to kill the other. I won't say any more because spoilers but this is an amazingly beautiful, complex human romance* plus an awesome Star Warsy plot with battles and spaceship tactics and basically you need to read this. My next step is gonna be looking up everything else written by Claudia Gray, the author.

* ie not "ooh he/she is good looking shiiinnnyyyy it's luuuurve" as in they're like actual people with a dynamic relationship.

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Amazing story. I loved the way they tied their stories together without just having them think and do the same things, and then the rescue at the end and yet an open ending... So good. Maybe even up to Sanderson quality.


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I had heard that Claudia Gray wrote a Star Wars tie-in, but I hadn't given it much thought until I read your gushing review, Delightful. I read her Evernight series and liked it. From your recommendation, it sounds like I will have to get my hands on a copy of this book! (Or suck a digital copy into the black hole that is my Kindle.)

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I'm already sucked into this Firebird series from her.  It's an amazing concept: cross-dimensional travel via body-hopping (like Days of Future Past, except between dimensions except back in time).  I'm 76% through the first book, and I just started reading it a few hours ago.  I read fast, but only if I'm interested enough.  I haven't gotten very far into The Golden Compass, by comparison, and I've had that checked out a lot longer.



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