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Hazekiller tactics for a Kolass Coinshot


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Hello all, I'm currently getting a Mistborn Adventure Game off the ground, my character is going to be a Kolass-blooded, Steel Misting. He's a mercenary that specialized as a Hazekiller. I've got a couple ideas myself for way's he can go about fighting other Metalborn, but I thought it wouldn't be a bad idea to get suggestions from other Mistborn enthusiasts. The game takes place in the Second era just in case that wasn't clear. I'm looking for any Hazekiller tactics people can think of, against any metalborn combination. Beyond my personal benefit, I haven't seen any Hazekiller topics(plz redirect me if I've missed em) and thought it would be fun mental exercise.

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Fair enough, but does being a misting render those tactics unusable? And beyond that, what if I'm without my metal?

Well, a Pewterarm can easily adopt hazekiller techniques and be scarily efficient at hazekilling.

Seekers and Smokers doesn't really have any Allomantic advantages in combat. Well, a skilled Seeker can recognize what metal is the opponent burning, when it is flared, how much left. That could be useful.

Soothers/Rioters aren't really combat type, unless you're Batman/ninja. You can scare people to death or make them more careless so they don't notice you until you slit their throats.

Leechers are just regular hazekillers with one-hit-kill. They touch the Allomancer, drain him, it's the end for him. Nicroburst have to be more careful about that.

Bendalloy Mistings, compare Wayne. Cadmium Mistings occupy opponents with combat until reinforcements arrive.

Electrum Mistings... we don't really know what electrum is truly capable of.

Aluminum, Duraluminum, Gold - useless in fight. (Unless burning aluminum makes you invulnerable to Shardblades and whatnot. Then you're Ultimate Investiture Killer).

Tineyes... compare Spook. But remember about flash grenades, loud noises, strong smells... Anyway it can be helpful if you're ninja type, you don't need light.

Lurchers and Coinshots have powers drastically redesigning the way they're fighting, so I don't see how hazekiller training can help.

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I appreciate your constructive response Oversleep, indeed coinshots do fight differently, it's one of the reasons I made this topic, I'm looking for tactical suggestions, both as a coinshot, and as a kolass-blooded, that I myself might not have thought of. It doesn't necessarily have to be an application of either of those things either, I'd enjoy hearing any True Hazekiller tactics people might of thought of, and not just against allomancers, but ferrings, twinborn, and compounders. I'd like to get a discussion going that peeps can take part in and other players of MAG can benefit from, as not everyone who plays may be a Metalborn in game.

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Well, being koloss-blooded makes you a little like Pewterarm, right? A little stronger, a little faster healing and so on.

So koloss-blooded hazekiller can be quite efficient and use Steelpushing only in dire situations. This gives advantage of surprise. Let's say you're a Coinshot and you're fighting this koloss-blooded hazekiller. When you finally think you got a clean shot and he's toast, he suddenly uses Steelpush to deflect the coin in your face. If you survive that, the real fight just only begun as you're fighting another Coinshot.

Of course, for it to work the hazekiller cannot carry any metal for projectiles, so it's a trade-off. But he can similarly Steelpush any metal weapon when he cannot parry or he can Steelpush himself away to dodge something which should have killed him.

Other than that, I don't see any advantages of employing hazekiller close combat when you can just shower the opponent with fast moving pieces of metal. Also, Steelpushing gives great speed and maneuverability.

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One tactic I've been thinking about for fighting Bendalloy users, is with a coinshot, get a large net that has metal weights on the end, throw it towards the bendalloy bubble, push on the weights so the net surrounds the bubble, and than as the net settles over it and the weights hit the ground, push again to sweep the Slider up in the net. Any thoghts on this or other techniques for combating Sliders?

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I've thought about that, but the problem would be getting into the bubble without getting shot. Sure firing out of it is just as hard to fire into, but the guy inside as around 60x the chances to hit that I would while I tried to charge in. Of course so long as he's not using aluminum gun/bullets or coinshot hazekiller rounds, I'd probably be fine, but that's not a risk I want to take if I can avoid it.

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A. Luck ferrings happen breh, you ain't always going to be on their side. B. When I say Hazekiller tactics, while I do include the traditional meaning, I'm also referring to any tactics at all that might be useful against metalborn. C. I will absolutely use steel pushing, provided the Chromium ferring doesn't get lucky and my vial breaks somehow. D. So what that I can turn metal into bullets? That doesn't remedy that the guy I'm shooting at just tripped and avoided my bullets. E. The best way I can think of to beat a Luck ferring, is put them in a no-win scenario, which while it sounds obvious, is harder than it seems while their burning luck.

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